Harvesting the High Plains

From PBS - Colby, Kansas, 1933. As the dark clouds of the economic depression settle over the country, another dark storm rages on the High Plains. From the panhandle of Texas to western Nebraska another battle begins, with an even greater foe and one far less forgiving; nature. Rising out of the dust came two men Ray Garvey and John Kriss who believed that the land in western Kansas and eastern Colorado was fertile and capable of producing wheat. By partnering with the land, they learned how to restore the broken plains, turning dust into fields of gold. All during a time when men needed more than just food, they needed hope. Demonstrating that through hard work and common sense, farming on the high plains was possible under the most adverse conditions. Through their efforts, GK Farms became one of the largest wheat operations on the plains and yielded Garvey and Kriss a record crop in 1947. Harvesting the High Plains celebrates the progressive search for agricultural answers in the face of the dustbowl, changing the Great American Desert into the Breadbasket of the World.

Hip Hop Don't Stop

This film gives us the definitive chronicle of hip-hop from its beginnings. See the evolution of music with vintage footage, live performances and exclusive interviews with hip hop legends including Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G., P. Diddy and many more....

Severe Kart Racing

Severe Kart Racing is the latest work from Severe Racing Films. Scott Tugel, the producer and director of the best selling movie, Kart Attack, puts rubber to the road in the most wicked kart racing film yet. Intense battles topping 100 mph, one inch off the track. Get pumped on 3 Gs of pure adrenaline, with the coolest racing from the hottest events in the country. A killer soundtrack backs the very best Drivers at the best races, driving the fastest Go Karts.

Max Kennedy

"Normally what they do if they're going to lose these ID cards, they melt their picture", Max says, kneeling in the dust amidst the dried out bushes, his rifle across his knee, cradling an ID card in his hand. "Because when I give this to the border patrol, they're gonna know you're in this country illegally," he continues, tension and emotion ringing through his voice, "and they're gonna be looking for you". "Alright then, we're on our way to the vast highway that leads to America", Max says, as he leads us down a well-worn path through the vast expanse of scrubland. Every day large numbers of Mexicans travel this route on the way to their new lives in the United States. While he has sympathy for the Mexicans crossing the border, Max feels that keeping them out is what is right for his country: "I know how much they have to deal with over there. It's nonsense. But, on the other hand, it's polluting my society". Enrique Morones is on the other side of the debate. He is a founder of 'Border Angels', which protects the rights of those trying to cross the border. He sees the equation differently: "Remember that the undocumented community is contributing billions to this country. Billions." This may be part of the reason the border remains so porous, but Max feels that is it people like him who suffer and that his past bears that out. "I lived in a fairly nice community. Then they started showing up. My company got rid of us because they could get cheap labour." Leaving the border after a straight 15 months there, Max is worn out. But he also has a sense of satisfaction; from helping his country, but also those he was trying to stop. "I'm proud because I've helped more Mexicans than I've harmed". Yet the reality is that the future for both the Minutemen and the illegal immigrants is looking bleak. The civilization Max returns to is still an unforgiving world, for both him and the immigrants.

Seduced and Abandoned

For 10 days in May 2012, director James Toback and actor Alec Baldwin worked their way through the Cannes Film Festival in an attempt to secure financing for a new film. This documentary is comprised of footage of the hilarious and revealing proceedings.

Cocaine Unwrapped

From the first frame this definitive documentary ties the blithe recreational use of cocaine, a bit of good fun, to the global realities of its dirty supply chain. With unprecedented access to all the major players in the War on Drugs, from Presidents to drug mules, Cocaine Unwrapped challenges preconceptions and begs compassion. On Baltimore's Reservoir Hill the boarded up lots speak of the death of an inner city, where rampant drug dealing in broad daylight is now the only industry. Cruising the streets with a veteran police officer Neill Franklin we sense the urgent need for change in drug policy, since a criminal conviction will follow you for the rest of your life. In Baltimore's prison a crack dealer doing 25 years for his crimes, will have no life left to go to. Cut to the jungles of Colombia and the massive police effort to disrupt production. The madness of aerial spraying is borne out in the blanket destruction of impoverished farmers' crops. Everything's dead says farmer Maria, from papaya to chocolate, banana to yucca. The medical damage of fumigation is driving migration to the cities and we hear from its many critics in both Colombia and the US. In fact fumigation appears to be driving desperate farmers to produce coca, a fact ignored by Colombia's President who blames demand in Western Europe. Contrast this with the stand taken by Bolivian President Evo Morales, who brandished the coca leaf at the UN and expresses deep pride in this traditional crop grown since the Incas. Turning his back on the militarization of coca eradication, Morales took the step of legalizing traditional consumption. With Morales' peaceful, negotiated reduction, Bolivia's coca farmers are unionized and, unlike those in Colombia, thriving. Meanwhile dead bodies line the streets of Mexico's Juarez, victims of drug violence in this transit town. Mass graves of unidentified victims lie next to empty graves ready to be filled. Gang members and dealers explain their lack of escape routes from the death squads. People here have lost faith in the army, infiltrated by the cartels and perpetrating human rights abuses. The violence threatens the Mexican state itself and its streets are full of crack-addicted kids who wish quitting was as easy as buying. In Ecuador we hear stories of female drug mules like Theresa, imprisoned for their crimes, never to see their children grow up. In the prisons 75 percent are women. It's a plight so hopeless that Ecuador's President Correra has drawn a distinction between the powerful and the powerless in the drug trade and pardoned many mules. It's a rare second chance for those caught up in the failed War on Drugs, and a clarion call for a new, more progressive approach. The film gives voice to those campaigning for us in the West to take real responsibility for our drugs problem and exposes the human cost of one of the most popular drugs on Europe's streets


Core goes to the heart of climbing. Join an international cast of the sport's most dedicated athletes as they stick it when it matters most. Shot in 35mm Ultra High Definition, get ready to see every detail of some of the nastiest pieces of rock ever climbed. A close examination of each character offers perspective beyond just their achievements on the stone. From Helsinki to Hueco, Africa to Italy, the enclosed forests of Tuscany to the vast open space of the American West, this film is a study in the landscapes and lifestyles that define our sport. Be there, in the moment, as a 5.14 traditional route gets its first ascent. See the mind-bending footage from Livin Large, Nalle Hukkataival's monster 8C. Watch as Fred Nicole polishes off his multi-year project in Switzerland -- his hardest ever. All these achievements and more are brought to you here in Chuck Fryberger's followup to the hit bouldering flick PURE. These are the moments and the athletes that define our sport, documented here with a unique style that will leave the viewer feeling like they experienced the film right along with the climbers themselves. Featuring Nalle Hukkataival, Matt Wilder, Fred Nicole, Kilian Fischhuber, Kevin Jorgeson, BJ Tilden, Lucas Preti, Cody Roth, Michele Caminati, Jamie Emerson, Sarah and Steph Marvez, Berni Fiedler, and many more.

Surfing Elite

Surfing Elite: The Pro Tape is a surfing movie dedicated to the biggest names in professional surfing. This is the Surfing Elite. These are the shakers and movers of our sport and for good reason. They are the best surfers in the world. When they glide on liquid canvas they create amazing works of art. Surfers like twelve time world champion Kelly Slater, Tom Curren and Bobby Martinez take top billing in this action filled surf movie with music exclusively from punk rock label Ort Records. Shot on location in California and Hawaii. Also includes a manic wipeout section that will leave you gasping for air.

The Story of Film: An Odyssey -- Part 1

Chapters 1-3: Birth Of The Cinema, The Hollywood Dream, and The Golden Age of World Cinema. The opening of THE STORY OF FILM: AN ODYSSEY shows the birth of a great new art form: the movies. We see how Hollywood became a glittering entertainment industry and how star directors like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton emerged in the roaring twenties. Then we visit Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai and Tokyo to discover the places where movie makers were pushing the boundaries of the medium.

