Midterm, Fall 2022 (Lecture: AnHai Doan; Slide: AnHai Doan, Paris Koutris, R. Ramakrishnan)
Ruixuan Tu (ruixuan.tu@wisc.edu), University of Wisconsin-Madison
- entity: an object in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects which is described using a set of attributes; represented by rectangles (ER diagram)
- entity set: a collection of similar entities. more than the name of something: has at least one nonkey attribute; OR the “many” in a many-1 or many-many relationship
- relationship/table: a set of n-tuples/records of entities, i.e., E1×⋯×En where data is stored in
- attributes: a set to describe an entity or a relation, each has an atomic type/domain: string, integers, reals, etc.; represented by ovals attached to an entity set (ER diagram)
- binary relations:
- multiway relation: a relation connecting multiple entity sets, could convert to many binary relations by treating this multiway relation as an entity with many-1 relations to connected entities
- tenary relation: an association among 3 entity sets (3-tuple)
- role: an entity set multiple times in one relationship; label the edges to indicate the roles (ER diagram)
role: ; weak entity set:
- subclass/is-a hierarchy: special case = fewer entities = more properties: is-a triangles (ER diagram) indicate the subclass relationship. (isa is 1-1 relation without arrow; the point of the triangle points to the superclass; isa structure must be trees)
- weak entity set: Entity sets are weak when their key attributes come from other classes to which they are related (i.e., part-of hierarchies, splitting n-ary relations to binary). Entity set E is said to be weak if in order to identify entities of E uniquely, we need to follow one or more many-1 relationships from E and include the key of the related entities from the connected entity sets
- constraint: an assertion about the database that must be true at all times; part of the database schema
- key constraint/key: requirement of a minimal set of attributes whose values uniquely identify an entity in the set
- single-value constraint: requirement of at most one value for a given attribute, relationship, or role for an entity; the attribute value must be present or can be missing (represented by
or -1
); a many-1 relation implies single value constraint
- referential integrity constraint: requirement of exactly one value for a relationship or role; an attribute has a non-
, single value; more commonly used to refer to relationships; on relationships explicitly requires a reference to exist; different arrow, see weak entity set (ER diagram)
- domain constraint/domain: requirement of an atomic type, i.e., a set of possible values for each attribute associated with an entity set
- primary key: There could be more than one candidate key; if so, we designate one of them as the primary key. Underline primary key only suggested, multiple keys not formal (ER diagram). More than one primary key - composite key
- design principles: be faithful, avoid redundancy, KISS, limit the use of weak entity sets, don’t use an entity set when an attribute will do
Relational model and translating ER to relational
- schema: entity set E = relation with attributes of E; relationship R = relation with attributes being keys of related entity sets + attributes of R; e.g.,
Product(name, price, category, manufacturer)
; in practice, we add the domain for each attribute
- instance of a relationship set: a set of relationships, or a “snapshot” of the relationship set at some instant in time
- translating/merging many-1 relations / combining the relation for an entity-set E with the relation R for a many-1 relationship from E to another entity set:
Drinkers(name, addr)
+ Favorite(drinker, beer)
= Drinker1(name, addr, favoriteBeer)
- translating many-many/1-1 relations: risky many-many translation leads to redundancy if not with id (i.e., with repeated fields); 1-1 relationship should be merged with one of the entities tables
- translating weak entity sets: Relation for a weak entity set must include attributes for its complete key (including those belonging to other entity sets), as well as its nonkey attributes. A supporting (double-diamond) relationship is redundant and yields no relation
- translating subclass entities
- Object-oriented: each entity belongs to exactly one class; create a relation for each class, with all its attributes (good for querying a specific subclass)
- E/R style: create one relation for each subclass, with only the key attribute(s) and attributes attached to that E.S.; entity represented in all relations to whose subclass/E.S. it belongs (good for querying all subclasses)
- Use
s: create one relation; entities have NULL
in attributes that don’t belong to them (good for space saving unless lots of NULL
- SQL Query Build
- Two single quotes inside a string represent the single-quote (apostrophe)
- SQL is case-insensitive except inside quoted strings
desired attributes (S
may contain attributes a1, ..., ak
and/or any aggregates but NO OTHER ATTRIBUTES); FROM
one or more tables; WHERE
condition about tuples of tables (C1
