Plot Summary
A young insomniac attempts to cope with his sleepless nights by taking a job at a local supermarket, only to discover that he possesses a curious coping mechanism in the debut feature from Academy-Award nominated filmmaker Sean Ellis. Ben (Sean Biggerstaff) has recently been dumped by his girlfriend, and in his grief he has lost his ability to sleep through the night. When Ben takes a job at the supermarket and makes the acquaintance of an odd collection of individuals, including silly slackers Barry (Michael Dixon) and Matt (Michael Lambourne) and aspiring kung fu master Brian (Marc Pickering), he begins to find his imagination taking flight in a most unusual manner. It seems that Ben has the ability to literally stop time, a talent that allows him to take pause, traverse the supermarket aisles, and ponder both his own life and the existence of the customers who stand frozen and completely unaware of his presence. As much a dreamer as Ben may be, however, his willingness to maintain his connection to the tangible, if slightly antiseptic, world he currently inhabits soon finds the wistful dreamer forming a close connection with disarmingly straightforward checkout girl Emily (Emilia Fox), whose solid ties to reality serve to offer a healthy contrast to the fantasy-prone insomniac's surreal form of escapism.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
46%- Reviews Counted: 52
- Fresh: 24
- Rotten: 28
- Average Rating: 5.4/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Rotten: Beware films with protagonists depicted as vastly more sensitive than their fellow characters. The result may be a crock like Cashback.
Rotten: Cashback aspires to be equal parts Volkswagen ad and Nicholson Baker's The Fermata, yet compares unfavorably to both.
Fresh: A very romantic portrait of a young artist as he ponders love, beauty and living in the moment.
Fresh: A flair for language both cinematic and verbal elevates an ordinary coming-of-age comedy of little substance.
Customer Reviews
Truly captures the meaning of romance
Unfortunately, I've seen too many romantic films in my period of existence, and the most unfortunate part of it all is that most aren't even good or close. Most romantic films feel too "put together" for reality. The idea or concept of that nothing can stop the "power of love" are too overly done in most romantic films, even though it's a hit for with ladies, it doesn't really hold much substance. This film however allows the male counterpart to enjoy in this "chick flick." Not only are there a ton of bare breasts, but this film truly understands the meaning of love and applies it to the real world. The selection of soundtrack was quite interesting, the direction of this film was absolutely brilliant, the best cinematography in a romantic film or most other genre of films. Everything about this movie was absolutely fantastic and very well thought out, till the end of the film where it felt a bit "put together." Saying the ending is rubbish is an understatement, however, for people less cynical than I am, the ending will do just fine, but really, I'm just nit picking here. I wanted to give this movie a 4 out of 5, but there was a side of me that told myself to "lighten up" so I'm giving it a 5 out of 5, and would've been a 5 out of 5 if the ending was better. It felt like they ran out of budget or film and decided to tie everything up in 8 minutes... but great movie nonetheless. Please do enjoy the film though, and thanks for reading this review.
Sweet little movie
Simple love story with indie wackiness that's touching in a gentle way. Lyrical, understated, and visually captivating.
Great movie!
Great nude shots throughout the movie. Also great plot. That ninja dude is freaking hilarious especially when he slaps that one guy.