Action Jackson

Storm Show's 2011 ski/ride adrenaline film promises to be its most adventurous undertaking to date. The record books were shattered with over 700 inches of snowfall having blasted the Teton Range of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As to be expected, big lines go down one after another, guys & girls alike. On display is the deepest of deep that will make your pants soggy, and massive cliff hucking that you can watch safely from your couch.Highlights include Jeff Leger's legendary 80 foot swan dives, and Adam Osgood's 100 foot double-front flips. Also in the running is Derek Depiero's first un-roped descent of Birdbrain Couloir in the Jackson Hole backcountry, and snowboarder Travis McAlpine's first descent of the disgustingly exposed Nomad Couloir. Yes, 2011 was one for the record books, and Action Jackson is the ski film that proves it...Epic!

Don't Shout Too Loud

In the Summer of 2010, as the government of South Africa readied its stadiums for their first FIFA World Cup, the countries' street ministries, educators, and police readied themselves for an anticipated increase in human trafficking. A deluge of reports and campaigns convinced the public that between 40,000 and 100,000 women and children would be trafficked into host cities to meet the apparent increased demand for paid sex. In response to this media frenzy, a number of international health, gender and development organizations, national governments, and NGO's from around the globe invested substantial funds into rolling out anti-trafficking campaigns. With the popular consensus being that huge numbers of women and girls are routinely trafficked within and into South Africa for the purposes of sexual exploitation, the issue would appear to be cut and dried, well deserving of global attention and immediate bold action. But a closer investigation of the issue reveals a much more complicated relationship between those that want to do good works and the actual issues they hope to address.
Ultimately, the prediction of increased human trafficking was a gross overestimation based on unsubstantiated evidence. So why was it made and what was the effect? "Don't Shout Too Loud" offers the harsh and unsettling theory that special interest groups are manipulating public policy in order to promote their agendas by inflating the scope of human trafficking. In doing so, they cause public panic and resources to be directed away from those who require the most help.

Audience Of One

Ten years ago, a pastor from the Voice of Pentecost Church in San Francisco received a prophetic whisper - a directive from God to make movies for the Lord. Using donations from his congregation, he slowly transformed his church into a fully functioning movie studio, and the production company Christian WYSIWYG Filmworks was born. After experimenting on several small projects, Pastor Richard Gazowsky announced he and his WYSIWYG crew were going to make a film entitled, "Gravity: The Shadow of Joseph", a $50 million biblical science fiction movie that would redefine the Hollywood epic. Audience Of One is a documentary that chronicles the making of "Gravity". This verite-style film goes inside a Pentecostal church, where the charismatic Gazowsky leads his loyal cast and crew on an incredible journey that tests the limits of faith. From pre-production at their church, to shooting principal photography in Italy, to leasing an enormous studio on an island in the San Francisco Bay, Audience Of One keeps pace with an embattled church production looking to God in order to keep their dream alive. Full of humor and pathos, what transpires is a story of obsession, faith and delusion.

Dalai Lama: Harmony In Diversity

A live presentation of the Dalai Lama's moving 1997 speech where he expresses his far-reaching vision of how we can move from violence to dialog, and how universal harmony awaits us in the celebration of diversity.

Who Cares?

"Just who is changing the world?" WHO CARES? answers that question by traveling the globe in search of the most innovative social entrepreneurs currently imagining a better planet. This eye-opening documentary introduces us to the people with simple solutions to the hard questions that affect us all — Bill Drayton (founder of Ashoka), Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Peace Prize), Mary Gordon and Rodrigo Baggio, among others -- brilliant oddballs who are making changes, bringing solutions to the problems we face, generating huge social impact and — most of all — inspiring people to do the same. More than a movie, a MOVEMENT that inspires people to be changemakers. The documentary tells, from the life stories of 18 social entrepreneurs around the world, real cases of people who got tired of the situation in their communities, decided to stop complaining, rolled up their sleeves and changed the world. Be part of this MOVEMENT!

Tales from Dell City, Texas

Like much of rural America, Dell City, Texas, just 70 miles east of El Paso, has been in a long, slow decline. A once thriving farm and ranch town with a population of several thousand, and an important water hub for the region, Dell City is down to a few hundred stubborn souls committed to life in what was once their desert oasis.

In his lapidary style, Producer-Director Josh Carter, who grew up in Houston, Texas and attended Princeton University, catches Dell City on its way down, but not out.

Carter documents the downward spiral with an ingenious and generous approach by asking long-time residents what they would do if they were to make a movie about the town. Carter then produces the short films that they write and direct. Surprising and heartfelt, these films reveal unvarnished personal glimpses of an enviably cohesive community.

Carter never mocks nor sentimentalizes Dell City—neither do the films within the film. He catches the feel of the place and the plain-spoken humanity, the power of business as usual.

There may be resurgence in store for Dell City, or at least as an investment opportunity. Its water supply has become a valuable asset, especially for thirsty El Paso. As one resident observes, "what's under the ground may be worth more than what can be grown or raised on top." But even if Dell City doesn't become a well for elsewhere, a meaningful way of life is coming to an end.


Featuring Jeremy Irons, TRASHED looks at the risks to the food chain and the environment through pollution of our air, land, and sea by waste. The film reveals surprising truths about very immediate and potent dangers to our health. It is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between the film star Jeremy Irons and scientists, politicians, and ordinary individuals whose health and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by waste pollution. Visually and emotionally the film is both horrific and beautiful: an interplay of human interest and political wake-up call.


Trail Notes is a collection of stories capturing the lifestyles of passionate mountainbikers from the Southern Hemisphere Mecca of Rotorua New Zealand and the infamous trails of the Whakarewarewa forest. The film follows four unique individuals and showcases their stories of how mountainbiking captivated their lives and what has drawn them to the sport and intoxicating location of the forest. Gaz Sulivan an ex advertising executive and designer who ditched the 9-5 falling in love with Rotorua on regular trips to the trails. Establishing NZO Active mountainbike clothing from his barn at home, exporting innovative products to riders all over the world. A keen lobbyist of forestry companies and the local council he is a passionate critic of forestry access for mountainbikers and his attempts to guarantee that the Whakarewarewa trails are protected for future generations.Born and raised in Rotorua, Craig Pattle became addicted to the local trails from a young age. One of the established old-guard of the New Zealand downhill scene, a highly successful national downhill and four cross champion Craig went on to follow the European pro tour placing within the top 20 in the world. After returning home from Europe he continues to give back to the sport he loves, fostering the next generation of mountainbikers through the Rotorua in Gear program teaching children basic cycling and mountainbiking techniques. Ditching her ballet shoes for a BMX as a child, Vanessa Quinn was born to have a career as a mountainbike racer. Training in the Whakarewarewa trails, she got a taste for the fast-paced nature of downhill racing going on to gain national success winning numerous national downhill and BMX racing series. Racing for Dirt magazine's professional team in 2003 she went on to win the 2004 World championships in France solidifying her position at the pinnacle of international downhill racing. After an injury plagued 2006 season Vanessa suffered a horrific accident breaking her neck in 2007 at the New Zealand nationals. Six weeks after the neck brace was removed her perseverance and strength showed through, back racing in the second round of the world cup series. A prominent figure in the international downhill scene since the mid 1990's, Vanessa continues to promote the sport she loves regularly riding at her home trails as well as being an ambassador for Wings Of Life Foundation to fundraise for spinal cord research. Genesis is the name of the first mountain bike track built by Rotorua's Community Work Supervisor Malcolm McHale, known as Red or Whero in Maori by all who know him. Red's involvement in track building and maintenance has spanned 20 years taking work parties into the forest 4 days a week; he has played an integral part in the development of the trail network. Red's unorthodox approach of convincing local courts to allow him to take hard PD boys into the forest gave instilled Mana and pride for offenders to use their aggression in a new, more positive outlet. Red and his boys have been the unsung heroes of the mountainbike community, keeping the trails in order. Each of these interconnected stories creates a tapestry of the local scene that mimics the winding trails of the forest. These stories of personal battles, commitment and passion to the sport of mountainbiking, illustrate both the individual and collective culture that these trails breed.

