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Chick Magnet

  R HD Closed Captioning

Ryan Williams

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Plot Summary

When Jen tosses her freeloader husband (Phil) out of her life, he crashes with two college buddies. Then the unbelievable happens; he and his friends come upon a life changing discovery – a magic shirt that guarantees them sex with all the women they can handle. While Phil’s friends pursue a daily diet of Maxim models and close encounters with Hollywood’s hottest (Rosario Dawson, Kristen Bell & Kristy Swanson), Phil schemes to use the shirt to win Jen back. Chick Magnet is an edgy comedy about truth, justice, and the American lay.

Customer Reviews

Chick Magnet

While this movie's subject tells a person up front that the idea is way out there, the movie is even worse. Even the gratuitous T&A does not help. While there are some funny moments, this movie is just not good. Plan and simple. I regret renting it


I loved this independent movie... Soooooooooo funny!!!

Chick Magnet
View In iTunes
  • $12.99
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Released: 2011

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