One half of Arab Strap, purveyors of seedy Glaswegian sprechgesang, Aidan Moffat is an unlikely Santa figure. Voluminously bearded he may be, but he is more likely to mutter profanities at a crying toddler than inquire as to their heart’s desire. Moffat and multi-instrumentalist Hubbert released their debut duo album earlier this year, called Here Lies the Body – that’s how jolly they are. Yet in 2011, Moffat released a Christmas-themed EP, the better to drive home the irony: a tinny disco bagatelle full of degradation. Here is a very different sequel, 10 seasonal song-stories in which the lugubrious Moffat goes for existential bleakness, with just the odd holly berry of warmth, hope and wry humour. The Fir Tree is typical: the harrowing tale of a sweet-natured evergreen, excitedly taken from its forest and showered in seasonal warmth by a family before being thrown into a cold shed and violently dismembered for firewood. There is, though, a great deal of understanding here for human fallibility – “come all ye unfaithful”, calls the title track – and the difficulties of the season (Lonely This Christmas). The consolation extends to the music, which features guest strings and clarinet and non-judgmental succour.