Generation Iron

This critically acclaimed documentary follows seven larger-than-life competitors vying for glory in the 2012 Mr. Olympia, the ultimate bodybuilding contest that catapulted Arnold Schwarzenegger into stardom. From the producer of the acclaimed classic PUMPING IRON and narrated by Academy Award®-nominee Mickey Rourke (THE WRESTLER), this true story of dedication, rivalry, victory, defeat, and triumph follows an array of magnificent bodybuilders as they prepare for, then participate in, the Olympia showdown in Las Vegas. These athletes include 2011 Mr. Olympia winner Phil Heath, Brooklyn underdog Kai Greene, Texas maverick Branch Warren, Japanese expatriate Hidetada Yamagishi, Germany's Dennis Wolf, Curacao-born Roelly Winklaar, and the forward-thinking Ben Pakulski. Featuring Schwarzenegger (THE EXPENDABLES FRANCHISE), Lou Ferrigno (THE INCREDIBLE HULK), and Michael Jai White (THE DARK KNIGHT, FAST & FURIOUS 7).

Snow Monkeys

From PBS - In the frigid valleys of Japan's Shiga Highlands, a troop of snow monkeys make their way and raise their families in a complex society of rank and privilege where each knows their place. Their leader is still new to the job and something of a solitary grouch. But one little monkey, innocently unaware of his own lowly social rank, reaches out to this lonely leader, forming a bond with him that manages over time to warm his less than sunny disposition. It is a rare and remarkable gesture that alters both their lives. Changing seasons bring new babies to care for, a profusion of insects and blossoms to eat, family disagreements to squabble over and tragedies to overcome. Mating season brings competition for females, as the days grow shorter and colder in a rush toward winter. But with their now confident leader to guide them and their families to shelter and care for them, this troop of snow monkeys is ready to face the world.

The Last Beekeeper

Other documentaries have done a fantastic job explaining in great detail the scientific nature of CCD. What the Last Beekeeper seeks to do is humanize the bees and tie them to very human stories. CCD is an environmental crisis, but until it hits home on a personal level, there will be no hope for change. After all, the plight of man and the plight of bees have been linked for centuries and at no time in history has that relationship been more strained. From a distance - beekeeping has looked the same for hundreds of years, and serves as an example of a harmonious relationship between man and nature. As one of the beekeepers in "The Last beekeeper" puts it - "Bees are here to serve and to help. They make enough honey for themselves and everyone else too." But look closer, and things begin to feel very different. As the film begins to unravel the mystery of the disappearing bees, this calm begins to give way to a mechanical eeriness. The trucks criss crossing the highway, the mechanization of honey and beekeeping, and the changing nature of agriculture are all reflected in a jarring editing style, soundtrack and shot choices as the film progresses. In addition to the story of the bees in United States, the film weaves in the personal stories of 3 beekeepers whose lives and livelihoods are tied to the fate of the bees in unexpected ways. Their story becomes the story of the bees. It's an emotional journey that reveals some very basic truths not only about the environment, but about the nature of mankind. Our entire agriculture system rests on the backs of these tiny insects. So as agriculture has changed in the United States, the beekeeping industry has been forced to keep up. In fact, beekeeping has undergone more changes in 20 years than in the previous 300. But as bees are pushed to maximize production, their numbers have been steadily dwindling. Then, in 2007, the bee numbers collapsed. And it has proven to be more than a one-time event.

Making Light in Terezin

Even in the darkest places on earth, there is always the need for light, for laughter. 'Making Light in Terezin' explores the little-known role that theater, cabaret and comedy played in improving and even saving the lives of some of the Jews who lived in the Terezin ghetto in WWII. The film follows a modern day theater group from Minnesota as they travel to the Czech Republic to perform a cabaret piece originally performed in Terezin in 1943. The film includes interviews with survivors who witnessed the original performance, and it shows another side of the Holocaust that is poignant and ultimately inspiring.

420 - The Documentary

Scores of citizens attend 420 festivals to openly celebrate pot smoking, while others experience tragic consequences, such as citizens who've been arrested, shot and even murdered for mere possession of cannabis. From 420 festivals to DEA raids, this fast paced film exposes how the public has been duped for the last 80 years by spin doctors and politicians who feign concern over the very youth who fall prey to marijuana prohibition and the drug war. Law enforcement retirees provide shocking commentary and outspoken regret over a policy they enforced only to realize it was a tragic mistake they hope to reverse.

I'm A Stripper

I'm a Stripper follows the lives of three male strippers in the sexiest cities in North America - Montreal, Niagara Falls and Las Vegas. Each guy has been selected to create a dynamic perspective on the reality of making a living in the buff. From an outspoken crew of friends making their living gig to gig in the Niagara Region, to a young Asian man rebelling from his conservative upbringing by dancing for men in Montreal, to the big lights of a show on the Las Vegas Strip - this documentary takes a hard look at a taboo industry that's becoming more accepted. I'm a Stripper offers the full meal deal and with so much of its subjects' personal lives exposed, leaves its audience with a lot to chew on.

Voices in the Tunnels

'New York is a great city - if you can stay on top of it.' In the pitch black only the rustle of rats feet and dripping water can be heard as the nervous film crew begin their journey to find New York's subway community. It's a dangerous mission in a place without law. The film makers delve deeper and deeper, searching for signs of life. Torchlight illuminates fading graffiti, a discarded suitcase and the distant roar of rushing trains. Finally a dark figure reveals himself and we follow him to the mole community.

Many of New York's tunnels and stations have become the home of the city's dispossessed. It's a paranoid community who've left the comforts of the world above to get away from people. 'We don't like intruders. In fact, from this emergency exit, down to the train station is my territory, and I watched you guys coming'.

For James, an addict who spent 16 years in jail, the tunnels are a place where he would 'be dead and stinking' before the police could find him. 'We're all out here together man'. It's the law of the jungle down here and members often turn on each other; 'If I ask someone to identify themselves, and they don't, I'll knock their lights out. You could kill a man, stuff him somewhere and never be found.'

'Right in here, I killed a little girl', Bertrum confesses, also a former inmate who shot his sergeant in the head. But the tunnels have their own code of conduct as well and often 'it's more of a crime to steal from each other, than it is to murder someone.'Whether hiding out from the law, homeless or suffering from a broken heart, the mole people of New York are running away from something. In the dark and frightening tunnels they find a home where society and their troubles cannot reach them.

Voices in the Tunnels is at the same time an example of the best of investigative documentary and also a powerful comment on the social underbelly of US society.

Spirit of the Marathon II

From the producers of the award-winning documentary Spirit of the Marathon, this highly-anticipated sequel follows seven runners from around the world as they journey to the starting line of the Rome Marathon.

Spirit of the Marathon II weaves the compelling stories of each runner - the trials and the triumphs -- that paved their road to Rome. The documentary also features insightful interviews with marathon greats such as Stefano Baldini, Paula Radcliffe, Frank Shorter, and many others, as they offer perspective and insight into this legendary race.

Deepak Chopra: Secrets of Enlightenment

Imagine being able to access your greatest creativity; imagine being able to arm yourself with infinite possibilities. Every major spiritual tradition has sought enlightenment and now its mystery is revealed. Renowned author, teacher and spiritual adviser Deepak Chopra discloses the path to enlightenment with 14 secrets.

In the Name of Democracy

A feature documentary about the remarkable case of Lt. Ehren Watada, the first officer in the U.S. Army to refuse to deploy to Iraq on moral grounds. The film delves into the lead up to and U.S. entry into the Iraq war, and features Lt. Watada, his parents, his attorney, Col. Ann Wright and Gen. Wesley Clark. Like David and Goliath, Lt. Watada courageously stood up to the military-industrial complex. The film raises significant questions about current American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan. This independent film is designed to encourage humanistic debate as the nation focuses on the war in Afghanistan.

