Sambavi Muthukrishnan

January 16, 2000

Work Address                                                                                                                                     Home Address

Computer Sciences Department                                                                                                             Apt no 16

University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                                                                           112 North Orchard Street

1210 West Dayton Street                                                                                                                      Madison

Madison, WI 53706-1685, USA                                                                                                            WI, 53715, USA

Phone:- (608)2626612                                                                                                             Phone:- (608)2553244

Current status: MS/PhD student                                                                                                                                     Immigration Status: F1


Seeking a summer internship in the area of systems - Databases/Networking/Operating systems.


Graduate Student, September 1999 - present

Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

GPA: 4.0/4.0

BE Computer Science and Engg., August 1995 - May 1999

School of Computer Science, College of Engg. Guindy, Anna University, India

GPA: 9.8/10.0

Class rank: 1 / 82

University wide rank: 1

Project Work:

Graduate class projects:

Advanced Operating Systems CS 736 - Fall 1999

Working as a team of two, we developed a file system interface to the World

Wide Web on Linux. This provided a uniform interface for files on the local

file system and web documents and enabled applications written to use the

local file system to be automatically extended to use web files. The project

required the implementation of a new file system for Linux as a kernel module.

Introduction to Computer Networks CS 640 - Fall 1999

Working as a team of three, we designed and implemented protocols for reliable

multicasting on a datagram network. The protocols we developed were for a

reliable multicast transport layer and for a datagram multicast-capable network

layer over UDP.

Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation CS 564 - Fall 1999

In a team of two, we developed various components of a single-user DBMS to

execute certain simple SQL queries. The components that we developed include a

buffer manager, heapfiles, relational and attribute catalogs and implementation

of relational operators(sort merge join, grace hash join, selection,


Selected Undergraduate projects:

Area: Distributed Systems

The project entailed the implementation of an interoperability model between

the distributed object models DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) and

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) to enable DCOM clients to

access and use CORBA objects like native DCOM objects.

Area: System Software

This project involved the design of an efficient two-pass assembler(coded in C)

for a well constructed subset of the 68000 instuction set. A software simulation

of the 68000 processor on 80x86 was developed to serve as the base for the


Area: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence techniques in Prolog were used to enable a smart

simulation of the Indian game of Pallankuzhi as a computer-human game. The

minimax algorithm was used to decide the computer's moves.

Technical papers presented:

Sambavi Muthukrishnan and Arul Siromoney, Performance Evaluation of a

Distributed Web Based Information System}, presented at the 5th International

Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 98),

Honors and Awards:

Awarded University Vilas Fellowship 1999-2000 by the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Awarded the Guindy Engineering College Gold Medal 1996 and 1999, Ramanujam Endowment

for academic excellence in undergraduate study

Recipient of the National Talent Scholarship awarded by the National Council for

Educational Research and Training, Govt. of India

Ranked 2nd in the state in the Engineering Admissions list for admission to the

Engineering colleges in Tamilnadu, India (also selected at national level for

admission to the IIT's - ranked in the top 2% of the candidates who took the

Joint Entrance Exam 1995)

Ranked 6th in the Inter-State(India) Talent tests in Mathematics, 1993

Work Experience

Summer Intern, June 1998-July 1998, SRA Systems Ltd., Chennai, India

Explored three deployment options for the company's MIS developed as three-tier

architecture using DCOM. The study involved a comparison of the performance of

the deployment options. The result of this study was presented at HiPC 98.

Graduate Courses

Introduction to Computer Networks (CS 640)

DBMS: Design and Implementation (CS 564)

Advanced Operating Systems (CS 736)

Distributed Systems (CS 739) ( taken in Spring 2000 )

Topics in DBMS (CS 764) ( taken in Spring 2000 )

Independent research (CS 790) ( taken in Spring 2000 )


Available on request