Plot Summary
Able Danger is the story of Thomas Flynn, a Brooklyn 9/11 truther (played by Adam Nee), who falls into a noir pastiche when a mysterious Eastern European beauty (played by Elina Lowensohn) arrives at his bookstore café with the irrefutable proof of American secret intelligence involvement in the planning and execution of 9/11. When Thomas is implicated in the murder of his friend and employee, he's forced to unravel her complex web of lies while attempting to fight his natural attraction to her. As it turns out, she possesses the Able Danger hard-drive, the smoking gun that proves the identities and methods of the real architects of 9/11, and Thomas is willing to risk everything to expose the truth. The film gets its title from the real secret government program of the same name that destroyed 2.5 terabytes of data in March 2001, and the café featured is based on the very real Brooklyn café for radical readers, Vox Pop. Festivals Played: Rotterdam Film Festival - January 2008, Brooklyn International Film Festival - May 2008, Warsaw International FilmFest - October 2008.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
40%- Reviews Counted: 5
- Fresh: 2
- Rotten: 3
- Average Rating: 4.9/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Rotten: Modeled on noir and executed on acid, Able Danger is a paranoid fantasy of geek superheroics that lunges desperately for political relevance.
Rotten: Able Danger's various generic elements and ambitions, while successful on their own, resist melding into a successful pastiche.
Rotten: Director Paul Krik would prefer if we all compared his feature-length debut to the practically minimalist The Parallax View, but Able Danger is really a hipster version of Soderbergh's inane The Good German.
Customer Reviews
Not a good movie. Not by a long shot.
I felt this movie to be amateur at best. It took some pointers from the noir genre, but there is nothing new here. Boring. Don't watch it!
Impressive feature debut for a talented filmmaker
I've followed Krik's earlier works in shorter formats--and have always been impressed with the compelling creative consistency of Krik's cinematic voice. "Able Danger" is definitely a feather in the cap worthy of this director on the rise.
Do not concur with other ratings
Unexpectedly, this movie was quite suspenseful as well as entertaining. I was very much impressed with all the male actors; especially the lead male character. Great lines and great timing in the dialogue. Better than recent mainstream movies I saw recently. Worth the rental fee by far!
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