Beyond Bollywood

Pooja whirls around the dance studio, hips rocking back and forth to the Indian music. "As a child, I thought there was no better dancer than the superstar Madhuri Dixit. So I thought I would try to follow her footsteps." She tells us with an enormous grin. She's just one of thousands of beautiful young girls who have come from small town India to Mumbai to try and make it. As Ojas points out, the Bollywood glamour is just too much to resist, "The entire Bollywood look is so well produced and larger than life, that it kind of fascinates a normal person".
But Pooja is something special. Amidst the gaggle of dancers in opulent costumes, the director immediately spots her, "When I saw her she was a full on, proper dancer. So I said, definitely, she is in my team". But navigating the competition, politics and prejudices of the industry can be hard to deal with. "I am fed up with being at the back row, I want to lead something".
For Ojas it is different. He's a diva make-up artist who has already made it in the industry and sees the biggest Bollywood stars pass through his dressing room everyday. As he quips to one star's PA who has just stepped on his toes, "No offence to you darling, you may be a PA, but I've been doing hair and make-up for 20 years." Having survived the dog-eat-dog competition he feels at home here, despite his struggles with his sexuality, "Luckily everybody's welcomed me with open arms, all the fellow colleagues, the stars, producers, directors, technicians".
Harry is one of the few white actors in Bollywood, here to play the baddies or just add a bit of internationality. It's an interesting race reversal, he's like an Indian in Hollywood. But Harry's frustrated by how this marginalises him, like so many others in Bollywood, he never feels in control of his own destiny: "It's like you've written out this contract of wishes, but somebody has twisted your terminology - I'll put you on a billboard, but you'll be a goofy face in the back, alright?"


A group of feral surfers and modern day explorers embark on a journey to search for one of the world's last undiscovered waves in the journalist dead zone island of New Guinea. Their adventure becomes all too real as they encounter real life cannibals, discover human rights atrocities and expose an unethical mining corporation. This unique, visually stunning film craves an international spotlight as it brings to light one of the world's least documented places on earth. Isolated features never before seen footage of a ancient aboriginal culture as well as one of the most epic wave discoveries of the past 20 years. Already being lauded as Endless Summer meets The Cove, the film is guaranteed to cause international controversy and hopefully spark the change to save lives.

Carrie Underwood: Country Idol

We are taken on a journey of Carrie Underwood's fast track trip to superstardom. The multi award winning singer/songwriter came to fame from American Idol in 2005. She has now become one of the most popular female performers in country music. Her 'girl next door' persona has given her mass appeal across the nation making her America's Sweetheart.

After the Fire

A gripping documentary detailing tales of incredible courage and cowardice in the aftermath of the 2000 Seton Hall Fire in New Jersey.

Titanic Arrogance

So how did a ship that was apparently built to be impregnable sink on its maiden voyage? The genuine account of the Titanic's sinking is a catalogue of errors, ineptitude and negligence.

In truth the Titanic was designed more for comfort than safety. The 16 watertight compartments that comprised the hulls were not extended very far upwards, "so as not to interfere with the spacious passenger areas". This compromise made the ship vulnerable from the outset. Worse still was the dark secret the Titanic was hiding behind its pristine hulls. Some of its coal had caught fire when it sailed for Southampton and remained alight for the entire journey. Luckily the fire did not spread but "had the trade surveyor known, the ship never would have had clearance to sail".

Even worse still, when the Titanic set sail it was not equipped with enough lifeboats. In the years preceding the launch the safety regulations for cruise liners did not categorize ships by passenger numbers but by weight. Not only this, they also foresaw the maximum weight category as 10,000 tons, while the Titanic was 46,000 tons. As a result regulations did not require any rationalization of lifeboats and passenger numbers. It almost seems too stupid to believe but it's the truth.

Yet even these disastrous oversights could have gone unnoticed if it wasn't for captain EJ Smith, a man picked for his social rather than sailing skills. His career had been defined by a series of close calls, "Over the years he'd been involved in a number of scrapes, groundings and near misses...".

His Name Is Bob

Bob is described by some as the most famous wandering person in East Dallas. He looks like a typical homeless person: toothless, dirty and forever bumming money and rides. Myths and legends follow him everywhere. There's the stoy of his mother whacking him on the head with a frying pan; a childhood spent in a mental institution; the $86 million missing inheritance; and the uncle who murdered his wife in an alcoholic blackout.

The experiences Bob has had tell us he should live in fear. But he doesn't. Through all of the darkness, Bob's light continues to shine. Bob is described by some as the most famous wandering person in East Dallas. He looks like a typical homeless person: toothless, dirty and forever bumming money and rides. But what is the truth? His Name is Bob delves into the past of man who shouldn't be alive today. He was born in 1952 in New Hampshire. The first eight years of his life are defined by tragedy of the most horrific sort. First and foremost, he endured abuse that most likely caused the brain damage he suffers from today, rendering him incapable of total independence. It's not clear if the damage was done when he was hit in the head repeatedly with a frying pan by his mother; or if he really did fall from a highchair as a baby. What is clear is that Bob has an indentation on the side of his head as the result of an injury. And that's just the beginning.

The experiences Bob has had tell us he should live in fear. But he doesn't. Through all of the darkness, Bob's light continues to shine. Bob is described by some as the most famous wandering person in East Dallas. He looks like a typical homeless person: toothless, dirty and forever bumming money and rides.
Myths and legends follow him everywhere. There's the stoy of his mother whacking him on the head with a frying pan; a childhood spent in a mental institution; the $86 million missing inheritance; and the uncle who murdered his wife in an alcoholic blackout.

The experiences Bob has had tell us he should live in fear. But he doesn't. Through all of the darkness, Bob's light continues to shine.

Out in the Lineup

Two gay surfers unite to uncover the taboo of homosexuality in surfing. Together they embark on a global journey to speak with people from all corners of the surfing community about an aspect of surf culture that has until now remained hidden. As their journey unfolds, they uncover a culture of fear, secrecy and exclusion but are inspired to affect change by connecting people, provoking discussion and looking to the sport's grassroots values of freedom of spirit and love for the ocean.

The Missing Picture (Original French Version)

The critically acclaimed, THE MISSING PICTURE, a 2014 Oscar® nominee for Best Foreign Language film, is filmmaker Rithy Panh's personal quest to re-imagine his childhood memories. From the time when the Khmer Rouge ruled over Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, the only recorded artifacts that remain are propaganda footage. Panh uses beautifully detailed sculpted clay figurines and elaborate dioramas to recreate the missing images from his memory. His recollections of his family and friends before and after the regime's rule are poignantly told through a narrator's poetic voice. THE MISSING PICTURE is a unique documentary that manages to capture a historical moment that would never be told if not for the sheer creative mind of Panh and his innovative storytelling method.

Beautiful Darling

Beautiful Darling chronicles the short but influential life of Candy Darling who was a major part of Andy Warhol's entourage and was one of the inspirations for the Lou Reed song "Walk on the Wild Side."

The Unbelievers

The Unbelievers follows renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss across the globe as they speak publicly about the importance of science and reason in the modern world. Blasphemous to some, heroic to others, the weight of their message is impossible to ignore. Presented in the style of traditional 'rock-n-roll tour films', The Unbelievers joins Dawkins and Krauss as they speak to sold-out stadiums and halls across three continents while contending with fans, groupies, critics, debate partners and interviewers along with religious extremists bent on stifling their pro-science/pro-reason message. Months of international travel culminate at the 2012 Rally For Reason on the US Capitol lawn in Washington, D.C. Billed as the largest gathering of atheists, secularists, freethinkers and sceptics in world-history, Dawkins and Krauss bear witness to the impact of their message as over 30,000 adoring fans - and protestors - greet them with enthusiasm.


