
Older News

01/19: Class begins. Read the overview
01/20: Recap Lecture 1 (including code) in Handouts
01/21: Recap Lecture 2 in Handouts
01/28: Recap Lecture 3 in Handouts
01/28: TA info here
01/31: Discussion videos here
02/16: 2-day grace period added to p2
02/18: Extra TA office hours here
02/18: No discussion Friday 2/19; hurray!
02/18: P3 will be available not before 2/26; hurray!
02/23: No in-class lecture;
watch videos: Part1 Part2
02/25: No in-class lecture;
watch videos: Part1 Part2
02/26: No discussion; P3 release Monday
02/29: Section 3 P3 available
02/29: Section 1 P3 available
03/11: P3 (Sec 1) discussion: Tests
03/10: Old Exams - Study?
03/15: Sec 1 Exam Th 3/17@7:15pm (125 Ag Hall)
04/01: Video: p4 crawler
04/01: Not April Fools: P4
04/02: Video: p4 xv6