The family of a U.K. teenager who ran away to join the Islamic State group begged the British government on Friday to help bring her newborn son to Britain. Shamima Begum's family has written to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, asking for his help in bringing her baby to Britain and describing him as a "true innocent." They also say they plan to challenge Javid's decision to revoke Begum's British citizenship. Begum was 15 when she fled east London with two other friends to travel to Syria to marry IS fighters in 2015 at a time when the group's online recruitment program lured many impressionable young people to its self-proclaimed caliphate. Begum, now 19, resurfaced at a refugee camp in Syria and recently told reporters she wanted to come home. But her apparent lack of remorse has triggered criticism in Britain and the family has expressed its own shock at her lack of repentance.