A powerful and unusually intimate portrait of modern environmental activism, Elemental captures the stories of three eco-warriors, separated by oceans, but united by their deep connection with nature and commitment to confront some of the most pressing ecological challenges of our time.

Happy Dog: The Movie - The Ultimate Dog Sitter with Soothing Music

This is a revolutionary new 60 minute program filmed especially to keep your dog calm and relaxed in the comfort of your own home. Whether you are away for long periods of time or just occasionally, worry no more. "Happy Dog: The Movie" will help your dog lie back and take life easy with their very own relaxing meditation video. There are some excellent positive benefits for your dog as he watches and it is vital therapy for dogs left at home who miss their's a chill pill for your pooch. Help your dog imagine that they're back with their mother...out for gentle walks in the countryside with their pack...playing games by the ocean or river with the sound of the water and the wind soothing their worries and calming their nerves. Your dog will never need to be lonely again! Your dog will enjoy the following: Tranquil images of crashing surf, roaring fires, running waterfalls, flowery meadows, and serene forest settings; Soothing visuals of cuddly puppies and playful dogs, as well as energetic fish and birds; Soothing musical sound track geared toward your dog's unique hearing range.

Unmade in China

Unmade in China - follows the experience of a Los Angeles filmmaker who finds himself in Xiamen, China trying to direct a thriller, in Chinese, using a translator. He soon discovers that the old adage of making a film three times - in the writing, shooting, and editing - is in fact the opposite in China, where his film is 'unmade' three times - in the writing, shooting, and editing - with each subsequent stage of the process even more excruciating and devastating than the one that came before it. Determined however to make his film happen, even under the most adverse conditions, the eager filmmaker can't even begin to imagine the complications of making a government sanctioned film in Communist China. At first compromises are decorously made and he must 'sell' himself on the fact that these changes are mandated by cultural imperatives or differences delineating east and west. But this notion of civil disparity is quickly disabused as lead actors are clandestinely recast in the middle of the night. And money is often withheld, as the filmmaker's script is literally hijacked and rewritten without consultation. At length the filmmaker takes a stand and boycotts the shoot, but even this is short lived. Fortunately, the Los Angeles filmmaker is accompanied for most of his Sino-Sisyphean journey by fellow documentarian and close friend, Tanner King Barklow (producer on Outrage and Invisible War) who intimately records the absurd lunacy that prevails. What results is an hilarious documentary of an overeager American striving to make art in a Communist regime that is itself unsure of its identity. Aside from a fun and frivolous tale that documents the trials and tribulations of an Angeleno making a film in China, this is also a cautionary tale, redolent with political resonance, about what compromises an artist suffers in order to make their work, and the measures he or she must take in order to sometimes right a wrong.

Make Believe

Make Believe follows six teens who all share an extraordinary passion - the art of magic. Armed with great skill and a dazzling array of illusions, they embark from around the world to attend the World Magic Seminar in Las Vegas. There, they hope to be crowned Teen World Champion by Master Magician Lance Burton.

Dolphin Boy

Morad is a young man who has lost touch with reality as the result of severe physical abuse. As a last resort prior to hospitalization in a mental institute, his father As'ad takes him to the Red Sea, for rehabilitating treatment with Dolphins. His condition has since improved dramatically, however, the process is not complete. Morad has exchanged his own identity with that of a beach-boy; he has a Jewish, soldier, girlfriend and has completely renounced his own past. This documentary tells the story of the devastating havoc that human violence can wreak upon the human soul, and about the healing powers of nature and of love.

The Past Is A Grotesque Animal

THE PAST IS A GROTESQUE ANIMAL is a personal, accessible portrait of an artist of Montreal - frontman Kevin Barnes whose pursuit to make transcendent music at all costs drives him to value art over human relationships. As he struggles with all of those around him, family and bandmates alike, he's forced to reconsider the future of the band, begging the question - is this really worth it?

Qf 32

With substantial faults - an engine down, a punctured wing, a malfunctioning fuel system, various leaks - combined with no verbal communication from air traffic controllers, the pilots desperately sought to land the damaged plane. There was no margin for error. If that wasn't bad enough the auto-brake system had also malfunctioned. "Brake! Brake!", Hicks called. "I am!", replied captain Richard De Crespigny. De Crespigny has the brakes to the floor as the plane screams down the runway. It stops just a hundred metres short of the end. But the ordeal didn't end there.
Having miraculously landed the plane at Changi airport, the pilots encountered yet more dangers. With "fuel streaming from the wing" and tyres reaching exceptionally high temperatures from maximum braking, the risk of explosion was high, hindering the evacuation process: "one spark and we were cinders".
In the wake of the accident Qantas grounded their A380 fleet. They had never seen so many problems and of such a severity occur in the same plane at the same time. In the days that followed the accident a rigorous examination of Flight 32 revealed that a misaligned part had led to a "fatigue fracture" within the stub oil pipe, causing projectile to fly out of the engine, damaging the rest of the aircraft. For Qantas the nature of the fault absolved them of responsibility for the crash and laid it at the feet of another industry giant: Rolls-Royce.
As designers, manufacturers and maintainers of the engine, it was Rolls-Royce's responsibility to make sure that any weaknesses were found. Worse still, they were aware of the weakness and had been replacing other suspect engines for months. Yet they have refused to comment, raising concerns over the possible manufacturer of the next generation of super passenger carriers. "For the future of the business you need openness or people will just get killed". For the passengers of QF 32 it was a close call; the next generation of passengers may not be so lucky.

Black Whole

Building on Einstein's work, Nassim Haramein has developed a Unified Field Theory that unveils a specific geometric array to explain creation and the vacuum that connects all things.

A River Changes Course

"We've worked so hard on this land,' says Sav Samourn. 'And now they've come to destroy it all. Sooner or later it will all be gone. ' Deep in the jungle, Sav Samourn struggles as large companies encroach and 'progress' claims the life-giving forests. She discovers there's little room for wild animals, ghosts - and the home she has always known. In a fishing hamlet, Sari Math must quit school to help support his family. But as the fish catch dwindles, Sari and his family find their livelihood threatened. In a village, Khieu Mok must leave to seek work in a Phnom Penh factory to help pay her family's debts. But city life proves no better, and Khieu struggles between her need to send money home and her duty to be with her loved ones. From Cambodia's forests to its rivers, from its idyllic rice fields to the capital's pulsing heart, forces of radical change are transforming the landscape of the country - and the dreams of its people. In this stunningly shot vérité portrait captured over a period of two years, Kalyanee Mam, cinematographer for the Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job, achieves profound intimacy with three Cambodian families struggling to maintain their traditional way of life while the modern world closes in around them. This beautifully photographed documentary is a tribute to their struggle and the struggles of all families coping with the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

The Fabulous Ice Age

"The Fabulous Ice Age" chronicles the era of the great American touring ice shows revealing how, with their dazzling production numbers and variety acts, they dominate family entertainment for decades. It also depicts one skater's quest to keep this history from being forgotten. The ice shows' creation and success changed the lives of skaters and audiences alike - eventually exporting American culture around the world. Rare archival footage, candid interviews with producers, skating legends and devoted chorus gypsies bring this never-before-told history of a uniquely American art form to life.