The Hooping Life

Hula-hooping is back. The Hooping Life is about the rise of a hot new trend. Life inside the hoop's about your body, your soul, your art and your heart. Featuring Shaq O'Neal, The String Cheese Incident, The Scissor Sisters, and a score by Basement Jaxx, that captures the free-spirited nature of The Hooping Life. The film follows seven hoopers - Tisha, the daughter of a drug-dealer, creates a hoop program in South Central, LA, to keep kids off the streets taking in her parentless student Jeffery. Karis survives the gang-ridden streets of LA to become an explosive trans gendered performer. Baxter, the son of a southern Bible belt preacher, overcomes suicidal depression by hooping and turns his 'Hoop Path' into a spiritual practice followed by thousands. Sandy (aka Sass),South Africa's first black television star, fire-hoops away the trauma of a brutal rape. Big personalities collide as the divas of the movement, Christabel (aka HoopGirl) and Anah (aka Hoopalicious) team-up for a blockbuster international tour. From the street to the club to the arena, the film alternates between self-filmed video diaries, verité documentary footage and spectacularly filmed performances. Filmed over six years and with an appearance by late hoop-promoter and TV personality Art Linkletter, The Hooping Life's about sultry dance, cool culture, slammin' clothes, outer struggle and inner peace.

God Kings: The Descendants Of Jesus

Philip Gardiner joins Professor Hugh Montgomery in his home as he reveals a merger of two great blood lines as Romans and Goths came together. Hugh Montgomery explains why the line of David was so important and where it originated. He also explains the origin of the line of Odin. Just how and when these two bloodlines merged is an incredible story that has remained a secret for centuries.

Forgotten Ellis Island

From PBS - Visit the abandoned immigrant hospital on Ellis Island. During the great wave of immigration, 22 medical buildings sprawled across two islands adjacent to Ellis Island, the largest port of entry to the United States. Massive and modern, the hospital was America's first line of defense against contagious, often virulent, disease. In the era before antibiotics, tens of thousands of immigrant patients were separated from family, detained in the hospital and healed from illness before becoming citizens. FORGOTTEN ELLIS ISLAND is a powerful reminder of the best — and worst — of America's dealings with its new citizens-to-be. Elliott Gould narrates.

The Sheepdogs: Have At It

A feature documentary about the rise from obscurity of Canadian rock band THE SHEEPDOGS to the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine, and through the recording of their next - and most important - album.

Counterfeit Culture

Counterfeit Culture explores the dangerous and sometimes deadly world of fake products. An industry that once dealt in imitation designer handbags and shoes has exploded into a global epidemic of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, foods, toys, electronic goods, car parts and microchips. Shot on location in Canada, the USA, Asia, and Europe, Counterfeit Culture challenges consumers to take a deeper look at what appear to be harmless knock-offs at bargain prices. This thought-provoking film is a compelling journey through what is now a world-wide plague, a menace that some have called the crime of the 21st century.

Quality Balls: The David Steinberg Story

Americans have long depended on Canada for three things - oil, maple syrup and comedians. David Steinberg counts among Canada's biggest comedic exports. Born in Winnipeg, he attended Yeshiva in Chicago, abandoning his studies to join the legendary Second City. He never looked back. The film features priceless archival footage of his performances, including The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, where he was second only to Bob Hope in the number of appearances) and the standup shows that put him in the ranks of George Carlin and Richard Pryor. At times too controversial for US networks, his religious sermonettes generated more hate mail for CBS than any network had ever received, resulting in the cancellation of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. His directing credits are no less outstanding, including Seinfeld, Mad About You, Golden Girls and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Steinberg's incredible career influenced a generation and now, after 25 years, he returns to the stage in this exceptional biography.

I'm A Porn Star

I'm a Porn Star follows the lives of guys in the neighborhood who are likely a lot more famous than you - at least on the Internet. There are an estimated 370 million pornographic websites online. Porn is now a thirteen billion dollar business. So who's doing all this moonlighting? Turns out probably some people you know.

Modern Life

Magnum photographer and filmmaker Raymond Depardon is renowned for his documentation of the French countryside. In "Modern Life" he casts an affectionate and irreverent eye on a small community of farmers as they are confronted by the problems and challenges the contemporary world brings. Treated with equal suspicion, strangers and women are gradually accepted into the fabric of the farming life so as to sustain a way of life that celebrates the traditions and methods of old. The Cévennes region in southern France is a region of hilly passes, lonely farms and lonelier farmers. There we are introduced to aged bachelor brothers Marcel and Raymond Privat, whose old-fashioned shepherding methods and primitive farming techniques lead them into contention with their younger nephew and his 'outsider' wife from Calais. Then there's dairy farmers Germaine and Marcel Challaye, who struggle to maintain their diminishing flock with no help from their numerous children, and chain-smoking solitary farmer Paul Argaud, the very epitome of disillusion and governmental disinheritance. Finally the Jeanroy family offer a bleak picture of those that stay against the odds, with their son Daniel, who would much rather be doing anything else. Through portraits of these unforgettable people, "Modern Life" becomes a witness to farmers' lives, values, and stories - all that binds them to the land, and its legacy.

Journey to Planet X

Have you ever dreamed of shooting a sci-fi blockbuster in your backyard? Mild-mannered scientists Eric and Troy do just that in this quirky doc that chronicles the making of a DIY film of epic proportions.


Shot on the US leg of Bill Callahan's 2011 tour, APOCALYPSE is an impressionistic collection of live performances and scenes from the road. Filmmaker Hanley Banks explores the changing landscape through the windows of Bill's tour van through California, the Midwest, and back to the Big Apple, in a psychedelic tapestry of footage from one of the most talked-about tours of Callahan's long career.


The city that Oprah and President Obama call home has become marred by murder. In response to its staggering homicide rate, locals have coined it "Chiraq" (a hybrid of Chicago and Iraq). In 2012, Chicago averaged 42 homicides per month with nearly 70% of deaths caused by guns.

Gunland begs the question, "Why Chicago?" Most would believe that hip-hop and its glorification of violence, guns and carnage is to blame for Chicago's gun-toting culture; however, this film goes beyond the headlines & stereotypes to discover that much more lies beneath the surface. The documentary attempts to discover the real reasons behind why young men and women of color are dying at the hands of their peers.

Chicago sits directly in the cross hairs of a $30 billion dollar drug trade. Half of all narcotics that enter the U.S. from Mexico can be traced back to the Sinaloa Cartel whose leader, "Jaoquin "El Chapo" Guzman calls Chicago his home. Last year Chicago's crime commission named Guzman "Public Enemy No. 1" and said his gang supplied most of the city's illicit drugs. As the saying goes where there is smoke there is fire and where there are drugs there must be guns. The documentary exposes similar contributing factors such as the connection between drug cartels & gun trafficking, discriminatory gun legislation, police involvement, unemployment and systemic issues within African-American culture to discuss how guns have become so readily available in The Windy City.

Through revealing interviews with gang members, activists, investigators & families of gun violence victims, Gunland looks to restore hope and examine solutions.

A Survey of Open Space

A pair of urbanites embark on a 4000-mile bicycle ride in search of the last wild place in America; to their dismay they find it. Set in the wake of America's great western expansion, the film is a portrait of bike touring and a meditation on wilderness.

Archetype of the U.F.O.

In modern times, the reports of encounters with UFOs and aliens are increasing at an alarming rate. However, what was once considered a sacred experience may now be perceived as an alien encounter. The mind can only interpret a current experiences based on what it has already experienced. As mass media programs peoplesÍ minds with images of UFOs and aliens, encounters with spiritual beings or other mystical forces are now assumed to be alien encounters that match the templates provided by movies and television.

