One of the first moments in which a girl with cerebral palsy walks on her own was captured on video, which shows the 10-year-old in pure joy. Birkley, 11, has cerebral palsy and is nearly deaf, but her mom, Tamra Logan, told "Good Morning America" that she is a "super happy kiddo" who is "cuddly" and "loves activity." Birkley has spent most of her life crawling or walking on her knees in special "knee sneakers" created by her mom, but she has been taking physical therapy for years in hopes of one day being able to walk on her feet by herself. Last October, Logan said Birkley began to take her first steps. A week after her first few steps, Birkley summoned the strength to walk on her feet. Her mom captured the special moment on video, showing Birkley walking independently for nearly a minute, the "longest distance she ever walked," Logan said.