During a time of globally heightened debate, Journalist Phelim McAleer travels across the U.S. and Europe to speak with scientists and Americans living in fracking areas, in order to uncover the science behind the process and to determine its true consequences. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," refers to the process of drilling down into rock and using pressurized fluids to extract energy sources such as natural gas and petroleum. Supporters of fracking state the economic benefit to the U.S. is great and that the process has rigorous standards by which it operates. Opponents of fracking voice concerns about contamination to ground water and land surface, as well as other environmental issues. Join McAleer on the search for the fracking truth.

Dark Legacy II

Overwhelming, jaw-dropping evidence of foul play in the death of John Kennedy Jr., all based on official government documents: - the search of the crash site was delayed an incomprehensible 15 hours; - there was, indeed, a flight instructor on the plane, whose body is missing; - it is clear that someone on that plane committed suicide, shutting off the fuel control valve before plunging the plane into the sea. - The prime suspect, George W. Bush, though very publicly running for president, disappeared the day of the murder, and stayed missing for 3 days.

Cave Digger

Using only hand tools Ra Paulette sculpts magnificent and intricate cave complexes under New Mexico's arid landscape. His creations are as big as houses, delicate and beautiful and take 10 years to complete. But his eccentricity, and the odd cave collapse, has led to nearly all his commissions being dropped. And his obsession has cost him dearly. This Oscar-nominated documentary follows him as he sets out to carve his ultimate creation.


The movie takes place in the beautiful settings of Egypt, Mozambique and South Africa, where Marc Sluszny and his team prepare for the ultimate journey. Marc will attempt to dive with the Great White shark outside of the cage. During this road movie we are submerged in the beautiful world beneath the sea. We get to share his failures and successes during his coming of age. Marc must overcome his fears and anxieties enabling him to achieve this goal. This docudrama has also an important ecological message: Sharks are not the murderous creatures people think they are. More than 60 million sharks are killed and finned by men every year to make shark fin soup. It is important that we recognize the real truth. Marc's message to his children and the world is one of courage, motivation and understanding.

Earth Made of Glass

On August 6th, 2008, against the backdrop of the world's deadliest war in neighboring Eastern Congo, Rwandan President Paul Kagame released a report detailing French government's hidden role in planning the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Three months later, his closest aide, Rose Kabuye, is arrested by France on charges of terrorism.
Meanwhile, Jean Pierre Sagahatu, a genocide survivor haunted by his father's unsolved murder, scours the Rwandan countryside on a fifteen-year-search for clues - ultimately finding himself confronted with his darkest desire: being face to face with his father's killer.

Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me

Now in her late 80s, Broadway legend Elaine Stritch remains as ferociously funny as ever. In this bold, hilarious and poignant portrait, the uncompromising Tony and Emmy Award-winner is revealed both on and off stage. Candid reflections about her life are punctuated with words from friends (including James Gandolfini, Tina Fey, John Turturro, Hal Prince, George C. Wolfe, Nathan Lane and Cherry Jones) and archival footage that showcases some of the great moments from her career. Whether dominating the stage, tormenting Alec Baldwin on the set of 30 Rock, or sharing her struggles with aging, diabetes and alcoholism, Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me reaches beyond the icon's brassy exterior and reveals an inspiring portrait of a complex woman and artist.

Portraits of Inspiring Lives with Bob Proctor

For more than 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his work and his teachings on helping people use the power of their minds to achieve lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. But it wasn’t always thus – at age 26 he was unhappy, sick, broke, and headed in the wrong direction, until a man introduced him to a powerful book.


"They locked me in this room and everyone was shouting at me". This is the reaction Thembi had to face when she discovered she was HIV positive. Yet she made a decision not to suffer her fate in silence, as so many other South Africans do. "I thought, if this is the way a HIV person has to live, I'm going to fight for my life", Thembi says with defiance in her eyes: "I'm not ashamed". Thembi's charisma and infectious smile were underlaid by a steely determination to confront her fate head-on. Her vocal battle against the disease catapulted her to international fame.

Yet for Thembi international acclaim wasn't enough. She wanted to confront the attitude towards AIDS in South Africa. She took the stigma attached to HIV head on and became one of the most important AIDS spokespersons in the country. "I thought, if I can do this for America why can't I do it for my own country?" She forced many in the land of her birth to face up to the problem they were hiding from, even taking president Zuma to task over his ignorance about the disease. "He is very stupid and he is talking bullshit!"

However, despite her strength, Thembi could not escape the sadness AIDS had brought into her life. Her boyfriend Melikhaya, the love of her life, caught HIV from Thembi after they decided to have a child together. As Thembi entered the last year of her life, at the tender age of 24, her struggle with the disease started to take its toll. The gap between what Thembi was saying and what she was able to deal with was beginning to grow. She found it more and more difficult to live with her fate, increasingly suffering from depression.

Thembi wanted to be different: "I didn't want to just give up and die". AIDS denied her a long life, but she wouldn't let it stop her living. Her refusal to bow down to the disease and her mission to liberate her fellow South Africans from their frightened silence is one of the most poignant and powerful stories of our time.

Pelé Forever

Dubbed a genius by many, the supremely talented footballer has touched hearts around the globe with goals, lessons in humanity and above all, pride in who he is. His name: Pelé. Global trademark of passion and emotion. Follow the story of the greatest athlete of the millennium, the undisputed King of football -- three-time world champion, twice world inter club champion and ten time São Paulo State championship winner with Santos Football Club. Relive and celebrate those glorious goals, the mesmerizing moves and enjoy reconstructions of two legendary goals by the only sportsman ever to stop a war. Pelé Forever: The film of the century! (Original Title - Pelé Forever)

Deepak Chopra: Grow Younger, Live Longer

Grow Younger, Live Longer is the bestselling wellness program from world-acclaimed author and physician, Dr. Deepak Chopra. Together with Dr. David Simon, his colleague at the Chopra Center, Deepak Chopra will teach you how to take control of your mental, physical and spiritual well-being and add years to your life. Grow Younger, Live Longer is based on ten simple steps that put you in control. Ten steps that will dramatically change the way you think about aging and make you feel 10, 15, even 20 years younger!

Burt's Buzz

Available Same Day as Theaters. "Burt's Buzz" is a quirky portrait of the unique life of Burt Shavitz, the reclusive co-founder and face of Burt's Bees, who reluctantly struggles with fame when all he wants is to just say "buzz off."

A Place Called Los Pereyra

The lives of schoolchildren in an isolated, impoverished village in Argentina are affected in unexpected ways when a group of wealthy teenage girls visit on their annual week-long charity mission.

Agnès Varda: From Here to There

The much-anticipated follow up to Agnes Varda's The Beaches of Agnes, From Here to There is a five-part documentary series that chronicles the peerless and indefatigable director's travels around the world, meeting friends, artists and filmmakers, for an expansive view of the contemporary art scene. Features interviews with Chris Marker, Manoel de Oliveira, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Alexander Sokurov, and many more.

Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-In Movie

Once a vibrant part of American culture, nearly 5000 drive-ins once dotted the nation from big cities to small towns, but today less than 400 remain. In a nation that loves cars and movies, why haven't they survived?

A Band Called Death

Punk before punk existed, three teenage brothers in the early '70s formed a band in their spare bedroom, began playing a few local gigs and even pressed a single in the hopes of getting signed. But this was the era of Motown and emerging disco. Record companies found Death's music- and band name-too intimidating, and the group were never given a fair shot, disbanding before they even completed one album. Equal parts electrifying rockumentary and epic family love story, A Band Called Death chronicles the incredible fairy-tale journey of what happened almost three decades later, when a dusty 1974 demo tape made its way out of the attic and found an audience several generations younger. Playing music impossibly ahead of its time, Death is now being credited as the first black punk band (hell...the first punk band!), and are finally receiving their long overdue recognition as true rock pioneers.

