CS838: Computer Graphics Rendering
Topic 2: Monte Carlo Methods
- Lecture 2-1: Probability, Sampling and Ray Tracing
- Lecture Slides
The probability theory covered in this lecture is also covered, with mixed
success, in chapter 8 of the textbook. "Numerical Recipes" by Press,
Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery, chapter 7, contains a reasonable
description of sampling algorithms. Ray tracing is covered in any
graphics book.
- Lecture 2-2: Pure Path Tracing Algorithms
- Lecture Slides
The most complete reference for path tracing algorithms in global
illumination is
Eric Veach's PhD thesis (Stanford University, Dec 1997).
- Lecture 3-2: Splatting Approaches
- Lecture Slides
The Radiance
web site includes technical documentation on Radiance. I strongly
recommend reading the
1994 SIGGRAPH paper describing the system as a whole. It has many
important things to say about designing a robust lighting simulator for
real users. Most of the published work on photon maps is available
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