CS 766 Homework 2 - Panorama Stitching

Sarah Gilland and Alper Sarikaya


For this assignment, we again decided to use MATLAB because of its ease of use.

We ended up taking photos early on in our iteration process, and as such, only used our images to test. We've tried to make the code as general as possible, but the results may not look as good as our images!

Our MATLAB code consists of five files. The script is called by calling makeMosaic. This function automatically grabs all JPEG images in the Rotated folder, in alphabetical order, and uses those images for the panorama. Change the ls command to grab other images. The MATLAB files and their descriptions are as follows:

Image Output

With the outputted image, we imported into Photoshop CS 5.1, cropped the top and bottom (approx 7px each side), and performed some adjustments (contrast, saturation). No modifications to the pixel positions were performed post-MATLAB.

For our images, we ended up on the roof of the Computer Sciences building, which gave a unique perspective on the surrounding environment. Ghosting of moving objects was not a problem as the resolution of objects on the ground was minimal. The panoramic tripod performed fantastically and gave us good images for our panorama stitching program.

Our final panorama

Our images were taken at 1/100s at the widest angle possible with our camera (Canon SX100 IS, tag 6418204024, f=676.21154).


Both of us participated in partner programming, each taking equal turns to drive. Sarah made the panorama look better in Photoshop, and Alper made the README.

Sarah Gilland - segill@cs.wisc.edu

Alper Sarikaya - sarikaya@cs.wisc.edu