There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane

An exploration of the mystery surrounding the tragic 2009 wrong-way crash that killed a mother and seven others on NY's Taconic Parkway.

Afternoon of a Faun: Tanaquil Le Clercq

Of the great ballerinas, Tanaquil Le Clercq may have been the most transcendent. She mesmerized viewers and choreographers alike. Her elongated, race-horse physique became the new prototype for the great George Balanchine. The muse to both Balanchine and Jerome Robbins, they loved her as a dancer and a woman. Balanchine married her and Robbins created his famous Afternoon of a Faun for Tanny. She was the foremost dancer of her day until it suddenly all stopped. At age 27, Tanny was struck down by polio and paralyzed. She never danced again.


Teenagers didn't always exist. They had to be invented. As the cultural landscape around the world was thrown into turmoil during the industrial revolution, and with a chasm erupting between adults and youth, the concept of a new generation took shape. Whether in America, England, or Germany, whether party-crazed Flappers or hip Swing Kids, zealous Nazi Youth or frenzied Sub-Debs, it didn't matter - this was a new idea of youth. They were all "Teenagers."

Lost & Found

Fate and faith conspire to create a beautiful and surprising partnership between orphans targeted by the murderous militia of Joseph Kony and hardcore inmate-artists in an Oregon penitentiary. They are connected by two retired, small town America teachers who help the orphans and inmates find something they both had lost: hope. Their story will take your heart and not let go.

Andre Gregory : Before and After Dinner

A wonderful exploration of the life and work of groundbreaking director, actor and artist André Gregory. A witty and often hilariously funny raconteur, Gregory looks back on a career that spanned decades, shattered boundaries and established him as a cultural icon. He recalls the making of MY DINNER WITH ANDRÉ, the Louis Malle-directed classic in which he starred and co-wrote, reflects on his pivotal role in American theatre, dishes on his brief sojourn in Hollywood, and talks about the discovery that led him to question his own identity and life's work. Bringing us back and forth in time, Gregory looks not only at his life, but at the nature of art, love and the creative process. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Cindy Kleine (who is also his wife), ANDRÉ GREGORY: BEFORE AND AFTER DINNER is a brilliant portrait of a modern renaissance man.

The Son Of The Olive Merchant

For their honeymoon, Anna and Mathieu went to Turkey. With camera in hand, they traced the footsteps of Garabed, the Armenian grand-father of Mathieu, who escape the 1915 genocide. They are determined to learn more about Mathew's Armenian origins. In this country where speaking of the Armenian genocide could be dangerous, their name with Turkish intonations serves a purpose to get people talking about their idea of the Turkish involvement during 1915 tragedy. A road trip across the country mixing animation with documentary, to report a sad confirmation: The denial has become an institution, rewriting the history books and pretending that there was a genocide, but a genocide committed by the Armenians against the Turks.

The Story of Film: An Odyssey -- Part 2

Chapters 4-6: The Arrival Of Sound, Post-War Cinema, and Sex & Melodrama. With the advent of sound in the 1930s we witness the birth of new types of film: screwball comedies, gangster pictures, horror films, westerns and musicals. The onset of WWII makes cinema more daring and the story shifts from Italy back to Hollywood, to chart the darkening of American film and the drama of the McCarthy era. Sex and melodrama infuses the American movies of the 50s, and we travel to Egypt, India, China, Mexico, Britain and Japan to find that movies there were also full of rage and passion.

Cousin Jules

World Cinema
An ode to the simple pleasures of life, Cousin Jules is a beautiful, immersive portrait of a blacksmith living with his wife on a small farm in the French countryside. Shot in CinemaScope, the film meticulously captures their daily rituals. She fires up the oven, grinds the coffee beans, fetches water from the well; he stokes the forge, hammers the iron and transforms it into a bucolic symphony of sound and image. Lost for nearly 40 years and now exquisitely restored, Cousin Jules is a timeless masterpiece, a record of a place and a way of a life that has long ago vanished.

Portraits of Inspiring Lives with Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield made publishing history by telling other people’s stories in the phenomenally successful Chicken Soup for the Soul series, with more than 125 million books sold in 42 countries. Now, in this candid and deeply personal interview, he opens up about his own life, talking about the experiences and mentors that guided him to discover his own life’s purpose and led him to become “America’s #1 Success Coach.”


A wealthy wife and a failing businessman on a quest for answers, a journey in different ways, to a path to higher consciousness. Their hunger for understanding and spiritual being leads them to a phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of man.

Breath Made Visible

BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature length film about the life and career of Anna Halprin, the American dance pioneer who has helped redefine our notion of modern art with her belief in dance's power to teach, heal, and transform at all ages of life. This cinematic portrait blends recent interviews with counterparts such as the late Merce Cunningham, archival footage, including her establishment of the first multiracial dance company in the U.S., and excerpts of current performances such as "Parades and Changes" at the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, to weave a stunning, inspiring account of one of the most important cultural icons in modern dance.

Chasing Sarasota

Chasing Sarasota is the first feature length film on a club Ultimate Frisbee team. Live the full experience as Portland Rhino goes for broke trying to create a legacy and, on the way, creates something much greater - a family.

Powerful: Energy For Everyone

Powerful showcases the remarkable achievements and inspiring examples of people and communities pursuing a path of conservation and renewable energy. It explores the obstacles they encounter and introduces power players with an interest in maintaining the status quo. Powerful is about reclaiming Ð or discovering for the first time Ð the power to do more and be more and to work within a community to accomplish more together.

Burning Water

Burning Water looks at the financial and social impact on one family whose prototypically Albertan dream of living off the land puts it at odds with the ideals of a "New West" where the land is dominated by oil and gas wells rather than herds of cattle, and the provincial government seems to favor energy royalties over the farmers.

Roll Out Cowboy

Chris "Sandman" Sand is a rappin' cowboy from Dunn Center, North Dakota (population: 120 and shrinking). He drives a semi, plays the guitar and raps. Sandman looks like Woody Guthrie but sings like LL Cool J. Roll Out Cowboy follows the 39-year-old country/hip-hop musician as he tours the American West, performing for rural towns who might not have heard hip-hop before. We witness band break-ups and town groupies- even a brief flirtation with commercial truck-driving when a particularly impoverished Sand needs to make ends meet.

Sandman's story is the struggle of an artist trying to make a buck. In a tough economy, can your American dream still carry a tune?

The Final Member

Paris has the Louvre. London has the Tate Modern, and New York the Metropolitan Museum. But Husavik, Iceland—a diminutive village on the fringe of the Arctic Circle—boasts the world's only museum devoted exclusively to painstakingly preserved male genitalia. Founded and curated by SigurÐur 'Siggi' Hjartarson, the Icelandic Phallological Museum houses four decades worth of mammalian members, from a petite field mouse to the colossal sperm whale, and every 'thing' in between. But, lamentably, Siggi's collection lacks the holy grail of phallic phantasmagoria - a human specimen. Siggi's world changes dramatically when he receives gnerous offers from an elderly Icelandic Casanova and an eccentric American. However, as the competition for eternal penile preservation heats up between the two men, Siggi soon discovers that this process is more complicated than it initially appeared. In their debut feature film, Jonah Bekhor and Zach Math follow Siggi on his dogged, often emotional quest to complete his exhibition in a peculiar, yet startlingly relatable, story of self-fulfillment and the value of personal legacies (both big and small).

