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Amerikan Passport


Reed Paget

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Plot Summary

In this riveting indie documentary, Reed Paget, a 23-year-old photographer, traveled the globe and photographed political hotspots ranging from the massacre in Tianneman square in 1989 to the SCUD missile attacks in Iraq in 1991. You name it; Paget was there, camera in hand: interviewing locals in Vietnam and Cambodia, mingling with Contras in Nicaragua as civil war was being fought in El Salvador, ducking from gun fire in apartheid South Africa, or avoiding a riot in Berlin as the Wall was coming down. Winner of the Best Documentary at Slamdance Film Festival, this fascinating documentary from IFC Films features Paget's footage from his many travels and plays more like a James Bond film than the home-grown doc that it is.


Customer Reviews

An amazing collection of the world.

This movie is amazing. It shows us the truth from different event all around the world LIVE as they took place. I feel like i've learned more from this doc. then from all of my high school history classes. Just wow!


The most stunning documentary footage I've ever seen--Israel being bombed by Saddam Hussein, apartheid, Tiananmen Square (!!!!! he actually snuck in a camera during the protests and talked to the students!), Nicaragua, Berlin Wall being torn down, and so much more. Amazing primary source for many of the most turbulant events of the late 80s, early 90s. I cannot thank Reed Paget enough for making this movie, regardless of the quality (Which I happen to think is just fine--I mean, he was in dangerous places, often having to hide the presence of his camera from authorities, so he couldn't be dragging around a huge fancy camera. Keep in mind this was all filmed in the late 80s, early 90s, before digital.). I cannot sing the praises of this documentary loud enough!

Absolutely horrible

I'm not sure why this is so lauded as a documentary. The camerawork is not very good, film quality is poor and it's really the travails of a spoiled rich kid who, frankly, misses out on all the stuff he *should* be filming. Was in in Desert Storm? No! He was in Israel, which was largely kept out of it. Yes, SCUDS are scary, but living through that is hardly the stuff of gripping documentary work. And don't get me started on the Tianiamen Square, footage, which he -- again -- completely misses by going out of town. This is a triumph of marketing over substance.

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  • $9.99
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Released: 2008

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