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Class berkeley.cs.dmc.makeRoller.Main


public class Main
extends Object
An application that takes a track description and generates a VRML and Java roller coaster.

Constructor Index

 o Main()

Method Index

 o main(String[])
Given a track description, generate a VRML and Java roller coaster.
 o writeRoller(float[][], float[][], float[][])
Generate a roller coaster given the control points and lifter information.


 o Main
 public Main()


 o writeRoller
 public static void writeRoller(float t_control_pts[][],
                                float n_control_pts[][],
                                float lifters[][])
Generate a roller coaster given the control points and lifter information. If there are to be n control points for the track, t_control_pts is an (n+3) by 3 array of the track location controls, and n_control_pts is an (n+3) by 3 array of the normal control points. The last 3 entries of each array need not be set. They are copied from the first 3 to loop the track. Lifters is a k by 3 array of lifter data. See main() for information on the files generated.

t_control_pts - The track position controls.
n_control_pts - The track normal controls.
lifters - The lifter data.
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Given a track description, generate a VRML and Java roller coaster. The track description consists of a number, the number of control points, followed by that many 6-vectors, where the first 3 number give a position control point, and the next 3 numbers give a normal control point. Then comes another number giving the number of lifters defined, and that many 3-vectors, where each vector gives the start and stop parameter values for the lifter, and the minimum speed for the car while on that lifter. For example, the simplest track (circular with upright normals) and a lifter to keep the car speed above 1.0 between parameter values 1 and 2, is:
 10 1 10 0 1 0
 -10 1 10 0 1 0
 -10 1 -10 0 1 0
 10 1 -10 0 1 0
 1 2 1
Two files are output. Track.wrl is a VRML file containing the track geometry. It references a prototype Car.wrl, which should be made available in the same directory. is a java file conforming to the dmc.system.DynamicsSystem interface. It should be processed by dynamid.periodic.Main() to generate a file suitable for use with dmc.dmod.Main() or dmc.tovrml.Main(). Read the complete documentation for a full description of how to make roller coasters with this and other utilities.

args - A single element array containing the track file name.

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