is any condition on the attributes in R1, ..., Rn
is any condition on aggregate expressions)
- Semantics/Evaluation: (1) Compute the FROM-WHERE part, obtain a table with all attributes in
R1, ..., Rn
; (2) Group by the attributes a1, ..., ak
; (3) Compute the aggregates in C2
and keep only groups satisfying C2
; (4) Compute aggregates in S
and return the result; Implementations (nested loops, parallel assignment without order, translation to relational algebra)
- Single-Table Queries
all attributes of this relation in FROM
; SELECT name1 AS <new name>, name2
to rename an attribute name1
; Any expression that makes sense can appear as an element of a SELECT clause (including constant expression, e.g., ‘likes Bud’ AS whoLikesBud
: attribute names of the relation(s) used in FROM
; comparison operators: =
, <>
(not equal), <, >
, <=
, >=
; apply arithmetic operations: stockprice*2
; operations on strings (e.g., “||” for concat); Lexicographic order on strings; Pattern matching: s LIKE p
; Special stuff for comparing dates and times; AND
, OR
, parentheses in the usual way boolean conditions are built
s LIKE p
: pattern matching on strings; p
special symbols: %
= any sequence of chars, _
= any single char
- Multi-Table Queries
- Several relations in one query by listing in
; Distinguish attributes of the same name by <relation>.<attribute>
- Distinguish copies of same relation by following the relation name by the name of a tuple-variable in the
clause (e.g., FROM Beers b1, Beers b2
- Aggregation
, and MAX
can be applied to a column in a SELECT clause to produce that aggregation on the column
counts # tuples
inside an aggregation causes duplicates to be eliminated before the aggregation (e.g., SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT price)
never contributes to any aggregation; if no non-NULL
values in column, the result of aggregation is NULL
with aggregation: If any aggregation is used, then each element of the SELECT
list must be either: Aggregated, OR An attribute on the GROUP BY
list (e.g., SELECT bar, MIN(price)
- Group-by and Having
GROUP BY a1, ..., ak
: the relation is grouped according to values of all those attributes, and any aggregation is applied only within each group
HAVING <condition>
: groups not satisfying the condition are eliminated; conditions may refer to any relation or tuple-variable in the FROM
clause; may be A grouping attribute OR Aggregated; (e.g., SELECT beer, AVG(price) FROM Sells GROUP BY beer HAVING COUNT(bar) >= 3;
- Meaning depends on context, e.g., missing value, inapplicable
- SQL Conditions:
(when comparing with NULL
); Query with WHERE
only returns values with TRUE
- Testing:
- Subqueries/Nested Queries: a parenthesized SELECT-FROM-WHERE statement which can be used as a value in a number of places, including FROM and WHERE clauses; better use a tuple-variable to name tuples of the result; runtime error if there is not exactly one tuple
- Boolean Operators
: <tuple> IN <relation>
is true iff the tuple is a member of the relation; NOT IN
opposite; boolean appear in WHERE
clauses; <relation>
often a query
: EXISTS(<relation>)
is true if and only if the <relation>
is not empty; boolean appear in WHERE
: x=ANY(<relation>)
is a boolean condition meaning that x
equals at least one tuple in the relation; =
can be replaced by any comparison operator
: x<>ALL(<relation>)
is true iff for every tuple t
in the relation, x
is not equal to t
(i.e., x
is not a member of the relation); <>
can be replaced by any comparison operator
- DB Schema
- Create/Remove Relation:
CREATE TABLE <name> (<list of [element type properties]>);
, DROP TABLE <name>;
- Types:
, CHAR(n)
(fixed n chars), VARCHAR(n)
(variable-length up to n chars), NOT NULL
(reject insertion if unknown), DEFAULT <value>
(use <value>
if unknown)
- Properties for attribute element:
(index, only one for a relation, non-NULL
(non-index, could multiple for a relation, allow NULL
- Multiattribute Keys: key declaration be another element in the list of a
statement; essential if more than one attributes in key; (e.g., CREATE TABLE Sells (bar CHAR(20), beer VARCHAR(20), price REAL, PRIMARY KEY (bar, beer));
- Create/Remove Attribute: (declaration = an element in
list) ALTER TABLE <name> ADD <attribute declaration>;
, ALTER TABLE <name> DROP <attribute name>;
- DB Modification
- Insert:
INSERT INTO <relation>(<attributes>) VALUES (<list of values>);
or <list of list of values>
; (<attributes>)
optional; (e.g., INSERT INTO Likes VALUES(‘Sally’, ‘Bud’);
= INSERT INTO Likes(beer, drinker) VALUES(‘Bud’, ‘Sally’);
); Reasons Specifying Attributes: (1) We forget the standard order of attributes for the relation; (2) We don’t have values for all attributes, and we want the system to fill in missing components with NULL
or a default value; Also support INSERT INTO <relation> (<subquery>);
- Delete:
DELETE FROM <relation> WHERE <condition>;
; WHERE <condition>
optional to delete all tuples; Procedure: (1) Mark all for deletion by WHERE
; (2) Delete all marked
- Update:
UPDATE <relation> SET <list of attribute assignments> WHERE <condition on tuples>;
(e.g., UPDATE Sells SET price = 4.00 WHERE price > 4.00;
