Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte has warned that a no-deal Brexit will have a ‘devasting’ impact on Britain and called on the EU to be more realistic in two high-profile outings seen by some as job applications for a senior Brussels role. In a front page interview with the Financial Times, Rutte said he was alarmed that Britain appears to be doing nothing to prevent itself crashing out of the EU. ‘At the moment the ball is rolling towards the Dover cliff and we are shouting “stop the ball from rolling any further” but nobody is doing anything at the moment – at least not on the UK side,’ the FT quoted Rutte as saying. The Netherlands, one of Britain’s biggest trading partners, is likely to be a major loser after Britain pulls out, but Rutte said at the moment the Netherlands is only seeing benefits. He again referred to the ‘250 companies’ which are ‘close to taking a decision to move here’. Last weekend, the Dutch foreign trade agency said that 60 companies set up operations in the Netherlands because of Brexit in 2017 and 2018. Rutte gave the interview to the FT and other European newspapers in Zurich where he had been invited to give the annual Churchill lecture at the European Institute of Zurich University.