The Swedish Academy's decision to award the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature to Alice Munro was welcomed by writers including AS Byatt, argaret Atwood and Jeffrey Eugenides. But perhaps unsurprisingly, American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis took to Twitter this morning to make it clear that he isn't a fan of the 82-year-old Canadian. "Alice Munro is so completely overrated," he wrote. "Alice Munro was always an overrated writer and now that she's won the Nobel she always will be. The Nobel is a joke and has been for ages." In agreement with Ellis was Christian Lorentzen, a writer who penned a savage review of Munro's last short story collection, Dear Life, for the London Review of Books. He tweeted Ellis, saying: "Amen." Lorentzen did, however, personally benefit from Munro's win to the tune of £400 after placing a bet. In the review, Lorentzen wrote: "Over a career now in its sixth decade, she's rehearsed the same themes again and again, but that's because she’s a master of variation. She has preternatural powers of sympathy and empathy, but she’s never sentimental."