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California Conquest

  NR HD Closed Captioning

Lew Landers

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Plot Summary

The period is the 1840's and California is part of Mexico. Many of the citizens wish to become part of the United States. Other countries are also interested and the Russians have established bases in the northern part of the state. To further their hold they have stolen guns and Don Arturo Bordega, a leader of those wanting statehood, is out to recover them. Don Arturo Bordega, the leader of a wealthy group of Spanish Californians who are tired of Mexican rule, and fear British, French and Russian claims on the territory, are fighting for peace and freedom under the United States of America. Fredo Brios, another Spanish California, secretly plots for the Russians to take over, as he has been promised to be named the Russian governor. While leading the fight against Brios, Bordega meets and falls in love with Julie Lawrence, the daughter of an American settler.

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