- Send files and the bibtex entry to the handler of publishing the page (currently Finn Kuusisto. Email via <Finn's first name> @cs.wisc.edu)
- Name the files containing the paper/presentations/posters using the following convention:
That is, the first author's last name followed by a dot then the conference initials concatenated with the last two digits of the year
For posters, add -poster to the filename (e.g., walker.ilp07-poster.ppt)
Example: Trevor Walker is the first author for the paper in the example below,
at ILP conference in 2007:
walker.ilp07.pdf or walker.ilp07.ps
- Supported formats are Post Script (ps), Adobe PDF (pdf), Microsoft Word (doc), and Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt)
- Remove personal information from Microsoft documents. See the following article KB #834427 for more
- Create a bibtex entry. Use the example below noting the following mappings
- The type of entry corresponds to the article type.
@inproceedings: Conference paper or Workshop
@phdthesis: PhD Thesis
@article: Journal Article
@incollection: Book Chapters
@techreport: Technical Report/Working papers
- The entry title follows the format for naming files above (lastName.ConfYY)
For Thesis, use lastName.thesis
For journals, use initials of the journal, e.g., craven.mlj for Machine Learning Journal
For book chapters lastName.publisher
For tech reports, lastName.mlrgwpYY
- For the filename, list all associated files with the main one first, comma separated.
- List authors with First initial Last Name. Place "and" between each author with no commas as in the example below.
- If there is code or data associated with the publication, use field names ",code" or ",data" respectively such
,code = "ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/machine-learning/shavlik-group/programs/acmi/"
,filename = "walker.ilp07.pdf, walker.ilp07.ppt"
,author = "T. Walker and L. Torrey and J. Shavlik and R. Maclin"
,title = "Building Relational World Models for Reinforcement Learning"
,booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Inductive Logic Programming"
,year = "2007"
,address = "Corvallis, Oregon"
,abstract = "..."
- Additional fields that can be used
,school (primarily for thesis entry)
,doi (please use when applicable)
- When in doubt, look for example bibtex entries on the main page
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