On the left are four rounds, in which the leftmost
shot sets up a six-seven split, and the second shot bowls the spare. The
set-up shot is hard to bowl, because it is difficult to knock down the
lower left pins while leaving the six pin in place. The spares do not show
much variation - there are not many ways to bowl such a shot.
The strikes came from a single MCMC chain, the splits from another and
the spares from a third. Each chain ran for a few hours on a 200MHz PC,
and produces hundreds of examples of each shot. Fewer of the split shots
were generated because the constraints are difficult to satisfy.
The split set-up shots have similar initial conditions, but generate
very different animations. This chaotic behavior makes multi-body constraint
problems difficult to solve, because a small change in the simulation parameters
can cause major, discontinuous changes in the quality of the outcome with
respect to the constraints.