- Constraints
- trigger: only executed when a specified condition occurs
- types: keys, foreign-key/referential-integrity, value-based (values of an attribute), tuple-based (relationship), assertions (any SQL boolean expression)
- foreign keys: referenced key must be in the table;
FOREIGN KEY (<list of attributes>) REFERENCES <relation> (<attributes>)
OR <attribute> REFERENCES <relation>(<attribute>)
- violations: (1) insert/update to R introduces values not found in S; (2) deletion/update to S causes some tuples of R to “dangle”
- handle violations: reject insert/update introduces nonexist reference; for delete/update removes reference: (1) Default - reject; (2) Cascade - make same change in R; (3) Set
- change referenced value to NULL
- policy declaration: after foreign key declaration, add
- attribute-based checks: after attribute declaration, add
CHECK(<condition> IN <subquery>)
; <condition>
may use name of this attribute, any other relation or attribute name must be in a subquery; IN <subquery>
- tuple-based checks: add
as an element of CREATE TABLE
list; <condition>
may use name of this relation, any other relation or attribute name must be in a subquery; on insert or update only
- assertions: for whole DB like relations (
); CREATE ASSERTION <name> CHECK (<condition>);
; <condition>
may use any relation or attribute in DB
- Set Operators
<subquery> <operator> <subquery>
: Returns the tuples that belong in both/either subquery results
: Returns the tuples that belong in the first and not the second subquery result
: # copies of each tuple is the sum of # copies in the subqueries
: # copies of each tuple is the minimum of # copies in the subqueries
: # copies of each tuple is the difference (if positive) of # copies in the subqueries
: includes tuples only if there is a match on other side; equivalence:
SELECT C.Name AS Country, MAX(T.Population) AS N FROM Country C, City T
WHERE C.Code = T.CountryCode GROUP BY C.Name;
SELECT-FROM ... INNER JOIN City T ON C.Code = T.CountryCode GROUP BY C.Name;
: includes the left tuples even if there is no match on right; fills the remaining attributes with NULL. OUTER RIGHT JOIN
: includes both left and right tuples even if there is no match on other side; fills the remaining attributes with NULL
Storage and buffer management
- layered architecture: query optimization & execution, relational opterators, files and access methods (sorted file, heap file, hash index, B+-tree index), buffer management, disk space management (+ concurrency control manager, recovery manager)
- reasons why DBMS, not OS, handles cache and disk: better predicting reference patterns; buffer requires ability to pin page in buffer, force page to disk, adjust replacement policy, pre-fetch pages; better control I/O and computation overlap; leverage multiple disks effectively
- table, file, page: Table is stored as a file on disk; File has multiple pages (suppporting insert/delete/modify record, read record with id, scan all records with conditions); Each page has multiple tuples/records, DBMS works on a page at a time in buffer
- disk blocks/pages: units where data is stored in (location important); block size is a fixed multiple of sector size
- HDD: location (ϕ,r) at platter p, cylinder has r, track has r,p, sector has ϕ,r,p; e.g.
surface 3, track 5, sector 7
; platters spin to ϕ by spindle (rpm), arms assembly moves to r simultaneously, only one head R/W at one time
- access (R/W) time = seek time (arm move) + rotational delay (block rotate) + transfer time (actual data move) [sorted from long to short, transfer very short] (causes random time >> sequential time)
- disk space management layer: allocate/delete/read/write a page
- buffer management layer: serve page requests from higher levels (data must be in RAM to operate); table of <frame#, pageid> pairs is maintained
def access(REQUESTED_PAGE_ID):
FRAME_FOR_REPLACEMENT = replacement_policy()
POOL[REQUESTED_PAGE_ID].pin_count += 1
def release(REQUESTED_PAGE_ID):
POOL[REQUESTED_PAGE_ID].pin_count -= 1
- replacement policy: chooses frame for replacement; can have big impact on # I/O’s depending on the access pattern (80-20: OPT>LRU=Clock>FIFO=RAND, Loop: OPT>RAND>FIFO=LRU)
- optimal: 82% hit rate; only cold-start/compulsory miss & predicts future
- heavy computation: LRU (Least Frequently Used, Bad for scan resistence i.e. looping-sequential), MFU (Most-Frequently-Used), MRU (Most-Recently-Used)
- less computation: FIFO, Clock or Approximate LRU (used bit; less computation), Random
P = RandPage();
if (P.Used == True) { P.Used = False;
if (P == len(AllPages)) P = 0;
else P++; }
else Evict(P)
- sequential flooding: nasty situation caused by LRU + repeated sequential scans; # buffer frames < # pages in file makes cache invalid; MRU doesn’t have this problem
- page formats: slotted page format, each page contains a record; record id = <page id, slot #>; search/insert/delete records on page
- fixed length records: unpacked, bitmap (if records in use) + # slots for a page; doesn’t move records for free space [packed have problem for record id change for references]
