Insecurity of Tweak Chain Hashing
Thomas Ristenpart
For my final project in Professor Rogaway's ECS 227
I investigated Tweakable Block Ciphers by Liskov,
Rivest, and Wagner. They introduce several modes of operation,
one of which is Tweak Hash Chaining, a hash function built
from tweakable blockciphers. They leave the security of
TCH as an open question. I answered this question in the negative,
showing attacks against TCH when it is instantiated with either
tweakable blockciphers given in their paper.
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List of Updates:
(Feb 1, 2006) It's been brought to my attention that there's some
confusion as to who "got there first" regarding these
attacks on TCH. After a chat with John, it is definitely
the case that Black et al.
beat me to the punch, and had them as early as
2002 (the exact nature of these attacks
unbeknownst to me while I was working on the project).
Their Eurocrypt paper (linked below)
appeared slightly after I did my attacks, but John had posted
a note about it on his website much earlier than December 2003.
I'm sorry if this caused any confusion: John and company should
get the credit! I'll leave my write-up of the attacks here
for the curious reader, but one should reference their
paper in regards to these attacks.
(Earlier update) My result has been subsumed by
Black, Cochran, and Shrimpton, who have shown that
no efficient blockcipher-based hash functions are
secure. The TCH mode of operation suggested by
Liskov et al. falls into this efficient category.
Check out
their paper.