Tim's Vermeer

Tim's Vermeer, directed by Teller of Penn & Teller fame. Produced by Teller's stage partner Penn Jillette and Farley Ziegler, the film follows Tim Jenison, a Texas based inventor, as he attempts to solve one of the greatest mysteries in all of art: How did 17th century Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer ('Girl with a Pearl Earring') manage to paint so photo-realistically, 150 years before the invention of photography? Jenison's epic research project ultimately succeeds as he uses 17th century technology -- lenses and mirrors -- to develop a technique that might have been used by Vermeer, supporting a theory as extraordinary as what he discovers. Spanning a decade, Jenison's adventure takes him to Delft, Holland, where Vermeer painted his masterpieces; on a pilgrimage to the North coast of Yorkshire to meet artist David Hockney; and eventually even to Buckingham Palace, to see the Queen's Vermeer.

Familias por Igual (Families Like Yours)

The ability to visualize same-sex parent families is one of the critical issues facing our society. Education is the first step in a cultural struggle to liberate people from a tradition that has denied them basic rights based on their sexual orientation. This is the motivation behind this documentary - to demystify and eliminate the fears and prejudices so that our children will be born in a more just and free society.

National Parks Exploration Series: Voyageurs

Experience the indigenous spirit and beauty that nature holds in this magnificent journey through Voyageurs National Park. At the heart of the North American Continent lies a voyageur world of adventure and tranquility where interconnected water routes and boreal forests capture an untouched and stunning native land.

Children of the Light

"Children of the Light" is the first film to tell the life story of Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu, one of the fathers of modern day South Africa. With extensive archival footage, family photos and never before seen interviews, "Children of the Light" is a personal look into the legacy of one of the greatest peacemakers of our time.

Severe Offroad 3

Severe Racing gets Down and Dirtywith their 3rd film in the Red Hot sport of Off Road Racing. Trophy Trucks, Buggies, MX Motorcycles, ATV's and UTV's battle it out across Americas toughest terrains. From Short Course tracks to the Wide Open Deserts across America and Mexico. Producer Director Scott Tugel serves up tons of dynamic footage, from the hottest racing in the world of Offroad. Get up close to the action with us and get blown away by the roar of 100 MPH +. The best drivers and riders in Offroad put it on the line for you. Travel with us on this wild adventure of all out horsepower that just can't be cooled down.

Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to Wikipedia

Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to Wikipedia is a 2010 American documentary film that explores the history and cultural implications of the online, user-editable encyclopedia Wikipedia. The film considers the question of whether all individuals or just experts should be tasked with editing an encyclopedia. The site's history and background is given, along with commentary from Wikipedia founders Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Commentators that appear in the film include author Howard Zinn, Len Downie of The Washington Post, Bob Schieffer of CBS News, former Encyclopedia Britannica chief Robert McHenry and former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey.

Unacceptable Levels

Unacceptable Levels examines the results of the chemical revolution of the 1940s through the eyes of affable filmmaker Ed Brown, a father seeking to understand the world in which he and his wife are raising their children. The film features interviews with top minds in the fields of science, advocacy, and law while opening the door to conversations about the chemical burden our bodies carry.

The Ambassador

This darkly comic, genre-bending piece of gonzo journalism from international provocateur Mads Brügger (filmmaker of Sundance Grand Jury Prize winner Red Chapel) rips the corroded lid off the global scheme of political corruption and exploitation happening in one of the most dangerous places on the planet - the Central African Republic. Armed with a phalanx of hidden cameras, black-market diplomatic credentials and a bleeding-edge wit, Brügger transforms himself into an outlandish caricature of a European-African consul. As he immerses himself in the life-threatening underworld of nefarious bureaucrats, Brügger encounters blood diamond smuggling, bribery, and even murder -- while somehow managing to crack amazing razor-sharp barbs at every step along the way. From each absurdly terrifying/hilarious situation to the next, The Ambassador is a one-of-a-kind excursion from the man whom The Huffington Post has called 'the most provocative filmmaker in the world.'

The Short Game

The best seven-year-old golfers from around the world descend on the world famous Pinehurst Golf course in North Carolina to determine the next world champion and who might become golf's next phenomenon. The Short Game follows eight young golfers vying for the title of world champion. 2013 Delirio Films / 2014 Phase 4 Films (USA), LLC. All Rights Reserved. Phase 4 Films, the Phase 4 Films logo and all related titles, logos and indicia are trademarks of Phase 4 Films Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed exclusively in the United States by Phase 4 Films (USA), LLC / 460 Greenway Industrial Drive, Suite A, Fort Mill, SC 29708 / 1.866.495.3650 /

Sonicsgate: Requiem for a Team

Webby Award-winning documentary on how the Seattle SuperSonics NBA franchise became the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2008, covering the team's scandalous sale and relocation after 41 years in the Emerald City. Exclusive interviews, federal court documents and unearthed archive footage pace this riveting case study on the business of pro basketball.

Good Fortune

From PBS - Good Fortune is a provocative exploration of how massive international efforts to alleviate poverty in Africa may be undermining the very communities they aim to benefit. In Kenya’s rural countryside, Jackson’s farm is being flooded by an American investor who hopes to alleviate poverty by creating a multimillion-dollar rice farm. Across the country in Nairobi, Silva’s home and business in Africa’s largest shantytown are being demolished as part of a U.N. slum-upgrading project. The gripping stories of two Kenyans battling to save their homes from large-scale development present a unique opportunity see foreign aid through eyes of the people it is intended to help.


"They're all horrified. They're all completely frightened", says Dan Hurlin, as he describes Disfarmer's subjects, "they're sitting in front of this guy who's barking at them and they don't know what to do". But despite being a surly loner of few words, through his beautiful photographs Disfarmer produced a unique and definitive cross-section of what small town USA looked like during the depression, because, "whoever came in got his picture taken, whether it was the mayor of the town or the paper boy."
What's astounding about the photos is their dynamism, the very tension between Disfarmer and his subjects bringing them to life. As the collector Michael Mattis says, from the country bumpkin scared stiff with her hair tied back, to the bemused trio of farm workers, the young boys posing like gangsters or the father and son with a dead deer, "The pictures are psychological bullets. They really go through the people and really capture what they're about". Disfarmer's eccentric personality drew out of people a realness and a presence, "Details you wouldn't find in a normal studio portrait".
Incredibly, the photos were very close to never seeing the light of day in the modern world. "I noticed this package came in to my desk", recounts Julia Scully Editor of Modern Photography magazine. "That package sat on my desk for probably at least a week before I got around to opening it. Anyway, I did open it one day... and I was just astonished. I thought, "Who are these people? Who's this photographer?"" But as she was to discover Disfarmer is an enigma. As one local describes him: "He's a mystery and he'll forever remain a mystery". It's created one of the modern art world's great stories, as Dan Hurlin points out: "It's kind of a quintessentially American story, it's the loner who... is toiling alone and is completely forgotten and then turns out to be a genius."


A thrilling, immersive documentary that takes you deep inside the dangerous world of commercial fishing. Set aboard a hulking fishing vessel as it navigates the treacherous waves off the New England coast - the very waters that once inspired Moby Dick - the film captures the harsh, unforgiving world of the fishermen in starkly haunting, yet beautiful detail. Employing an arsenal of cameras that pass freely from film crew to ship crew, and swoop from below sea level to astonishing bird's-eye views, LEVIATHAN is unlike anything you have ever seen; a purely visceral, cinematic experience.

Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer

Filmed over the course of six months, this film tells the incredible story of three young women - Nadia, Masha and Katia. As members of the feminist art collective Pussy Riot, they performed a 40 second "punk prayer" inside Russia's main cathedral. This performance led to their arrest on charges of religious hatred and culminated in a trial that has reverberated around the world and transformed the face of Russian society forever. With unparalleled access and exclusive footage, this film looks at the real people behind their now famous colourful balaclavas. Following the bizarre and intricate twists of the trial, we observe three young women fight back against a justice system that seems impervious to logic. From their family and friends we learn what transformed these women from political activists in to modern day icons. As Nadia, Masha, and Katia defend their convictions from a cage inside the courtroom, those Pussy Riot members still at liberty plan new guerilla performances and cultivate a protest movement across the globe. Moving from farce to tragedy and back again, the film explores how political and religious forces contrived to make an example out of three young artists who stepped out of line. But with Nadia, Masha, and Katia, Russia's ruling powers got more than they bargained for. Are you a ready for a Pussy Riot?

The Cradle of Storms

Alex Gray, Josh Mulcoy, and Pete Devries went on a journey through the remote Aleutian Arc of Alaska, the birthplace of storm systems that send swell back to the rest of us in civilization. They braved heavy weather, flew on rickety prop planes, and ate seal meat en route to discovering one of the best cold-water slabs in the world. The film follows the cold-water crew as they traverse the island on quad bikes, tracking pulses of swell to remote bays and never before surfed points. Set against the stunning volcanic backdrop of the Aleutian Islands, The Cradle of Storms is cold-water surf exploration at its finest.


Visitors is the fourth collaboration of director Godfrey Reggio and composer Philip Glass now joined by filmmaker Jon Kane, advancing the film form pioneered by The Qatsi Trilogy (Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, and Naqoyqatsi) - the non-spoken narrative experience where each viewer's response is radically different yet undeniably visceral. As Reggio explains, 'Visitors is aimed at the solar plexus, at the appetite within us all, the atmosphere of our soul. I see the film as a meditation, as a transcendental event.' Comprised of only seventy-four shots, a series of human, animal and landscape portraits, Visitors takes movie watchers on an emotional journey to the moon and back. As 'a wondrous work of artistic with a capital A' (Austin Chronicle), Visitors moves into a class of film all its own.

Unmanned- America's Drone Wars

Unmanned: America's Drone War, the eighth full-length feature documentary from director Robert Greenwald and his Brave New Foundation organization, investigates the impact that U.S. drone strikes have across the globe. The film reveals the realities of drone warfare-the violation of international law, the loss of life, the far-reaching implications for the communities that live under drones, and blowback the United States faces. Unmanned details the death of Tariq Aziz, a 16 year-old Pakistani boy, who like most teenagers, loved soccer and his computer. He was killed in a drone strike three days after attending a public meeting in Islamabad calling for the end of drone strikes in Pakistan. Unmanned also investigates the Obama administration's use of signature strikes that targets people based on 'pattern of life' characteristics. One such example took place in 2011 in Datta Khel, a tribal region in northern Pakistan, killing approximately 41 people and injuring scores more. In another original segment the documentary includes a never-before-seen interview with a school teacher named Rafiq ur Rehman. Rafiq shares his personal experience. His son and two daughters were injured in the same drone strike that killed his mother. Director Robert Greenwald traveled to Pakistan in the fall of 2012 and interviewed more than 35 victims, witnesses, psychiatrists, and Pakistani leaders. With exclusive footage of burial sites, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, Jirgas, and never-before-seen compelling interviews with experts the investigative documentary Unmanned: America's Drone War makes an urgent case that drone strikes create more instability than peace.

Granny's Got Game

Who said Grandma can't jump? Follow a basketball team made up of fiercely competitive grannies, as they battle physical limitations, cut-throat competition, and social stigma all for the love of the game.

Dutch Influence

The beat starts to rise, a sea of hands fills the air, the crowd surges....Welcome to the world's most dynamic new music scene. Buckle up for an energetic ride as Armin van Buuren, Tiesto and Afrojack, leaders of the Dutch House movement, invite us into their lives. Recognised by no one in Holland, but at Miami Music Week they're superstars, rapidly redefining a genre and taking over the globe's hottest clubs. A slick, pulsating party of a doc.

Shooting Star(s)

"Shooting Star(s)" follows Johnny Nunez, who was abandoned as a baby and later adopted by a Puerto Rican family, as he overcomes the obstacles imposed by his humble upbringings in Brooklyn, New York to become today's most prominent Hip Hop celebrity photographer. Filmmakers Axel Ebermann and Daniel Frei document the incredible journey of this man, who is now on the verge of becoming a celebrity himself. The film shows the glamorous life of Johnny Nunez as he mingles with prominent figures such as Russel Simmons, Al Sharpton, Kanye West, Kimora Lee and Fabulous. But the film also portrays the inspirational journey of a man who defies poverty and racism and uses his wit, tenacity and faith to pursue his American Dream.

The Missing Picture (English)

The critically acclaimed, THE MISSING PICTURE, a 2014 Oscar® nominee for Best Foreign Language film, is filmmaker Rithy Panh's personal quest to re-imagine his childhood memories. From the time when the Khmer Rouge ruled over Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, the only recorded artifacts that remain are propaganda footage. Panh uses beautifully detailed sculpted clay figurines and elaborate dioramas to recreate the missing images from his memory. His recollections of his family and friends before and after the regime's rule are poignantly told through a narrator's poetic voice. THE MISSING PICTURE is a unique documentary that manages to capture a historical moment that would never be told if not for the sheer creative mind of Panh and his innovative storytelling method.

Six by Sondheim

Explore the life and career of renowned Broadway lyricist and composer Stephen Sondheim through six of his best-known songs.

We Must Go

WE MUST GO is a feature documentary chronicling the journey of the Egyptian National Soccer team and coach Bob Bradley as they fight to reach the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Bible Quiz

Bible Quiz follows seventeen-year-old Mikayla Irle as she memorizes thousands of Bible verses in her quest to win the National Bible Quiz Championship and the heart of JP, her quiz team captain. This John Hughes-esque documentary explores coming of age in the midst of faith, doubt, fierce competition and teen love.

El Rati Horror Show

"The Rati Horror Show" is a documentary portraying the dramatic story of Fernando Ariel Carrera, an ordinary man unjustly convicted to 30 years of prison --not by mistake but deliberately- by means of manipulation of a Judicial Case.The movie takes as a central point the way in which the Fernando Carrera's case was set up: the manipulation and alteration of evidence at the scene; the manipulation by the police of the testimonies of the few witnesses called to declare; the manipulation of National Media by Rubén Maugeri, key witness and president of the 34th Precinct Friends Association. On the other hand, we show how Fernando Carrera lives his days inside prison, knowing he is another victim of police excesses and a Legal System that unjustly convicted him.

Blackhawk: Greatest Hits Live

A spectacular multimedia concert experience from modern country icons, Blackhawk, filmed and recorded live in 2008! Includes exciting performances of the band's chart-topping singles "Goodby Says It All," "Every Once In Awhile," and "There You Have It" plus many more fan favorites!

Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid Film

In 2008, with digital photography on the rise, the Polaroid Corporation ceased production of all Polaroid instant film, the item that had made the company a household name. There begins the story of the international grassroots campaign to save the beloved, threatened format. TIME ZERO beautifully relates the history of this iconic American product, while capturing the passion of instant film fans around the world and the lengths to which they are going to save it from oblivion.


The infertility industry in the United States has grown to a multi-billion dollar business. What is its main commodity? Human eggs. Young women all over the world are solicited by ads—via college campus bulletin boards, social media, online classifieds—offering up to $100,000 for their "donated" eggs, to "help make someone's dream come true." But who is this egg donor? Is she treated justly? What are the short- and long-term risks to her health? The answers to these questions will disturb you . . .

