unionR1∪R2: all tuples in R1 or R2; R1,R2,R1∪R2 have same schema; (bag) add # occurences
set difference/exceptR1−R2: all tuples in R1 and not in R2; R1,R2,R1∪R2 have same schema; (bag) subtract # occurences
selectionσc(R): returns all tuples in relation R which satisfy a condition c (=,<,>,and,or,not); output schema same as input schema; (bag) preserve # occurences
Cartesian/cross productR1×R2: each tuple in R1 with each tuple in R2; input schemas R1,R2; condition A∩B=∅; output schema S(A,B); rarely used without join; (bag) no duplicate elimination
relations with named fields
renamingρB1,…,Bn(R); does not change the relational instance, changes the relational schema only; input schema R(A); output schema S(B1,…,Bn)
derived operators
intersectionR1∩R2: all tuples both in R1 and in R2; R1,R2,R1∩R2 have same schema; derivation =R1−(R1−R2)
join (also, inner join and outer join)
theta joinR1⋈θR2: a join that involves a predicate (condition θ); input schemas R1,R2; condition A∩B=∅; output schema S(A,B); derivation =σθ(R1×R2)
natural joinR1⋈R2: combine all pairs of tuples in R1 and R2 that agree on the join attributes A∩B; input schemas R1,R2; output schema S(C1,…,Cp) where {C1,…,Cp}=A∪B; deviation σagreement on join attributes(R1×R2)
equi-joinR1⋈A=BR2: natural join is a particular case of equi-join (on all the common fields); most frequently used
divisionR1/R2: output contains all values a s.t. for every tuple (b) in R2, tuple (a,b) is in R1; input schemas R1(A,B),R2(B); output schema R(A)
extended relational algebra
group by/aggregateγX,Agg(Y)(R): group by the attributes in X, aggregate the attribute in Y (SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX); output schema: X + an extra numerical attribute
relational algebra experssions, 3 notations
sequences of assignment statements: (1) create temporary relation names, (2) renaming can be implied by giving relations a list of attributes; e.g., R3:=R1 JOINCR2 can be written: (1) R4:=R1∗R2, (2) R3:=SELECTC(R4)
expressions with several operators: interpret in order, or forced order by user-inserted parentheses, from highest to lowest: (1) unary operators (select, project, rename), (2) products and joins, (3) intersection, (4) union and set difference
expression trees (usually): leaves are operands ( either variables standing for relations or particular, constant relations); interior nodes are operators, applied to their child or children
Implementation of operators
no universally best technique for most operators
external sorting
motivation of sorting: data requested in sorted order; first step in bulk loading B+ tree index; eliminating duplicate copies in a collection of records, sort-merge join
2-way sort with 3 buffers: (Pass 0) read a page, sort it, write it (only 1 buffer page is used); (Pass 1, …) three buffer page used
2-way external merge sort: each pass we r+w each page in file; N pages in file ⟹# passes=⌈log2N⌉+1; total cost=2N(⌈log2N⌉+1); idea: divide and conquer - sort subfiles, merge
general external merge sort: more than 3 buffer pages; to sort a file with N pages using B buffer pages: (Pass 0): use B buffer pages, produce ⌈BN⌉ sorted runs of B pages each; (Pass 1, …) merge B−1 runs by sorting the first page of each sorted subset of pages; # passes=1+⌈logB−1⌈BN⌉⌉; total cost=2N∗(# passes)
typical case: if B buffer pages, a file of M pages, and M<B∗B, then the cost of sort is 4M. (Pass 0) create runs of B pages long, costing 2M; (Pass 1) create runs of B∗(B−1) pages long: if M<B∗B, then we are done, costing 2M
notion: R is Reserves, S is Sailors; M pages for R, PR tuples per page, N pages for S, pS tuples per page; B buffer pages; different hash functions h1 and h2; cost metric: # I/Os ignoring final output costs
nested loop join
tuple-based: foreach tuple tR in R, foreach tuple tS in S: if tRi == tSj then join(tR, tS). I/O cost: M+PR∗M∗N. B=2
page-based: foreach page pR in R, foreach page pS in S, foreach tuple tR in pR, foreach tuple tS in pS: if tRi == tSj then join(tR, tS). I/O cost M+M∗N, or if S is outer, N+N∗M, use whichever smaller. B=2
block: foreach block bR in R, foreach page pS in S, foreach tuple tR in bR, foreach tuple tS in pS: if tRi == tSj then join(tR, tS). ∣bR∣=B−2 as 1 page as input buffer for scanning inner S, and 1 page as output buffer. R scanned once, costing M page I/Os; read S for ⌈B−2M⌉ times. I/O cost M+N∗⌈B−2M⌉. I/O cost formula: scan of outer + # outer blocks * scan of inner (# outer blocks=⌈blocksize# pages of outer⌉)
