Plot Summary
"Coffee Date" is a fast-paced comedy filled with sexual shenanigans of a misguided kind. Straight-laced Todd (Jonathan Bray) embarks on a blind date with Kelly, but his mundane world is quickly turned inside out when his female date turns out to be a hunk (Wilson Cruz, "Party Monster"). Friends and family - even his mother - not only think he's gay, but help thrust him towards this new romantic endeavor! Surrounded by an excellent supporting cast including comical Jonathan Silverman and Oscar-nominated Sally Kirkland, "Coffee Date" is a refreshing, madcap comedy of errors and the perfect metrosexual date movie.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
47%- Reviews Counted: 17
- Fresh: 8
- Rotten: 9
- Average Rating: 5.0/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Rotten: Leaving no cliche unturned, Coffee Date provides cheesy music, chats about gaydar and the obligatory are-you-looking-at-mine? urinal scene.
Rotten: Story would be easy to take more seriously if the technique weren't so unpolished.
Fresh: Amid a recent flurry of low-budget independent productions, Coffee Date is a standout with its strongly developed central characters, complex themes and polished look.
Fresh: A warmhearted tale carried by genuine affection and a charming cast rather than cutting one-liners and turbo-charged plotting.
Customer Reviews
Wasn't expecting much
I wasn't expececting much from this movie, but it turned out to be an enjoyable watch. Better than some, but not an all-time favorite. I could watch it again.
This movie was so good!!! I got Horny at some parts but they were so hot!!!! I wish I had a bf like that!!!
It's so funny I like it, i think mmmm i gonna buy it.
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