This dataset includes the original HDR image series for the Stanford Memorial Church radiance map from the paper: Paul E. Debevec and Jitendra Malik. Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs. In SIGGRAPH 97, August 1997. The .png images were taken from PhotoCD scans of film pictures taken on Kodak Gold 100 ASA film. The scans were decoded to 512x768 pixel resolution. The pictures were manually registered using feature points and homographies using the Facade photogrammetric modeling system. The pure blue color indicates shifted image border areas and should not be used in the HDR assembly process. The .hdr_image_list.txt file indicates the shooting parameters for each picture. Gain doubles the exposure amount when it goes up by 3 decibels. f/stop quadruples the exposure amount each time it goes DOWN by a factor of two. No neutral density filters were used in this sequence. The .hdr image is the assembled radiance maps, in Greg Larson's RADIANCE high dynamic range image file format. Software to display, manipulate, and convert this image type can be found at: Paul Debevec