index: foreach tuple tR in R, foreach tuple tS in S where tRi==tSj: join(tR, tS). If there is an index on the join column of one relation (say S), can make it the inner and exploit the index. I/O cost: M+((M∗PR)∗cost of finding matching S tuples). For each R tuple, cost of probing S index is about 1.2 for hash index, 2-4 for B+ tree. B=2
sort-merge joinR⋈i=jS
procesure: sort R and S on the join column, then scan them to do a merge, and output result tuples
scan: Advance scan of R until current R-tuple >= current S-tuple, then advance scan of S until current S-tuple >= current R-tuple; do this until current R-tuple = current S-tuple. At this point, all R-tuples with same value in Ri (current R group) and all S tuples with same value in Sj (current S group) match; output ⟨r,s⟩ for all pairs of such tuples. Then resume scanning R and S
general cost: R scanned once; each S group (equivalent) is scanned once per matching R tuple (with buffer hits, or nested loop, difficulty)
cost if M≤B2,N≤B2: sort 4M+4N, read in order and match M+N (no duplicate/match within 1 outer page, M∗N as NLJ if many duplicates [output size+M+N as upper bound]) by 2 buffer pages, total 5M+5N
cost if B=M+N: I/O cost B
procedure: (1) partition both relations using h1 into buckets [1,B−1]: R tuples could only match S tuples in same bucket; (2) matching tuples/h2-partition in each partition of R and the same partition of S by hashing R by h2 (or using block nested loop join)
observation: # partitions k<B−1 (1 input buffer), B−2>∣largest partition∣ (1 input buffer, 1 output buffer). For uniformly sized partitions with maximal k, k=B−1, B−1M<B−2, i.e., B>M. Could build in-memory hashtable to speed up with more memory. If h not uniform, could apply hash-join recursively to fit some partitions which does not fit in memory
I/O cost: 3(M+N) (partitioning r+w both relations 2(M+N), matching read both relations M+N)
general join conditions
equalities over join attributes A: (Index NL) build index on A, or using existing indexes on a subset or an element of A. (Sort-Merge and Hash) sort/partition on combination of the columns of A
inequality conditions: (Index NL) need (clustered) B+ tree index. (Sort-Merge and Hash) not applicable. (Block NL) best method
other relational operations
selectionSELECT R.C FROM Reserves R
file scan: scan whole table, O(M) I/Os
index scan: use indexes on attributes C: (hash index) O(1); (B+ tree index) height+X [unclustered] X=# selected tuples in worst case, [clustered] X=⌈PR# selected tuples⌉
projectionSELECT DISTINCT R.C FROM Reserves R, R(A)
sorting procedure: (1) modify pass 0 of external sort to eliminate unwanted fields (M I/Os for scan, ⌈M∗AC⌉ pages after projection and I/Os for write); (2) modify merging passes to eliminate duplicates (sorting I/Os calculated by above formula with -1 pass (pass 0 for unwanted) and pages after projection); (3) final scan (I/Os by # pages after projection)
hashing procedure: (partitioning) read R by 1 input buffer. for each tuple, discard unwanted fields, apply h1 to choose a partition in [1,B−1]; 2 tuples from different partitions guaranteed distinct. (duplicate elimination) for each partition, read and build an in-memory hashtable by h2 on all fields to remove duplicates. if partition does not fit in buffer memory, apply hash-based projection on the partition recursively
set operations
intersection and Cartesian/cross product: special cases of join
union (distinct)
sorting procedure: (1) sort both relations (on all attributes); (2) merge sorted relations eliminating duplicates
hashing procedure: (1) partition R and S by h1; (2) build in-memory hashtable for every partition Si (3) on that, scan corresponding partition Ri and add tuples if not duplicate
set difference/except: similar to union
without groupby: requires scanning the relation
sorting procedure: (1) sort on group by attributes (if any); (2) scan sorted tuples, computing running aggregate; (3) when the group by attribute changes, output aggregate result; I/O cost=sorting
hashing procedure: (1) hash on group by attributes (if any) (hash entry = group attributes + running aggregate); (2) scan tuples, probe hashtable, update hash entry; (3) scan hashtable and output each hash entry; I/O cost=scan relation
