Plot Summary
Two desperate women with a bundle of stolen cash attempt to elude the motorcycle gang they ripped off while struggling for their lives against a psychotic serial killer in director Ron Wolotzky's desert-bound thriller. Raven (Darlena Tejeiro) and Ashley (Andrea Bogart) may have escaped with the cash, but making it out of the desert alive might be a different story. As the determined bikers track the girls through the barren desert in pursuit of their money and a little revenge, an escaped prisoner with a taste for blood waits for the perfect moment to strike.
Customer Reviews
Entertaining all the way through!!
At first, it was a usual kind of movie like many others, predictable diaglog and characters. But as the movie progresses on the 2 young ladies become more addicted with the money, much like everyone else. Secret aliances and one hell of a plot!! I couldn't help but laugh and I don't know why (it was a good sign that the movie appealed to me). There are multiple blood scenes, some gore, and the characters all have twisis. The two young women were very good actors, they cracked me up!! I would give this movie an A, superb story and acting, blood scenes, suspense, and twists! Was worth the money! Surprises all along the way!! This is more of a horror/adventure movie, it's a keeper in my books! O and also, FIRST REVIEWER YEAH!!
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- Genre: Horror
- Released: 2006
- © 2011 Echo Bridge Entertainment, All Rights Reserved