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Conspiracy Theory

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Plot Summary

An offbeat romantic comedy. Jerry Fletcher (Gibson), a conspiracy-obsessed New York cab driver, sees evidence of sinister plots in even the most ordinary places. Alice Sutton (Roberts) is a bright, albeit skeptical justice dept. attorney.

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews


  • Reviews Counted: 42
  • Fresh: 22
  • Rotten: 20
  • Average Rating: 6.2/10

Top Critics' Reviews

Fresh: En route to this cynical fade-out, Conspiracy Theory does show off enough glossy style ... and incidental cleverness to keep viewers largely hooked. – Janet Maslin, New York Times, Jul 16, 2008

Rotten: ...the strong impact that Gibson makes as damaged goods is diluted by selling Jerry as cute and redeemable. – Peter Travers, Rolling Stone, Nov 24, 2006

Rotten: In the hands of stars in denial about their stardom and a director who can't be bothered to take things seriously, it has come out implausible and unsatisfying, a comic thriller that is not especially funny or thrilling. – Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times, Jan 28, 2006

Fresh: What makes Conspiracy Theory interesting beyond its cleverness and currency is how the filmmakers manipulate our feelings about its protagonist, Jerry, a New York City cab driver. – Jeff Millar, Houston Chronicle, Apr 18, 2003

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Customer Reviews

I Loved It

An absolute must see. It's thought provoking and entertaining. Mel Gibson gives an excellent performance. I have to admit though, having never actually read Catcher in the Rye, I'm now curious to see what exactly it's about... I hope more people stumble across this film, it doesn't seem to be getting enough attention. (especially with only 3 reviews so far, mine included)

makes people who don

makes people who don't believe the lamestream media out to be conspiracy kooks

when in reality it's the other way around

Wonderful movie!

I don't know why, but this movie wants me to go out and buy "The Catcher in the Rye". A must see and a must have!

Conspiracy Theory
View In iTunes
  • $14.99
  • Genre: Thriller
  • Released: 1997

Customer Ratings