Produced by The Center for Bioethics and Culture (Lines That Divide, 2009), Eggsploitation spotlights the booming business of human eggs told through the tragic and revealing stories of real women who became involved and whose lives have been changed forever.

Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1

This documentary profiles several Veterans' Crisis Line counselors who work the phones of this 24-hour service, providing support, guidance, and hope to active and retired servicemen dealing with emotional, physical and financial troubles.

Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII

From PBS - In 1942 a secret U.S. military program was launched to recruit women to the war effort. But unlike the efforts to recruit Rosie the Riveter to the factory, this clandestine search targeted female mathematicians who would become human 'computers' for the U.S. Army. From the bombing of Axis Europe to the assaults on Japanese strongholds, women worked around-the-clock six days a week, creating ballistics tables that proved crucial to Allied success. Rosie made the weapons, but the female computers made them accurate. When the first electronic computer (ENIAC) was developed to aid the Army's calculation efforts, six of these women were tapped to become its first programmers. Top Secret Rosies is the as-yet-untold story of women and technology that helped win a war and usher in the modern computer age. This is the chronicle of four very different women who worked as human computers at the University of Pennsylvania from 1942-1946. Capturing the opportunities and exhilaration of the times and exploring the moral dilemmas inherent in their work, Top Secret Rosies follows their efforts as they labored night and day to create the mathematical computations that made every Allied bomb and bullet more deadly.

Mirage Men

What if the UFO conspiracy was turned on its head? Instead the modern mythology of governments covering up UFO sightings, the military had been and still is actually encouraging it as part of their ancient cold war counterintelligence arsenal. Mirage Men draws viewers into a saucer-shaped hall of mirrors, a shadow-world where every lie contains elements of the truth, and the truth is far stranger than the UFO believers, or their detractors, would have you believe.

We Always Lie to Strangers: The Incredible True Story of Branson, Missouri

Five years in the making, We Always Lie To Strangers is a story of family, community, music and tradition set against the backdrop of Branson, Missouri, one of the biggest tourist destinations in America. A remote Ozark Mountain town of just 10,500, Branson hosts more than 7.5 million tourists a year and generates nearly 3 billion dollars in annual tourism revenue.
At the heart of Branson's appeal is the more than 100 staged music shows that earned the town the monicker of "the live music capital of the world". These shows are well known for their "traditional, family" style of entertainment - no cussing, no nudity, no gambling, healthy doses of gospel and respect for veterans - and crowds from around the country, and particularly from the American midwest, flock to Branson for this "return to old fashioned values".
Directors AJ Schnack and David Wilson and Producer Nathan Truesdell spent the past five years documenting Branson and profiling four families who live and perform there. They found, as one of their subjects noted, that "Branson seems very simplistic on the outside, like you could paint it in a dozen sentences. I think you'll find the surface truth doesn't match the actuality."
Set against the backdrop of a country dealing with economic uncertainty and changes in attitudes on social issues, these four families form a composite both of Branson and of contemporary America.

Fight Life

Fight Life is a new groundbreaking documentary that gives the audience an intimate look into the real life of the modern day professional mixed martial arts fighter. From humble beginnings paying dues at the smaller events to being on the big stage fighting for a championship on prime time TV, Fight Life follows these fighters on their journeys chasing a dream only few dare. Directed by award-winning indie filmmaker James Z. Feng, this documentary currently stars - Jake Shields, Nick Diaz, Lyle Beerbohm, Gilbert Melendez, Frank Shamrock, Miesha Tate, "Big" John McCarthy, and Sam Sheridan (author of "A Fighter's Heart").

Bob and the Monster

This award winning documentary follows outspoken indie-rock hero Bob Forrest, through his life-threatening struggle with addiction, to his transformation into one of the most influential and controversial drug counselors in the US today. The film crafts contemporary footage, animation and compelling interviews with archival performances and personal videos from Bob's past to reveal the complex layers of this troubled, but hopeful soul. Featuring Courtney Love, Anthony Kiedis, Flea, John Frusciante, members of Jane's Addiction, Fishbone and Guns n' Roses.

Dearly Departed

Dearly Departed, a fictional documentary, delves into the afterlife to interview spirits and get their insights on life after death. Several characters share what the afterlife has to offer and come to terms with how their lives on Earth could have been different.

I'm A Stripper Too!

I'm a Stripper Too is a follow up to the 2013 'I'm a Stripper' and follows the lives of male strippers in some of the sexiest cities in N. America. Each guy has been selected to create a dynamic perspective on the reality of making a living in the buff. Is it about money? Is it a sexual turn-on? How did they get here? What do their families and friends think? Do they take their work home with them? How much do they make? Is it competitive on the floor trying to get private dances? What is life like away from the club? How do they size up a client? How do our straight boys feel about dancing for dudes? And the gay boys dancing for ladies? What gives them wood? What makes it limp?

Our Vinyl Weighs A Ton: This Is Stones Throw Records

Our Vinyl Weighs A Ton is a feature-length documentary about avant-garde Los Angeles-based record label Stones Throw Records. The film weaves together rare concert footage, never-before-seen archival material, inner-circle home video and photographs and in-depth interviews with the artists who put Stones Throw on the map. Our Vinyl Weighs A Ton gives an exclusive look into the label's left-of-center artists, history, culture, and global following. The film features exclusive interviews with Peanut Butter Wolf, Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, Madlib, Common, Questlove, Talib Kweli, Mike D (The Beastie Boys), Tyler, The Creator, and many more.


A groundbreaking exploration into how mobile devices, virtual worlds, social media and the Internet are reshaping face-to face human interactions -- for the good and the bad.

The Great Flood

The Mississippi River Flood of 1927 was the most destructive river flood in American history. In the spring of 1927, the river broke out of its earthen embankments in 145 places and inundated 27,000 square miles. Part of its legacy was the forced exodus of displaced sharecroppers, who left plantation life and migrated to Northern cities, adapting to an industrial society with its own set of challenges. Musically, the Great Migration fueled the evolution of acoustic blues to electric blues bands that thrived in cities like Memphis, Detroit and Chicago becoming the wellspring for R&B and rock as well as developing jazz styles. The Great Flood is a collaboration between filmmaker and multimedia artist Bill Morrison and guitarist and composer Bill Frisell inspired by the 1927 catastrophe. In the spring of 2011, as the Mississippi River was again flooding to levels not seen since 1927, Frisell, Morrison, and the band traveled together from New Orleans, through Vicksburg, Clarksdale, Memphis, Davenport, Iowa, St. Louis and on up to Chicago. For the film, Morrison scoured film archives, including the Fox Movietone Newsfilm Library and the National archives, for footage of the Mississippi River Flood. All film documenting this catastrophe was shot on volatile nitrate stock, and what footage remains is pock marked and partially deteriorated. The degraded filmstock figures prominently in Morrison's aesthetic with distorted images suggesting different planes of reality in the story-those lived, dreamt, or remembered. For the score, Frisell has drawn upon his wide musical palette informed by elements of American roots music, but refracted through his uniquely evocative approach that highlights essential qualities of his thematic focus. Playing guitar, Frisell is joined by Tony Scherr on bass, Kenny Wollesen on drums and Ron Miles on trumpet.

The Rise and Fall of The Clash

The only up-close and personal film about the juggernaut band The Clash and their meteoric trajectory through rock 'n roll history.

The Story of Psychedelic Rock

The programme looks at a collection of live performances of the psychedelic movement, examining the music, the drugs and the people who were instrumental in its development and success. Including performances from Jimmy Hendrix, David Bowie, Pink Floyd and many more....