An American Opera

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a massive storm that devastated and nearly destroyed the city of New Orleans, the United States of America suffered the worst domestic animal crisis in its history. Tens of thousands of house pets were left to die in neighbourhoods all across the region as owners were forced to evacuate without their pets. "The Greatest Pet Rescue Ever" documents the story of the officials, the rescuers and the adopters of animals who worked through the devastation only to discover that not everyone was working towards the same goal.

The Machine That Made Us

In The Machine that Made Us Stephen Fry investigates the story of the most important machine ever invented. The printing press was the world's first piece of mass-production technology. Its invention changed the world as dramatically as splitting the atom or sending men into space. It ignited a cultural revolution which shaped the modern age. It changed the way our brains work, replacing a spoken culture with a written one. It is the machine that made us who we are today. Viewers will travel with Stephen on a journey to explore the story of the machine, and of the man who created it: Johann Gutenberg. The journey will be shaped by the search for answers to two central questions: how did Gutenberg do it, and why?

Zombies: When The Dead Walk

Zombies are more popular than ever, and like all legends, it has an element of truth. We travel to Africa, Haiti and beyond to look into the origin of the zombie phenomenon and examine advances in psychopharmacology that have grown out of the zombification process.

King of Comics

Ralf König, one of the most successful German cartoonists, became famous with his comic book "The Most Desired Man," which was made into a film in starring Til Schweiger back in 1994. Wittily playing with queer clichés, he also reaches a wide heterosexual audience. In King of Comics, busy filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim (The Einstein of Sex, I Am My Own Woman, Rent Boys) portrays an unpretentious and modest man whom, with brilliant observational skills, has left his outlandish, yet intelligent, incredibly fun and delightfully graphic mark on an entire generation.


The rise and fall of former Heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson. © 2009 Fyodor, LLC and Krossover Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo

'Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo' goes behind prison walls to follow convict cowgirls on their journey to the 2007 Oklahoma State Penitentiary Rodeo. In 2006, female inmates were allowed to participate for the first time. In a state with the highest female incarceration rate in the country, these women share common experiences such as broken homes, drug abuse and alienation from their children. Since 1940, the Oklahoma State Penitentiary has held an annual 'Prison Rodeo' Part Wild West show and part coliseum-esque spectacle, it's one of the last of its kind - a relic of the American penal system. Prisoners compete on wild-broncs and bucking bulls, risking life-long injuries. For inmates like Danny Liles, a 14-year veteran of the rodeo, the chance to battle livestock offers a brief respite from prison life. Within this strange arena the prisoners become the heroes while the public and guards applaud.

Apostle Paul: A Polite Bribe

For the first time, learn how one man's vision kept the early Christian movement together. How one man defied the very followers of Jesus himself... and in the end left his homeland to conquer an Empire. This is the compelling story of Paul the Apostle, originally named Saul of Tarsus. He zealously persecuted the early followers of Jesus and violently tried to destroy the newly forming Christian church. Paul's dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus radically changed the course of his life. After his conversion, Paul began to preach that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He is generally considered one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age.


Can a person be forced to reconcile with those who killed her or his loved ones? In Coexist, Rwanda's unprecedented social experiment in government-mandated reconciliation is revealed for the first time through the eyes of survivors and perpetrators of the 1994 genocide. Coexist comes into focus as Rwanda's government releases thousands of Hutu perpetrators from prison. They participated in the slaughter of more than 500,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu. Most former prisoners like Jean have little choice but to return to the villages where they raped and slaughtered. To weaken the impulse toward retaliation, the vast majority of Rwandans attend government-sponsored solidarity camps and reconciliation workshops. Jean led a militia of 600 men who attacked their neighbors. He equivocates when asked how many people he killed. When pressed to guess, he says 39 in one area and three in another. Jean apologized to the relatives of the man he claims to have killed but not to the other 41 families. Agnes says the government's reconciliation policy saved her. She is bright with a broad smile that betrays little of the trauma she survived. She narrowly escaped death. She chooses to forgive those who killed her family. Incredibly Grace can still smile. By age ten, she survived genocide, and the murder of her parents and sister. Her extended family took her in but one turned her into a maid, others abused and later shunned her in a bid to steal her inherited land. Then the government urged her to reconcile with the killers, while others mocked her tears. Coexist examines core questions of the human experience: Can any of us be sure we'd never betray our friends and neighbors? Can reconciliation be taught and encouraged? Are former prisoners to be shunned and marginalized, or can they be rehumanized and brought back into the community?

The End of Time

Peter Mettler's enthralling, mind-bending new documentary is a tour de force that challenges our conception of time - and perhaps the very fabric of our existence. With stunning cinematography and a knack for capturing astonishing moments, "The End of Time" travels the planet - from the Cern particle accelerator outside Geneva to the lava flows of Hawaii; from a disintegrating Detroit where Henry Ford built his first factory to the tree where Buddha was enlightened. Both mind-expanding and eerily familiar, Mettler's provocative film explores the links between renewal and destruction, between primordial mysticism and the furthest reaches of modern science, giving the viewer a transcendent cinematic experience.

Lord Save Us from Your Followers

Whether someone is Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish - or yes, even Christian - all can identify at times with the cry, "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers!"

Fed up with the divisive bumper sticker mentality overtaking America, director (and follower) Dan Merchant donned his Bumper Sticker Man suit and set out on the daring search for meaningful dialogue and the true face of faith.

The Curse of the Gothic Symphony

The Curse of the Gothic Symphony follows the journey of a fanatical and eclectic group of music lovers who aspire to break the curse behind British composer Havergal Brian's notorious First Symphony. At over two hours long and requiring two orchestras, four brass bands and five full choirs it is regarded as the Mt. Everest of classical music. Gripped by the challenge to bring off the first staging of this monstrous symphony, these modern day crusaders will not stop until they triumph against all odds...failure is not an option. The curse must be broken.

Cocaine Cowboys Reloaded

The cocaine trade of the '70s and '80s had an indelible impact on contemporary Miami. Smugglers and distributors forever changed a once-sleepy retirement community into one of the world's most glamorous hot spots, the epicenter of a $20 billion annual business fed by Colombia's Medellin cartel. By the early '80s, Miami's tripled homicide rate had made it the murder capital of the country, for which a TIME cover story dubbed the city "Paradise Lost."

The Long Green Line

Coach Joe Newton has used the sport of Cross Country Running to teach simple but important lessons to high school boys for the last 50 years. "Always do your best", "be on time" and "it's nice to be great but far greater to be nice" are mantras, which have turned the Boys Cross Country team at the public York High School in Elmhurst Illinois into the most winning high school team in any sport in America. Along with mastery of their sport, Newton turns boys into men, who carry his teaching and his love for each of them throughout their lives. The Long Green Line documents the York Duke's 2005 Cross Country season as the runners seek their record 25th state title in 50 years. In the sport of Cross Country only the top 5 athletes per team score points and only seven are included in competition.

The Mountain Runners

The Mountain Runners is the story of America's first mountain endurance foot race, which took place in 1911. The grueling 28 to 32 mile race to the glacial summit of Mount Baker and back utilized steam trains and modified Model T autos, and lasted only three years, due to its intrepid dangers. Told in a docudrama style, the film incorporates never before released historic images, archival film, visual effects, and recreated dramatizations starring William B. Davis (X-Files). The film is narrated by Kevin Tighe (Lost, Emergency, What's Eating Gilbert Grape) and is well-supported by a cast of historians, descendants of race participants, and a group of world-renowned experts in their field. Interviews with multiple contemporary world-champion athletes, including alpine speed-climbers, climbing authors Steve House and Chad Kellogg, ultra running champions and world-record holders Krissy Moehl, Scott Jurek, and Doug McKeever, as well as Second Wind author Cami Ostman. Their interviews and insights illuminate the accomplishments of their endurance-athlete predecessors, whose achievements are astonishing.

Ages and Stages: The Story of the Meligrove Band

Being in a band isn't all sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll -- get an inside look at the ups and downs of Canada's The Meligrove Band on their quest to break through and make it big. Featuring interviews with members of Tokyo Police Club, F***ed Up, and more.


