Plot Summary
In February 2009 a group of Danish soldiers accompanied by documentary filmmaker Janus Metz arrived at Armadillo, an army base in the southern Afghan province of Helmand. Metz and cameraman Lars Skree spent six months following the lives of young soldiers situated less than a kilometer away from Taliban positions. The outcome of their work is a gripping and highly authentic war drama that was justly awarded the Grand Prix de la Semaine de la Critique at this year's Cannes film festival. But it also provoked furious debate in Denmark concerning the controversial behavior of certain Danish soldiers during a shootout with Taliban fighters. The filmmakers repeatedly risked their lives shooting this tense, brilliantly edited, and visually sophisticated probe into the psychology of young men in the midst of a senseless war whose victims are primarily local villagers.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
92%- Reviews Counted: 51
- Fresh: 47
- Rotten: 4
- Average Rating: 7.6/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: You emerge shaken and bothered, which may sound like a reason not to see the movie. It is actually the opposite.
Fresh: When the bombs go off and the bullets start flying, Metz and his cameraman provide a real-life vision of what a hurt locker is really all about.
Fresh: A mesmerizing, beautiful and terrifying documentary that can stand among the greatest war movies ever made.
Fresh: While much of Armadillo echoes last year's Restrepo, the unprecedented access of director Janus Metz and cameraman Lars Skree reveals the alternating waves of frontline tedium and terror with fresh immediacy.
Customer Reviews
A must see!
Fantastic movie, which gives an honest insight to the world the soldiers enter, and the surroundings of Helmand.
It's also nice that the movie is not just a patriotic view on how the soldiers make a difference. The movie allows you to draw your own conclusions. It doesn't forget the weak souls and "losers" of the war.
BTW, I think this was made before Restrepo... Not that it's important.
It was an eye opener to me.
Worth the rent
Great documentary, the subtitles are easy to fallow and understand, and some of the (cast) can and do speak english in certain parts. This documentary really does tell the truth of what it's like to be in a war. The men are all there for dfferent reasons they are not americans so their view of this war and other things are different and shed a new light i guess you could say, this isnt about patriotism this is about the adventures (to some) of war.
No one can judge those men, especially an upset mother with absolutely no idea what kind of emotions come to the surface when your very existence is at risk...never mind the lives of their comrades! Without knowing who the enemy was from one day to the next, the Danes performed admirably & represented their country well! Great human drama! To second guess what those young men did while they were fighting for their lives & representing their country & the Danish armed forces is the real disgrace!
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