Desert Riders

Camel racing, often called the Sport of Kings, is one of the most popular sports in the Middle East. Desert Riders is the story of some of the thousands of boys, as young as two years old, who have been trafficked to the Middle East to work as camel jockeys from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mauritania and Sudan. With stunning visuals, Desert Riders illuminates the beauty of the Middle East, while featuring the children and their experiences in a bold, revealing and compelling way.

The Fatherless

They never expected Kyra to turn up again. Upon the death of their father, two brothers and their sister, unite at the family estate, only to be stunned by the arrival of their sister; Kyra who as a toddler vanished over twenty years earlier, during the breakup of their parents hippie commune where they all were born. When Kyra discovers that her very existence has been kept secret, she starts to uncover old mysteries. Soon enough, the dynamics within the family are in turmoil as the two brothers and the two sisters find themselves unearthing the roots of their childhood memories and the cause for their suppression. A critically acclaimed, award-winning feature debut; Fatherless is an intriguing and disturbing journey into the past, a gripping study of belonging and solitude, bonds and freedom.

Mississippi I Am

In 2006, 'NSync's Lance Bass came out publicly as gay. Once the "most beloved son" of his home state of Mississippi, he was instantly rejected and his hopes that Mississippi could ever embrace change were dashed. Then in 2010 he heard the story of Constance McMillen, 18, who was suing her school for denying her the right to go to the prom with her girlfriend. Something was shifting even in the most socially conservative states in America.

MISSISSIPPI I AM examines the relatively new fight in the state over "traditional God fearing values" and the push on the part of primarily young LGBT people and their progressive allies to bring gay civil rights and visibility out in the open and beyond division.

Valentine Road

On February 12th 2008, in the working class town of Oxnard, California, 14-year-old Brandon McInerney shot his eighth grade classmate, 15-year-old Lawrence 'Larry' King twice in the back of the head during first period English class, while the entire class watched. Larry died two days later. A media frenzy followed - spinning the wild tale of a flamboyantly gay Lolita pushing the buttons of a raging white supremacist bully too far. Even though its portrayal of both boys was wildly sensationalized, a dialogue began by placing a microscope on the educational system, sending a rallying cry for the safety of LGBT teens, and even questioning the notion of the responsibility of a minor and the moral obligation to overhaul our state's juvenile justice system. Eventually the traditional news media moved on. The 'real' story - a more complex and human story in varying shades of gray - was never told. Left in its wake was a shell-shocked small town community having to answer big questions - questions big enough to hold up a mirror to the entire community at large. What exactly is society to do with someone like Brandon? What measures can be enacted to protect LGBT kids like Larry King? How did these two children, whose backgrounds are actually more similar than different, end up with one being shot dead and the other facing life in prison? And what are the people who loved and befriended them supposed to do next? Valentine Road is a feature documentary that examines this powerful and emotionally devastating earthquake and its long lasting aftershocks. It follows the tragedy from point of impact, chronicling its rocky aftermath and culminating in a criminal trial that affects everyone in town - most notably the other children present in that classroom who might just find a way to move forward from the morass.

The Swirl

There was a time when interracial dating was a taboo practice that could lead to physical harm or even death. Today it seems to be of greater acceptance as with celebrity power couples Kanye West and Kim Kardashian or Ice-T and Coco. "The Swirl" takes a comedic look at this serious topic by digging into the cultural shift in attitudes around interracial relationships. The Swirl unearths the real-life conversations folks are having in the shadows on the subject that have finally been brought to light in this enlightening and entertaining documentary. Speaking to men and women on both sides of the debate, the feature length documentary delivers honest and hilarious dialogue on interracial dating by comedians such as Esther Ku, Rodney Perry, and Reggie Jackson. The film dares viewers to take a hard look at their own perceptions. Through in-depth interviews, expert commentary, comedic conjecture and surprising statistical data, the film covers everything from self-hate and racism to the concept of love being colorblind. Whether you turn up your nose and wince every time you see someone dating outside his or her race or accept "swirling" with open arms, this film bravely addresses the realities of race relations in the 20th century. "The Swirl" forces us to speak openly and honestly about interracial dating in a way not often discussed in public. When the final credits roll, you'll be left with a brand new perspective that will either reshape or reconfirm your views on this taboo topic.

Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton

The Big Joy film creates a journey through the life and works of the exquisite poet, a vibrant lover, innovator, and role model James Broughton. Most importantly, those people who knew or worked with James will share their stories and insights into the life of this master of visual and verbal images. James' story shows what it means to be yourself, how making art can keep you from losing hope, and how you can find true love -- and yourself -- at age 62, or any age.


"I beg you Jesus, to save me, from this gambling problem," a preacher says as he holds his hand to the head of a sobbing young girl. The girl repeats his words carefully. She represents a surprisingly large amount of the Chinese population that, as Peter a dedicated gambler tells us, is obsessed with easy money: "They're all dreaming they will be millionaires. So that makes people crazy." According to Michael, a taxi driver whose gambling lost him his family, this is a cultural obsession. "It is Hong Kong's culture to put money first. It's like we're competing with each other." The desire for money and material goods hangs over those who live and work there, and speculating on the stock exchange, backing a horse, or gambling on a roulette table has become a way for ordinary people to try and reach this dream of wealth and fortune. "I want to change my life. Life is about happiness? What about me?" JI, a young man who can only find meaning for his life through the highs and lows of gambling, tells us. For many like him gambling can represent an opportunity to reach happiness, or at least experience some excitement. For others it is a form of escapism. "I believe that people gamble to escape a problem, or when they're unhappy, they want to escape from reality." But for some gamblers, like Auntie, there is no escape; gambling has swallowed up their whole life. "I don't have any close friends now, in this gambling city there are no real friends." Divorced and abandoned by her daughter, she is a lost soul who has disappeared into the casinos of Macau to hide from her problems. This slick and incisive film examines the effect that the pressure of consumer society, and the pull of gambling, is having on the people of Hong Kong and Macau. It is a film about two modern cities, the people trying to make their way in them and the forces of fate, luck and fortune that effect us all.


"Oh my luck! I'll lose my life... Save me, please God save my life...", a young patient in a rural hospital in Ethiopia whimpers. Her fear is very real in a country where 1 in 27 women die in childbirth-related deaths. "Is my baby alive?" She is scared, in pain and tired after labouring for 24 hours at home. Carried on a wooden stretcher for the four-hour trek to the hospital, when she finally arrives, her baby is dead. Lack of education or investment in healthcare mean that Third World countries have an average maternal mortality rate of 1 in 40 women. In contrast, in the USA it is closer to 1 in 5,000. Behind the statistics there are some incredible people who are taking it upon themselves to try to change this terrible plight. In Cambodia a woman in need of a caesarian section cannot afford the bus to the hospital. Another dies because her placenta does not deliver; she could not reach the hospital because there was no bridge. Local health officer Goitom asks his patient how her first child died. "Like this one" she replies, staring blankly, visibly crushed by the death of her second child. She lives four hours by foot from the hospital. Time is everything; if it had been possible for her to come earlier, her baby could have been saved. If she had come later, she almost certainly would be dead. "When a mother survives you feel great, delighted. But I think it's not enough. A single person can't solve all these problems." Goitom is frustrated, and with pregnancy and childbirth killing more people than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, rightly so. As this moving doc explores the unheard stories of three ordinary people struggling to diminish these unnecessary and tragic deaths, it is clear that what they lack in resources and formal training they make up for in bravery and determination. The result is intimate and emotional; a tribute to courageous self-sacrifice and a cry for help.