"Stripped" is a feature-length documentary on comic strips, how they're created, and the people behind them - featuring the first-ever recorded interview with Bill Watterson of Calvin & Hobbes. The film sits down with over 60 of the world's best cartoonists to talk about comic strips, where the art form's going, and what happens to it as newspapers die and digital takes off. Featured interviews include: Cathy Guisewite (Cathy), Lynn Johnston (For Better or For Worse), Mort Walker (Beetle Bailey), Mike & Jerry (Penny Arcade), Matt Inman (The Oatmeal), Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant) and Patrick McDonnell (Mutts). Set to original music by Stefan Lessard of Dave Matthews Band, the film is a must-see for comics fans.


FRONTRUNNERS is a smart and funny political documentary that follows the student council presidential campaign at one of the country's most prestigious public high schools: Stuyvesant High School in New York City.
An entertaining and symbolic campaign film, put forth in classic verité style, we follow four charming and idiosyncratic candidates as they navigate an electoral process that is said to be one of the most competitive at the high school level. These teenaged candidates face the same issues as candidates of any age, such as picking the 'right' running mate, shaking as many hands as possible, preparing for televised debates, impressing the pundits and journalistic community, addressing sensitive race-related issues, and mobilizing an apathetic voter base.
A microcosm of the U.S. Presidential elections, Caroline Suh's film shows politicking and pluralities through the lens of the adolescent experience.

The Organic Life

Sweat, sun, rain, tears, and green thumbs are all part of the challenge for a young couple attempting to become full-time organic farmers in this illuminating doc.

Unknown Known

Available same day as theatrical release. Academy Award winner Errol Morris, using declassified memos, guides the notorious Don Rumsfeld through a historical and provocative discussion examining his career, philosophy and complex legacy.

Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell

Director Matt Wolf's critically acclaimed documentary examines the life and work of Arthur Russell, an influential singer, songwriter, cello player and disco auteur who died tragically in 1992. The film blends archival footage with illuminating interview segments featuring some of Russell's colleagues and most notable collaborators, including poet Allen Ginsberg, composer Philip Glass and indie pop sensation Jens Lekman.

Beautifully Broken

Beautifully Broken documents the intimate connection between Rafael Goldchainís life tribulations and his body of work. With its own highly expressive visual syntax, the film vividly articulates Rafaelís 30-year long journey to photograph not only the world but also more impressively, his subjective relationship to it.

One Direction: Clevver's Ultimate Fan Guide

Superstar group, One Direction, has taken pop music fans all over the world by storm. Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan exploded onto the scene and captured the hearts and minds of fans from their start on The X Factor. While famed producer and & TV judge, Simon Cowell, saw something special in the guys...so did the fans. In 'One Direction Clevver's Ultimate Fan Guide,' Clevver explores the group's rise to fame as told by celebrities and fans who know them best. In their own quirky way, stars like Robert Pattinson, Miranda Cosgrove, & many more reveal their thoughts on the mega-famous group. We take a close look into how the combination of 1D's good looks, charm, and fan interaction catapulted them into mega-stardom. In the next hour, hosts Dana Ward and Joslyn Davis from YouTube's ClevverTV channel, explore their rise to fame as told by celebrities and those who brush shoulders with them most. You'll also see a playful side of the guys through exclusive interviews spanning from their start to where they are now. We give you the true inside look at the stories behind the fame!

Onde Nostre

Onde nostre is a lifestyle documentary film that shows the peculiarity of the Italian surf scene and the beauty of this sport, even in a country that's not usually considered a top destination for catching waves. With this film, we intended to show the passion and high level of Italian surfers. The film is shot mainly in 16mm and Super 8, and only a small part is shot digital in order to emphasise the beauty of the landscape. The film has a romantic approach to surfing. Action has a great relevance, with slow motion segments and emotional editing. Onde nostre also shows the Italian surfer lifestyle and the endless search for good waves in the Mediterranean sea. We travelled in the spring of 2010 between Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia. The film shows the grand and powerful landscapes where nature and our surfers are living in symbiosis. We had the chance to get into the lives of our riders, recording their emotions, their expectations and their joy. Onde nostre is a tribute to our sea (Mare Nostrum), and to the people that keep on searching, believing in a simple lifestyle made of small but important values friendship, nature and the joy of doing what we love to do.

American Grand

A vintage Steinway with rusty strings, wood-boring insects, and cat hair clogging the action, is dragged into a workshop and restored over the course of a year by a colorful team of technicians led by Richard Davenport, a renowned Los Angeles piano doctor. American Grand captures the transformation of the 1913 Steinway from wreck to shining beauty. There are setbacks, skirmishes, and heartfelt revelations. Who knew that restoring a piano could be so dramatic? Along the way, the film follows the outside work of Richard Davenport at Twentieth Century Fox, Herb Albert's Vibrato Jazz Club, and other Los Angeles venues, while featuring extracts from the works of composers ranging from Bach to Irving Berlin, as performed by fourteen international pianists. As lively as it's elucidating, American Grand was produced and directed by the owner of a concert grand rebuilt by Richard Davenport. No pianos were intentionally harmed during the making of this film.

Lorrie Morgan: Beyond the Interview

This exciting ninety-minute documentary DVD about country music legend Lorrie Morgan includes segments of her childhood, growing up backstage at the Grand Ole Opry, her road to stardom, and her much publicized personal life. Also included are interviews with Lorrie's closest confidants, celebrities whose lives she has influenced, and a candid look behind the scenes of her life. In addition to Lorrie's mother, siblings, and children, some of the other people interviewed for the documentary include artists Kellie Pickler, Mike Love from the The Beach Boys, and Barbara Mandrell; industry executives Joe Galante, James Stroud, Steve Moore, and Tony Conway; and music industry veterans Robert K. Oermann and Ralph Emery. Also features unique photos from Lorrie's personal collection.

Michael Jackson's This Is It

Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT is a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts at London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June 2009, this film was produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. In raw and candid detail, Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his planned final London shows. 2009 The Michael Jackson Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

WALTER: Lessons from the World's Oldest People

After an encounter with Walter Breuning, the World's Oldest Man, Hunter Weeks and his fiancée, Sarah, embark on an adventure to meet the oldest people in the world, including some of the people born in the 1800s. Capturing the extraordinary lives of people 110 years or older, including World's Oldest Person, Besse Cooper of Georgia, the couple's journey sheds light on what is truly important in life. Traveling across the United States, Cuba, and Italy, Hunter and Sarah explore life's lessons through the stories of several living supercentenarians and the families that support them. Walter connects us to the inspiring lives of our elders and their lessons for living life right.

History of Jazz: Oxygen For The Ears

HISTORY OF JAZZ is an award-winning documentary chronicling the rise of jazz music, its players, its followers, its past, and its possible future. Told from the landmark of Washington, D.C., the film shows how jazz history was made and continues to be made in the capital today. Featuring rare recordings and revealing interviews with jazz giants like Esperanza Spalding, Billy Taylor, Buck Hill, Butch Warren, Eric Lewis, Chuchito Valdes, among many others, HISTORY takes an emotional journey through historic and present-day jazz moments.


Every year photographer Murray Fredericks ventures to the middle of Lake Eyre, a desolate salt flat in South Australia. He pitches camp at its very core, with neither land nor water in sight. Fredericks's journey isn't a quest for high adventure or spiritual transcendence—this is clear whenever he casually picks up his satellite phone to chat with his family back home. Rather, he sets out to see—to really see—what happens in a place that might literally be the middle of nowhere. Between the long-distance quarrels with his wife and the hours of sheer boredom, Fredericks manages to find esoteric splendor with his camera. His catalog of stunning time-lapse cinematography and beautifully composed still photography is a kaleidoscopic array of brilliant color and subtle movement. Fredericks looks into the abyss and finds that, in the midst of nothingness, there is everything.


