Russell Manning > Research > Automatic Recombination of
Separated Color Channels
Reduced-Size Color Versions of All Prokudin-Gorsky Triple Photos
Since the recombination technique is automatic, it was a simple matter to recombine
all 1,903 triple photos in the Library of Congress collection. Linked to this page
are small color versions of every photo in the collection.
Important Caveats!
- The original photos used in this experiment were 1/2 the size of
the final output provided here. Thus significant bluriness is evident
(as a result of doubling the photo size).
- The original black-and-white photos were in .jpg format and the
results have been saved in .jpg format, leading to some loss of image
quality. Also, .jpg format can introduce spurious features that could
have made the algorithm run worse than it might on photos stored in a
lossless format.
- When the algorithm was first run, about 5% of the output images
were not aligned correctly. This has subsequently been fixed by
rerunning the algorithm with different parameters (e.g., smaller
search distances). In a few cases, several sets of parameters had to
be tried to get the correct output. Typically, these tough cases were
either extremely repetitive images (e.g., an image showing only
bushes) or images with one dominant color (e.g., a large blue
Thumbnail indexes (choose an image set):
index 00001 - 00099
index 00100 - 00199
index 00200 - 00299
index 00300 - 00399
index 00400 - 00499
index 00500 - 00599
index 00600 - 00699
index 00700 - 00799
index 00800 - 00899
index 00900 - 00999
index 01000 - 01099
index 01100 - 01199
index 01200 - 01299
index 01300 - 01399
index 01400 - 01499
index 01500 - 01599
index 01600 - 01699
index 01700 - 01799
index 01800 - 01899
index 01900 - 01903
If you already know the number of the image you want, you can
bypass the thumbnail index and go directly to the appropriate image