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Behind the Orange Curtain

  Unrated HD Closed Captioning

Brent Huff

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Plot Summary

What's killing our children? The answer is right in your medicine cabinet - prescription drugs. Behind the Orange Curtain takes a hard look at the prescription drug epidemic plaguing affluent Orange County, California as well as the rest of the country. Every 24 minutes someone dies from a prescription drug overdose and this deadly game starts with OxyContin, Xanax, Vicodin, Opana and heroin. Our newest national epidemic is opiate addiction. A FilmBuff Presentation.


Customer Reviews

Mom with a teenager

One of the most amazing films I have seen so far. This film brings to reality the issue with prescription drugs and how they are taking young lives every day. If every parent and child watched this movie, they will have a very insightful look into this epedimic. We need to protect our children before it's too late. Laws should be passed to stop the corrupted doctors, the drug dealers and to educate the parents as to their rights and what they can do to save their child's life before it's too late. The stories in this movie are heartbreaking and once you see it, you will understand the severity of the issue we have today with prescription drugs. Kudos to the producers and to the executive producer Natalie Costa who is spearheading the effort to bring awareness to the public and to help save one life at a time!

Save My Child

I was one of those parents whose child escaped the grips of death. When I first saw Behind The Orange Curtain it enlightened me and opened my eyes to the plague that was and is affecting our youth today. Seeing the signs that were presented in the film, I was able to confront my child about her behavior that was obviously signs of abuse. She is clean and sober for 7 months now. Thank you for this guiding light on a subject everyone needs to know about. Thank you for saving my child's life.


This film is a MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE. OUR CHILDREN AND THE YOUTH IN AMERICA ARE KILLING THEMSELVES, UNINTENTIONALLY. This epidemic is everyone's problem, not just parents. Everyone who has ever been prescribed a pain killer or other narcotic needs to be extremely diligent about securing and disposing of their prescription narcotics. Even people who don't have kids living in their homes. They are highly addictive. They need to be secured safely, like any deadly weapons, such as a loaded gun.
Addicts initial exposure often comes from pills found in the homes of family, friends and neighbors. As the users need for drug increases, the initial sources dry up, the money runs out and eventually people are turning to less expensive options, like HEROIN. Much of it is produced in countries that are anti-American. Those countries are killing us from the inside by killing our youth and our future. And profiting financially, as well. Terrorist bombings are a horrific, highly visible show. This epidemic of prescription drug addiction needs to be as highly visible and publicized as the terrorist bombing attacks. Enemies to America are killing us from the inside out.
Since initial access to the pills is happening right in our own homes, all across America, every individual has a responsibility to diligently secure and dispose of prescriptions.

Behind the Orange Curtain
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