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Class berkeley.cs.dmc.compiler.Main


public class Main
extends Object
Transform a dynamical system described by a DynamicsSystem implementation into a new system which may be effectively culled, described by a DynamicsVariable implementation.

Constructor Index

 o Main()

Method Index

 o main(String[])
Application that takes a description of a dynamical system and transforms it into a new description that may be effectively culled.


 o Main
 public Main()


 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Application that takes a description of a dynamical system and transforms it into a new description that may be effectively culled. It should be involed as:
 java dynamics.compiler.Main [ -l logfile ] 
The -l option will cause all the standard output to be written to a log file of the given name. The required argument must be the name of a class that implements the dmc.system.DynamicsSystem interface. It must appear somewhere in the class search path. The name must include the string "System" somewhere within it. The program will do a lot of munging of the input file (maybe several hours worth), and produce another file, derived from the input class by replacing System with Variable (so, for instance, RollerSystem becomes RollerVariable). The new file contains a class definition that implements the DynamicsVariable interface. See the associated documentation for full details about using this application.

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