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Class berkeley.cs.dmc.numericalMethods.Minimize


public class Minimize
extends Object
One dimensional minimization routines.

Constructor Index

 o Minimize()

Method Index

 o brentMinimize1D(double, double, double, MinimizeFunction, Object[], double, double[])
Method that uses Brent's algorithm to find the minimum of a function between a pair of bracketing values.
 o minimumBracket1D(double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], MinimizeFunction, Object[])
Given a function func, and given distinct initial points ax and bx, this routine searches in the downhill direction (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points) and returns new points ax, bx, cx that bracket a minimum if the function.


 o Minimize
 public Minimize()


 o minimumBracket1D
 public static void minimumBracket1D(double ax[],
                                     double bx[],
                                     double cx[],
                                     double fa[],
                                     double fb[],
                                     double fc[],
                                     MinimizeFunction func,
                                     Object fdata[])
Given a function func, and given distinct initial points ax and bx, this routine searches in the downhill direction (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points) and returns new points ax, bx, cx that bracket a minimum if the function. Also returned are the function values at the three points, fa, fb, fc.

ax - One element array. On input, initial value. On output, one of the bracketing point.
bx - One element array. On input, initial value. On output, the lowest of the bracketing points.
cx - One element array. On output, one of bracketing points.
fa - On output, elmt 0 contains the function value at ax[0].
fb - On output, elmt 0 contains the function value at bx[0].
fc - On output, elmt 0 contains the function value at cx[0].
func - An object to evaluate the function.
fdata - User data passed to func when it is evaluated.
 o brentMinimize1D
 public static double brentMinimize1D(double ax,
                                      double bx,
                                      double cx,
                                      MinimizeFunction func,
                                      Object fdata[],
                                      double tol,
                                      double xmin[])
Method that uses Brent's algorithm to find the minimum of a function between a pair of bracketing values.

ax - One enpt of the bracketing region.
bx - An intermediate point of the bracketing region.
cx - The other enpt of the bracketing region.
func - An object to evaluate the function being minimized.
fdata - User data passed to func when it is evaluated.
tol - The tolerance for the minimum.
xmin - The x value at the minimum is returned in xmin[0].
The minimum value.

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