In a two-day EU conference that saw the subject of Brexit absorb most of the agenda, Blair warned that should the UK leave the EU, Britons would be powerless on its own against “giants” the US and China. In a special segment of the conference, the 65-year-old addressed Germany as part of the ‘Speakers Series’ that saw him call Brexit a “terrible historical mistake” before condemning the promises of Brexit advocates as being “100 percent wrong”. He added: “If I were Prime Minister, I would try to make it clear to the British that they only have the choice between a futile and a painful Brexit.” According to Blair, it would be pointless, just like Norway, to stay in close contact with the EU - without being able to have a say in the rules. Seemingly mesmerised by the pro-EU ex politician’s speech, students at the University of Technology handed Blair a kit to brew Bavarian beer at home in preparation for Brexit - deal or no-deal. As Prime Minister, Blair fought passionately for a European United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007 and made relentless attempts to get the UK to scrap the pound and have the euro currency instead. He infamously told Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman in 2002 that he wanted to be the man who told the British people they should join the single currency and that a political rejection of the euro would be "crazy".