index procedure
without groupby: given B+ tree on aggregate attributes in SELECT or WHERE clauses, do index-only scan
with groupby: given B+ tree on all attributes in SELECT, WHERE, and GROUPBY clauses, do index-only scan; if GROUPBY attributes form prefix of search key, tuples retrived in GROUPBY order
Query optimization
query plans
logical query plan: created by the parser from the input SQL text; expressed as a relational algebra tree; each SQL query has many possible logical plans
physical query plan: goal is to choose an efficient implementation for each operator in the RA tree; each logical plan has many possible physical plans
transformed: access path selection for each relation (scan or index); implementation choice for each operator (e.g., nested loop join, hash join); scheduling decisions for operators (pipelined or batch)
pipeline: tuples generated by an operator are immediately sent to the parent (used whenever possible)
benefits: no operator synchronization issues; no need to buffer tuples between operators; no r+w intermediate data from disk
batch/materialize: write the intermediate result before we start the next operator (which read the result)
query optimization process: (1) identifies candidate equivalent relational algebra trees (i.e., logical query plan); (2) for each relational algebra tree, it finds the best annotated version (using any available indexes) (i.e., physical query plan); (3) chooses the best/cheapest overall plan by estimating the I/O cost of each plan
System R optimizer: cost estimation for cost of operations and result sizes, by approximate with statistics, considering CPU + I/O costs; to prune large plan space, only consider the space of left-deep plans and avoid cartesian products
relational algebra tree transformation on physical plan enumeration
pushing down (execute as early as possible in query plan)
selections: always possible to change the order through projections, joins, other selections
projections: through selections, joins
reason: fewer tuples in intermediate steps of plan
note: unable to use the index of a column after pushing a selection down
join reordering by R⋈S⋈T⋈U
properties: (communitativity) R⋈S≡S⋈R; (associativity) (R⋈S)⋈T≡R⋈(S⋈T); can reorder in any way (exponentially many)
left-deep join: ((R⋈S)⋈T)⋈U; benefit to focus: allow pipeline; n! possible trees
right-deep join: R⋈(S⋈(T⋈U)); n! possible trees
bushy join: (R⋈S)⋈(T⋈U); (n−1)!(2n−2)! possible trees
cost estimation of query plan
must estimate cost of each operation in plan tree; depends on input cardinalities; algorithm cost (previously)
must also estimate size of result for each operation in tree; use information about the input relations; for selections and joins, assume independence of predicates
system catalog updated periodically (everytime is expensive)
statistics: # tuples and # pages for each relation; # distinct key values and # pages for each index; index height, low/high key values for each tree index
histograms for some values are sometimes stored
Transaction management
motivation: recovery, durability, concurrency, or in all to avoid inconsistency
transaction: a sequence of SQL statements that you want to execute as a single atomic unit; BEGIN TRANSACTION; {SQL} COMMIT; or START TRANSACTION {SQL} END TRANSACTION, use ROLLBACK for COMMIT to abort
without: execute a transaction half way (e.g., app crash); that can leave app in an inconsistent state
atomic: all actions in the transaction happen, or none happen. if a transaction crashes half way, then remove its effect
consistent: a database in a consistent state will remain in a consistent state after the transaction
isolation: the execution of a transaction is isolated from other (possibly interleaved) transaction. if two users run transactions concurrently, they should not interfere with each other
durable: once a transaction commits, its effects must persist
implementation: DB ensures ACID by using locks and crash recovery. User App must be structured as executing transactions on a database
types of failures
wrong data entry: prevent by having constraints in the database; fix by data cleaning
disk crashes: prevent by using redundancy (RAID, archive); fix by using archives
system failures: most frequent (e.g., power); use recovery by log (as internal state is lost)
