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Chasing Beauty

  NR Closed Captioning

Brent Huff

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Plot Summary

A rare glimpse into the dark side of modeling, Chasing Beauty speaks with supermodels, photographers, agents and the like in a quest to answer one of the industry's most complex questions: What is beauty and is it worth the cost? Each year, thousands of hopefuls begin the pursuit of their modeling dreams, but how many actually succeed, and how long does success last? For many who try, there is no shortage of collateral damage along the way. Beauty is a billion dollar business, but consumers aren't the only ones paying the price.

Customer Reviews

Chasing Beauty

Interesting view inside the modeling industry. Probably the most surprising thing was the mentioning of a model who eats cotton balls soaked in orange juice. It seemed to just send out the message that models have it hard and we should be easier on them. I for one don't feel bad for any of them because they choose their career. If it's so horrible they can do something else. I think everyone would be better off (including them) if they chose to do something for the betterment of society at large. So we have starving people with nothing, and starving 6 ft tall women who get paid out the nose to starve themselves. I'm tired of the objectifying of women's bodies. It's degrading.

Deep Story

Well done, hard hitting doc, exposes the modeling industry. Cool to see behind the curtain.


SOOOOO fantastic!!! Riveting characters, well paced, emotional, and quite a few funny moments. Really made me think about true beauty in the world today. HIGHLY recommend!!!

Chasing Beauty
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  • $9.99
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Released: 2013

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