CS838: Computer Graphics Rendering

Topic 4: Image-Based Rendering

Lecture 4-1: View Interpolation and Sparse Images
Lecture Slides Several papers were used in compiling this lecture: Information about texture mapping and environment mapping can be found in any extensive graphics textbook.
Lecture 4-2: Light Field Rendering
Lecture Slides Several papers were used in compiling this lecture: In addition, a search of the Computer Graphics Bibliographic Database for the terms "light field" and "lumigraph" will produce a wealth of additional material, focused on parameterizing, acquiring, storing and rendering light fields.
Lecture 4-3: Architectural Models and Faces (1)
Lecture Slides The first part of the course, about Facade, was derived from: Paul E. Debevec, Camillo J. Taylor and Jitendra Malik, "Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approcah", Computer Graphics: Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96, pp 11-20, 1996.
The faces section, and the next lecture, concentrated on several specific papers: The definitive book on the subject, circa 1996, is: Frederic I. Parke and Keith Waters, "Computer Facial Animation", 1996, A K Peters.
Lecture 4-4: Faces (2)
Lecture Slides See the list of resources for the previous lecture.

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