Richard Branson is taking on delivering relief to the people of Venezuela into his own hands. Branson announced on Friday he will be throwing a massive fundraising concert in neighboring Colombia on Feb. 22. Venezuela is in a tug of war for leadership between current President Nicolas Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaido, who the U.S. has recognized as the rightful leader of the country. Guaido declared himself the country’s legitimate president on Jan. 23 following Maduro's re-election in a race that many countries, including the U.S., have called fraudulent. Hunger, poverty and violence have wracked the country in recent years. The country’s paper currency has become worthless as some economists project inflation could reach 10 million percent this year. "The world can no longer close its eyes to this unacceptable situation," Branson wrote in a release. "While diplomatic efforts to bring in humanitarian goods must kick into high gear, we all need to mobilise much-needed financial support, and we need to do it quickly.