log: a file that records every single action of the transaction
an append-only file containing log records
multiple transactions run concurrently, log records are interleaved
after a system crash, use log to: redo/undo some transaction that did not commit
elements: assumes that the database is composed of elements (usually 1 element = 1 block, can be = 1 record or = 1 relation); assumes each transaction r/w some elements
primitive operations of transactions
INPUT(X): read element X to memory buffer
READ(X, t): copy element X to transaction local variable t
WRITE(X, t): copy transaction local variable t to element X
OUTPUT(X): write element X to disk
undo logging
log records
<START T>: transaction T has begun
<COMMIT T>: T has committed
<ABORT T>: T has aborted
<T,X,v>: T has updated element X, and its old value was v
If T modifies X, then <T,X,v> must be written to disk before X is written to disk
If T commits, then <COMMIT T> must be written to disk only after all changes by T are written to disk (no need to undo)
OUTPUTs are done early (before COMMIT)
recovery after system crash
procedure: (1) decide each transaction T whether completed: (complete) <START T> ... <COMMIT T>, <START T> ... <ABORT T>; (incomplete) <START T> ....... (2) undo all modifications by incompleted transactions
read log from end; cases: (<COMMIT T>/<ABORT T>) mark T as completed; (<T,X,v>) if T not completed then write X=v to disk, else ignore; (<START T>) ignore
all undo commands are idempotent: if we perform them a second time, no harm is done (e.g., crash during recovery)
stop reading: until beginning of log file, or (better) use checkpointing
recovery with nonquiescent checkpointing procedure: (1) look for the last <END CKPT>, undo all uncommitted transactions along the way; (2) stop until the corresponding <START CKPT>
checkpoint the database periodically: (1) stop accepting new transactions; (2) wait until all curent transactions complete; (3) flush log to disk; (4) write a log record, flush; (5) resume transactions
nonquiescent checkpointing: checkpoint while database is operational (not freezing DB)
procedure: (1) write a <START CKPT(T1, ..., Tk)> where T1, ..., Tk are all active transactions; (2) continue normal operation; (3) when all of T1, ..., Tk have completed, write <END CKPT> (ensures the system did not crash and the checkpoint terminated)
redo logging
log records 1 change: <T,X,v>: T has updated element X, and its new value is v
If T modifies X, then both <T,X,v> and <COMMIT T> must be written to disk before X is written to disk
If <COMMIT T> is not seen, T definitely has not written any of its data to disk (no dirty data)
OUTPUTs are done late (after COMMIT)
recovery after system crash
procedure: (1) decide each transaction T whether completed (same as undo logging); (2) read log from the beginning, redo all updates of committed transactions
nonquiescent checkpointing procedure: (1) write a <START CKPT(T1, ..., Tk)> where T1, ..., Tk are all active transactions; (2) flush to disk all blocks of committed transactions (dirty blocks), while continuing normal operation; (3) when all blocks have been written, write <END CKPT>
recovery with nonquiescent checkpointing procedure: (1) look for the last <END CKPT>; (2) redo all committed transactions that are listed in and starting after this <START CKPT ...>
undo/redo logging
log records 1 change: <T,X,u,v>: T has updated element X, its old value was u, and its new value is v
If T modifies X, then <T,X,u,v> must be written to disk before X is written to disk
Free to OUTPUTearly or late
recovery procedure: (1) redo all committed transaction, top-down; (2) undo all uncommitted transactions, bottom-up
types of anomalies
redundancy: repetition of data
update anomalies: update one item and forget others = inconsistencies
deletion anomalies: delete many items, delete one item, loose other information
insertion anomalies: cannot insert one item without inserting others
good design: (1) start with original db schema R; (2) transform it until we get a good design R∗
desirable properties of R∗/schema refinement: minimize redundancy; avoid info loss; preserve dependencies/constraints; ensure good query performance (can be conflicting)
normal forms: transform R to R∗ in some of normal forms
motivation: recognize a good design R∗; transform R into R∗; using R directly causes anomalies