This dance film shows the ambiguity of real and imaginary worlds where a woman searches, dances, fights and plays, unable to separate what is lived and what is dreamed.

Mardik: Baghdad to Hollywood

An intimate portrait of an oft-forgotten character in Hollywood: the screenwriter. Raised in Baghdad, screenwriter Mardik Martin was infused with an early love for movies when he was sent to the U.S. by his family to avoid being drafted into the Iraqi army. Mardik discovered the NYU cinema department, and there he met Martin Scorsese; their friendship would lead to some of the greatest films in American cinema.

Heidi Fleiss: The Would-Be Madam of Crystal

An unflinching portrait of 'Hollywood Madam' Heidi Fleiss as she attempts to open the first legal brothel for female clients.

Mistaken For Strangers

Hailed by Michael Moore as "one of the best documentaries about a band that I've ever seen" and by Pitchfork as "the funniest, most meta music movie since SPINAL TAP," MISTAKEN FOR STRANGERS is a truly hilarious and touching film about two brothers, Matt and Tom Berninger. Matt, the lead singer of the critically acclaimed rock band The National, finally finds himself flush with success. His younger brother Tom is a loveable slacker - a filmmaker and metal-head still living with his parents in Cincinnati. On the eve of The National's biggest tour to date, Matt invites Tom to work for the band as a roadie, unaware of Tom's plan to film the entire adventure. What starts as a rock documentary quickly becomes a crowd-pleasing journey about family, ambition, and the creative process.

Tiesto Copenhagen (Elements of Life World Tour)

Tiesto performs live at Parken Stadium Copenhagen to support his Elements Of Life album. This 4 hour concert experience features special guests Julie Thompson and Christian Burns.

Beaches of Agnes

A reflection on art, life and the movies, The Beaches of Agnes is a magnificent film from the great Agnes Varda, director of The Gleaners and I and Cleo from 5 to 7, a richly cinematic self portrait that touches on everything from the feminist movement and the Black Panthers to the films of husband Jacques Demy (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg) and the birth of the French New Wave.

A Ripper in Canada: Paranormal Hauntings in the Great White North

Evil entities reaching out from beyond the grave, murder victims reliving their grisly demise and lost souls searching for a way home - Canada has no shortage of paranormal tales. Could these events stem from the dying curse of an innocent woman burnt as a witch?

Petey & Ginger

When the global economy collapses the only true victors are those that weren't invited to the boom. Petey plays in a band and works in a pornography warehouse, shipping sex paraphernalia to customers all over the world. Ginger works the late night shift in a bar as a fortune-teller to those who have been hit hard by the financial crisis. Living on opposite coasts of America and both friends of the filmmaker, both their stories begin with their respective escapes from difficult childhoods. The film weaves voices and images, seeking to reveal how in-between people are hanging on in today's America, desiring and dreaming in a no-man's-land, but now adapted to the lack of hope. "Petey & Ginger" is a personal take on individual crisis vs. collective crisis, and what happens when the two overlap. In their narrative, we experience a broken culture exposing a wasteland of shattered economic dreams and unfulfilled social promises; a reality that only music and friendship float freely above.

Let Timmy Smoke

Follow the lives of several characters in the cannabis industry leading up to the 2010 California election where California voted against Prop 19, the initiative that would have legalized marijuana for adult use.

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995

The 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City was a direct blow to the heart of America. 168 people were killed, including nineteen children. For those watching the nightly news, terrorism had come home. For years following the bombing, countless victims' family members, survivors, rescuers, and ordinary Americans, have questioned the official accounts about that fateful day. Hoping to shed light on answers long ignored and censored, both by prominent media outlets and the U.S. government, A Noble Lie peels back what we thought we knew about the bombing and it's perpetrators. This film exposes information never before examined or brought to the attention of the American public. A Noble Lie is the culmination of years of research and documentation conducted by independent journalists, scholars, and ordinary citizens. Often risking their personal safely and sanity, they have gathered evidence which threatens to expose the startling reality of what exactly occurred at 9 -02 am on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City.

Haight-Ashbury: The Beat of a Generation

In a brief four year span in the late 1960's, in a quaint San Francisco neighborhood less than a mile square, a creative movement emerged that would ignite a musical genre. What would come to be coined "the San Francisco Sound" served as the soundtrack for a counter- culture revolution that would forever challenge the perception of the American ideal. This movement climaxed in a single California season known as the Summer of Love, in a neighborhood that provided a canvas for this artistic burst of imagination: Haight-Ashbury.

Captive Beauty

From Medellín, Colombia comes the feature-length documentary, CAPTIVE BEAUTY. It's an intimate portrait of four women, jailed for murder, kidnapping, revolution, and con-artistry, who are brought together by a beauty pageant held inside the prison walls. The weeklong pageant transforms the prison into colorful and controlled mayhem, and serves as a jumping off point to explore the contestants' lives. Leave the prison to meet their ex-boyfriends. Visit their hometowns. Walk with their victims through the scene of their crimes. You will get to know four women--- Catalina, Leidy, Diana and Marta----who grew up when Medellín was in the throws of violence. Candid and intimate interviews with each of them----about their childhood, their crimes, their notions of femininity, beauty, and innocence---help narrate the film. Diana is compassionate and girlish in one moment, and in the next she recounts stabbing her brother-in-law in the neck 36 times. Leidy confesses to a robbing spree through little towns across Colombia, and weeps as she describes her regret in leaving her son without his mom. Combining intimate pageant footage from inside the prison, with home videos, family photos, and provocative interviews with their friends, families, and enemies, CAPTIVE BEAUTY brings these women's stories to life. It is a tale both universal and entirely unique, sexy and brutal, where themes of innocence and femininity are turned on their heads and the criminal, for a day, becomes a queen. Danielle Calle - New Orleans Film Festival

Life According to Sam

A moving look at a couple's inspiring efforts to save their only son Sam from the rare and fatal premature-aging disease of progeria.

Eastwood Directs: The Untold Story (DVD)

Exploring Clint Eastwood's style of direction, this documentary highlights the more than 40 films that Clint Eastwood has made over a truly magnificent career. Told from the firsthand perspective of other legendary filmmakers and stars, interviews include Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Morgan Freeman, Meryl Streep, Gene Hackman, Tommy Lee Jones, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, Hilary Swank, and Brian Grazer among others.

Justin Bieber's Believe

Behind the headlines, beyond the spotlight... lies Justin's real story. Get to know Justin Bieber as only the lucky few do -- honest, funny and totally captivating -- through incredible performances and exclusive interviews with the star himself. This is the compelling documentary that goes backstage to reveal Justin's real story: his insights on evolving as an artist, the relationships that matter most to him, and what it's like to come of age in the spotlight. It also includes thrilling never-before-seen concert footage, unprecedented behind-the-scenes access and special appearances from manager Scooter Braun, Pattie Mallette and many more. (Original Title - Justin Bieber's Believe)

Glenn Wool: You Don't Go To Hell For Eating Elephants

Glenn Wool avoids swearing. But he's no soft-bellied sap. It's simply that he doesn't find swearing shocking or offensive enough for his first concert film, You Don't Go To Hell For Eating Elephants. In fact, with talent like Wool's, it only takes one tightly-woven stand-up set to insult every major religion (plus a few minor ones and Alcoholics Anonymous for good measure); make a meta-joke about God being mentally handicapped (and then explain, in legal terms, why the audience actually isn't allowed to be put off by that joke); and share a good half dozen sepia-toned anecdotes about illicit drug use. While he's on a roll, he goes on to encourage the interrogation and torture of Dick Cheney (''He says it works!''); use the phrases ''antelope in a top hat'' and ''the conductor position;'' hypothetically whore out the population of Iceland; and deftly explain why it is that a gangsta rapper will never be scarier than a guy in head-to-toe Brooks Brothers. Some of this description may, indeed, be from his CD release of the same time, Let Your Hands Go. It's up to you to find out which parts.

