A beloved, longtime Walmart greeter with cerebral palsy met with store management in Pennsylvania on Friday in a bid to keep his job but came away with no guarantees, and his family is girding for a fight. Adam Catlin, who uses a walker and is legally blind, is worried he'll be out of work after store management told him he would need to be able to lift heavy weights, read receipts and perform other tasks. The retailer has been replacing "people greeters" with "customer hosts" who are responsible for helping with returns, checking receipts to help prevent shoplifting, and keeping the front of the store clean. Catlin, 30 — who has been a fixture at the Selinsgrove store since graduating from high school — and his family met with Walmart officials for two hours Friday afternoon. His mother, Holly Catlin, said management suggested several other open positions, including cashier and photo lab assistant, none of which he is physically capable of doing. She said she insisted her son could do the host job if Walmart would make reasonable accommodations, as required by federal disability law. "Everyone was very nice, it wasn't ugly at all, but we didn't really get anywhere," Holly Catlin said. "I don't know where we stand, but I'm not backing down. He must still have a job. There's just no way around it."