- variable length records: slot directory (records offset + record length) + # slots + pointer to start of free space for a page; can move records without changing record id; delete by setting offset to -1; insert by using any available slot OR reorganize when no available space; free space pointer points to last free space
- record formats
- fixed length: base address B for each record; field Addr(Fi)=B+∑j=1i−1Length(Fj), i.e., doesn’t need to scan record; field types are same for all records in a file stored in system catalogs
- variable length with fixed # fields: field count + fields delimited by special symbols; OR array of field offsets (direct access to field without scan, efficient storage of
s, small directory cost)
- system catalog: structure (e.g., B+ tree) + search key fields for each index; name, file name, file structure (e.g., heap file) + atrribute name and type (for each attribute) + index name (for each index) + integrity constraints for each relation; view name and definition for each view; + statistics, authorization, buffer pool size, etc. [Catalogs are stored as relations, e.g.,
Attr_Cat(attr_name, rel_name, type, position)
File organization and indexing
- index: a data structure that organizes records of a table to optimize retrieval; based on search key (= primary key) attributes; contains a collection of data entries to locate the records [trade off: fast query, slow update]; SQL
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (<list of column_name>);
- heap file: unordered, pages alloc/dealloc for file growth/shrink; keep track of pages in file (pid), free space on pages, records on a page (rid); implementations:
- list: (header page id, heap file name) for a file; 2 pointers + data for each page; 2 lists (full pages, pages with free space) linked to header
- page directory: header page as directory (# free bytes for page free/full + pointer to data page) for a file; much smaller than linked list
- sorted file: sort on a single attribute OR on a combination of attributes (“search keys” or just “keys”); not keys of entity set
- hash file/hash index: a collection of buckets [bucket = primary page + overflow pages (linked list of pages), one or more data entries for each bucket, store <k, record> (slower search)/<k, rid> (smaller)/<k, list of rids> (more compact but variable size) for each data entry]; hash function h, search key k, # buckets N: h(k)modN = bucket in which the data entry belongs; Records with different k may belong in the same bucket; Good for equality search & constant I/O cost for search/insert
- B+ tree file: most used
- operations: scan, sort, equality/range search (efficient), insert/delete tuples
- complexity
- search/insert/delete O(logFN)=h−LB+OUT; height-balanced; 1 node = 1 page [F=fanout (# pointers to child nodes coming out of a node, d+1≤F≤2d+1, higher fanout means smaller depth), N=# leaf pages, typical fill factor f=32 (% available slots in tree that are filled), height h=⌈logFfN⌉, LB= # levels, OUT= cost reading sequential pages for range]
- minimum 50% occupancy (except for root): each node has d≤m≤2d entries; root node has 1≤m≤2d entries (d=order of tree)
- internal nodes: index entries (direct search); leaf nodes: data entries (“sequence set”)
- one-way arrow to child node, two-way arrow between leaf nodes
- read can have at minimum 1 disk I/O if all internal nodes are cached, and I/O at reading leaf
- insertion
- Find correct leaf node L after the smallest possible node or at the beginning
- Insert data entry in L
- If L has enough space, done!
- Else, must split L (into L and a new node L′)
- Redistribute entries evenly, copy up middle key (inserted at right) at index ⌈2n⌉ in merged array
- Insert index entry pointing to L′ into parent of L
- This can propagate recursively to other nodes
- To split index node, redistribute entries evenly, but push up middle key (contrast with leaf splits)
- Splits “grow” tree (wider/one level taller at top); root split increases height
- deletion
- Start at root, find leaf L where entry belongs
- Remove the entry
- If L is at least half-full, done!
- If L has only d−1 entries,
- Try to re-distribute, borrowing one or more from sibling (adjacent node with same parent as L; prefer choosing the sibling which will have minimal redistribution), middle key copied up
- If re-distribution fails, merge L and sibling
- If merge occurred, must delete entry (pointing to L or sibling) from parent of L
- If redistribution occured in internal node, borrow from upper level, and push the edge element at another side to upper level, until balanced
- Merge could propagate to root, middle key moved up, decreasing height
- duplicate keys solutions: (1) All entries with a given key value reside on a single page, Use overflow pages; (2) Allow duplicate key values in data entries, Modify search operation
- clustered index: the order of records matches the order of data entries in the index
- primary index: an index which the search key contains the primary key (unique, one)
- secondary index: an index which is not primary index
- unique index: an index which the search key contains a candidate key