Assignment Information
CS435-Fall24 Introduction to Cryptography

We will have 5 problem sets assigned roughly biweekly as present in the schedule for 25 points each. We will drop the lowest grade out of the 5. Effectively, the problem sets will add up to 100 points. The problem sets are due and released roughly biweekly, every Wednesday. The assignments will cover the topics seen in class and supplementary material provided via Canvas. Any additional information required will be provided in the problem set.


You are allowed to collaborate with one other student. However, you must write up your solutions yourself. Also, please identify your collaborator (if any) clearly at the top of the submission.

Submitting someone else's work as your own is academic misconduct and will be dealt with in accordance with the University's Academic Misconduct policies.

Hand-in Instructions

All assignments must be handed in through Canvas. Solutions to all the assignments must be typed up in Latex and compiled to a pdf. You should submit the pdf as well as the Latex source via Canvas before 11:59 pm on the day the assignment is due. You are responsible for the submitted files. Verify that it is accurate and not malformed. We will provide the latex source code files for all the assignments. Feel free to use them to write your solutions.

AI/LLM Solver Policy

Usage of any websites, or AI/LLM solvers to solve the assignment problems is NOT recommended, but permitted. If you use an external resource, PLEASE PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS OF HOW YOU GOT YOUR ANSWERS.

Late Submission Policy

No late submissions are allowed without instructor's approval. If you are facing any issues with submitting your assignments, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.

Bonus Points

There will be 15 bonus points for in-class participation which will be awarded based on class attendance and in-person discussion. Bonus points will only be considered during final grading as mentioned in syllabus.