examples: Boyce-Codd or 3.5NF (focus), 3NF (FD preserving), 1NF (all attributes are atomic) normal forms
If R∗ is in a normal form, then R∗ is guaranteed to achieve certain good properties
procedure: (1) take a relation schema; (2) test it against a normalization criterion; (3) if it passes, fine! maybe test again with a higher criterion; (4) if it fails, decompose into smaller relations; each of them will pass the test; each can then be tested with a higher criterion
functional dependencies
definitionA→B (A functionally determines B): if two tuples agree on attributes A1,…,An as A, then they must also agree on attributes B1,…,Bm as B
properties: a form of constraint (in schema); finding them is part of DB design; used heavily in schema refinement
checkingA→B: (1) erase all other columns; (2) check if the remaining relation is many-one (functional in math)
creating schema: list all FDs we believe valid; FDs should be valid on all DB instances conforming the schema
relation keys
key of relation R: a set of attributes that functionally determines all attributes of R (certain FDs are true); none of its subsets determines all attributes of R
superkey: a set of attributes that contains a key; including a key itself
rules for finding key of relation from: (entity set) the set of attributes which is the key of the entity set; (many-many) the set of all attribute keys in the relations corresponding to the entity sets
trivial: An FD X→A is called trivial if the attribute A belongs in the attribute set X
Armstrong’s Axioms on sets of attributes like A={Ai}i=1i=n (other sets could of different sizes)
basic rules: (reflexivity) A→a subset of A; (augmentation) if A→B then AC→BC; (transitivity) if A→B and B→C then A→C
additional rules: (union) if X→Y and X→Z then X→YZ; (decomposition) if X→YZ then X→Y and X→Z; (pseudo-transitivity) if X→Y and YZ→U then XZ→U
closure of FD set S as S+: all FDs logically implied by S
procedure of inference: (1) S+←S; (2) loop: (2-1) foreach f in S apply reflexivity and augmentation rules, (2-2) add new FDs to S+, (2-3) foreach pair of FDs in S apply the transitivity rule, (2-4) add newe FDs to S+; (3) finish when S+ does not change any further
closure of attribute set A as A+: (1) A+←A; (2) loop: if B→C is in S and B are all in X and C is not in X then add C to A+; (3) finish when A+ does not change any further
usage: (test if X a superkey) check if X+ contains all attributes of R; (check if X→Y holds) check if Y is contained in X+
another way to compute FD closure S+: (1) foreach subset of attributes X in relation R: compute X+; (2) foreach subset of attributes Y in X+: output FD X→Y
relational schema/logical design: (conceptual model) ER diagram; (relational model) create tables, specify FDs, find keys; (normalization) use FDs to decompose tables for better design
relation decomposition
in general: decompose R(A) into R1(B) and R2(C) s.t. B∪C=A and R1 is projection of R on B and R2 is projection of R on C
lossless (desirable property #2): a decomposition is lossless if we can recover (R(A,B,C)→R1(A,B),R2(A,C)→R′(A,B,C), R′=R not larger)
another definition of lossless decomposition: decompositions which produce only lossless joins
lossy join: if you decompose a relation schema, then join the parts of an instance via a natural join, you might get more rows than you started with
FD preserving (desirable property #3): given a relation R and a set of FDs S and decomposition R→R1,R2, suppose R1 has a set of FDs S1, R2 has a set of FDs S2, we say the decomposition is FD preserving if by enforcing S1 over R1 and S2 over R2 we can enforce S over R
not FD preserving for X→Y: when a relation is decomposed, the X of ends up only in one of the new relations and the Y ends up only in another
definition: a relation R is in BCNF iff: whenever there is a nontrivial FD A→B for R then A is a superkey for R
equivalent definition: for every attribute set X in R, either X+=X or X+=all attributes
decomposition procedure: (1) find a FD that violates the BCNF condition A→B (heuristics: choose largest B); (2) decompose A and B to R1, A and remaining attributes to R2 (any 2-attribute relation is in BCNF); (3) continue until no BCNF violations left
properties of BCNF decomposition: removes all redundancy based on FD; is lossless-join; is not always FD preserving