Muse: Live at Rome Olympic Stadium

Muse - Live At Rome Olympic Stadium is the first concert film ever to be filmed in 4K, a format soon to be adopted by Hollywood as standard for all blockbuster films. The show filmed on the 6th July 2013 in front of a capacity audience of over 60,000, captures the momentous evening in the Italian capital and showcases the most extravagant set build and spectacular stage show of any Muse tour to date. The three school friends from Devon take the audience on a mesmerizing journey using pyrotechnics, expansive digital screens and a troop of actors to accompany their epic playlist of 20 tracks, mixed in incredible surround sound.

Today We Saw the Face of God

A team of volunteers set off on what should have been an ordinary medical mission. They had no way of knowing the devastation that would inevitably come. On their final evening, the team treated their last patient, gathered their supplies and set off towards their sleeping quarters. Shortly thereafter, they felt a jolt of panic as the world began to shake and tremble violently beneath them. Within hours, the entire team was unexpectedly thrust into the center of one of the worst natural disasters in modern history.

A surprisingly hopeful look into a tragedy that shook the world, Today We Saw the Face of God is a true testament to the power of human connection in the face of unimaginable suffering.

Standard Operating Procedure

An examination of the unintended consequences of the Iraqi war with a focus on events at Abu Ghraib prison which began to appear in global media in 2004. The prison quickly became notorious for the shocking photos of the abuse and torture of terror suspects by military men and women. Ultimately, it is the story of soldiers who believed they were defending democracy but found themselves plunged into an unimagined nightmare. © 2008 Sony Pictures Classics Inc. and Participant Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Don't Ask Me Questions: The Unsung Life of Graham Parker and The Rumour

Before there was punk, before there was new wave, there was Graham Parker and the Rumour. The genesis of the seventies attitude, the band was lost in time. This film, ten years in the making, offers a heartfelt look at the lives of all the members, focusing on the elusive recluse lead singer and songwriter Graham Parker. Contributions come from the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Nick Lowe, and Joe Jackson.

Hot Coffee

Everyone knows the case of the woman who sued McDonald's over spilled coffee. Or do they? More than 15 years after making international news, the case continues to be cited as an example of citizens who use 'frivolous' lawsuits to take unfair advantage of the American legal system. But is that an accurate portrayal of the facts? An eye-opening documentary with jaw-dropping revelations, Hot Coffee exposes how corporations spend millions on propaganda campaigns to distort Americans' view of lawsuits-forever changing the civil justice system. By examining the impact of tort reform on the lives of ordinary citizens, the film shows how Americans give up their Constitutional rights in all sorts of ways without knowing it-for example, by voting for caps on damages or signing away your rights in contracts. Through interviews with politicians, judges, lawyers and ordinary citizens, first-time filmmaker and former public-interest lawyer Susan Saladoff delves into the facts of four cases to tear apart the conventional wisdom about 'jackpot justice."

Inside Job (2010)

Oscar®-nominated documentary filmmaker Charles Ferguson clearly shows that the 2008 global financial Armageddon was no accident. It was predicted and could have been prevented. This compelling, serious, easy-to-follow film will make you want to raise your voice and declare..."Enough!" (Original Title - Inside Job (2010)) © 2010 Sony Pictures Classics Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Poster Girl

Robynn Murray was an all-American high school cheerleader who became the poster girl for women in combat. Since returning from Iraq, she has fought an insidious foe: post-traumatic stress disorder. This Oscar®-nominated documentary short follows Robynn over the course of two years as she embarks on journey of self-discovery and redemption through art and poetry.

Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels Of A Tribe Called Quest

A Tribe Called Quest has been one of the most commercial successful and artistically significant musical groups in recent history. The band's sudden break-up in 1998 shocked the industry and saddened the scores of fans, whose appetite for the group's innovative musical stylings never seem to diminish. This insightful film, directed by Michael Rapaport, takes viewers on a behind-the-scenes journey - chronicling the group's rise to fame and revealing the stories behind the tensions which erupted in the years to come. (Original Title - Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels Of A Tribe Called Quest) © 2011 Beats Rhymes & Fights Productions LLC and Rival Pictures Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Wanted: The Wanted Dream

They are by far the most rebellious and exciting boy band on the planet today. 5 british lads that set their eyes on world domination, are showing what their made of. The new bad boys of pop never shy away from controversy and are always ready for a good fight. From their Twitter feud with rivals One Direction to being stalked by Lindsay Lohan, these boys are ready for everything. With exclusive interviews with friends and industry specialists, meet the band that is causing a stir in the world of music. Meet The Wanted.

Alien Boy: The Life and Death James Chasse

Alien Boy: The Life and Death of James Chasse examines his childhood, his intense involvement in the early Portland punk music scene (The Wipers wrote the song "Alien Boy" about him), the heart-breaking teenage onset of his schizophrenia, and his brave efforts to avoid institutionalization and maintain his independence.

Using interviews, personal writings, archival footage, official documents and videotaped depositions of the involved police officers, the film explores James Chasse's life and the police actions and decisions that led to his death. What emerges is an intimate and complex story of one man's life, the Chasse family's struggle for justice, and a city and a system grappling with accountability.

Biker Fox

Biker Fox is the story of Frank P. DeLarzelere III aka Biker Fox, Tulsa, Oklahoma's misunderstood motivational bicyclist, nature conservationist and muscle car guru. Part-documentary and part-self-help testimonial, the film navigates the uneasy relationships DeLarzelere has with both the city of Tulsa and himself, as his Biker Fox character's intentions of spirited goodwill sometimes neglect certain boundaries.


From running the country to skydiving, this endearing and enlightening portrait explores the life and careers of George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States.

Tiesto in Concert (Director's Cut)

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for...The 10th of May 2003 will be a day to remember in the history of dance music...For the first time on our planet...1 deejay... 25.000 people in this thrilling dome! Sold out weeks in advance, presenting to you...the man who has won all imaginable awards in dance music, the man who has sold hundreds of thousands of albums worldwide, the man who is taking us on a musical journey tonight! In Concert! Popular from L.A. to Moscow, from Sydney to Rio de Janeiro, all over the world. He is the world's number 1 deejay, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...DJ Tiesto!

The introduction above by MC Stretch almost says it all. Back in 2003, Tiesto was the first DJ to hold a solo concert in a stadium, on May 10th he performed for 25.000 people in Arnhem's GelreDome. Originally shot in High Definition, but never released as such to the public, this 2012 reissue will make you relive Tiesto's groundbreaking concert once again with improved image and sound. Essential!

The Treasures of Long Gone John

An engrossing story chronicling the eccentric art and musical obsessions of John Edward Mermis (Long Gone John), self-proclaimed anti-mogul and inde-rock label founder, Sympathy for the Music Industry (White Stripes). The film broadens to expose the popularity of the Lowbrow Art movement and its bible Juxtapoz Magazine, and takes the viewer on an exciting trip through the fascinating world of art, collectibles, music and popular culture once revered as fringe and now embraced by the mainstream.

Wim Wenders' Story Of His Early Years

In intimate conversations Wim Wenders talks about his sheltered upbringing in post-war Germany. The film follows him on a journey into the past that takes him to Paris, where he lived as a young painter and made his decision to become a filmmaker. He recounts his experiences, successes and failures as a film student on the way to becoming a director. He also conveys the attitudes and the euphoric mood among the first intake of students at Munich's newly founded film school. Apart from Wenders himself, some of his most important fellow-travellers also have their say, including Peter Handke, Robby Müller, Rüdiger Vogler, Bruno Ganz and Lisa Kreuzer. As they remember, they discuss some of the fundamental, recurring themes of Wenders' films -- such as the search for identity, friendship and communication. They also discuss their own personal experiences with Wenders, both private and professional. Excerpts from Wenders' early works illustrate how, time and again, the filmmaker portrayed familar people he knew and authentic experiences. This is just one of the ways in which this documentary sheds new light on the early films of Wim Wenders.