Plot Summary
Alison is a film about a pregnant woman who leaves her husband and moves into a derelict motel, exploring the reach between self-discovery and self-destruction. Winner Best Actor, Best Director, Best Screenplay at the Inaugural Los Angeles International Film Festival. Directed by Paul Schattel and starring Lauren Fortuna, 'Alison' is "... a thoughtful and darkly compelling portrait of a woman in crisis — beautifully photographed, bravely acted, and told with a raw, unerring honesty." The Mountain Xpress.
Customer Reviews
Excellent -- intelligent and moving
I have never heard of the director or the lead actress Lauren Fortuna before, but wow what a cool small film! This is what more movies should be like -- about real people and real problems. I felt for Alison when she left her husband. In fact, the characters are all great and believable, even the 'bad guy' husband. Very well, done, tough to watch at times (the movie demands close attention) but well worth it. The ending is particularly emotional. Top notch.