EPS: example-pattern.eps

Script: make-example-pattern.tcl

# source the library
source zplot-import.tcl

# define the canvas
PsCanvas -title "example-pattern.eps" -width 300 -height 40

set x 15
set y 15

set w 20
set s 10

foreach t {solid hline vline dline1 dline2 circle} {
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y-4] -text "$t" -size 8 -anchor c,h
PsBox -coord [expr $x-$w/2.0],$y:[expr $x+$w/2.0],[expr $y+$w] -fill t -fillstyle $t -linewidth 0.25
set x [expr $x + $w + $s]

foreach t {square triangle utriangle} {
PsText -coord $x,[expr $y-4] -text "$t" -size 8 -anchor c,h
PsBox -coord [expr $x-$w/2.0],$y:[expr $x+$w/2.0],[expr $y+$w] -fill t -fillstyle $t -linewidth 0.25 -fillsize 4 -fillskip 2
set x [expr $x + $w + $s]

# all done
PsRender -file "example-pattern.eps"