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Constantine's Sword

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Oren Jacoby

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Plot Summary

"Constantine's Sword," the latest film by Oscar-nominated documentarian Oren Jacoby, is an astonishing exploration of the dark side of Christianity, following acclaimed author and former priest James Carroll on a journey of remembrance and reckoning. Carroll, a National Book Award winner and columnist for the Boston Globe, is a practicing Catholic whose search for the truth leads him to confront persecution and violence in the name of God - today and in the Church's past. He discovers a terrible legacy that reverberates across the centuries; from the Emperor Constantine's vision of the cross as a sword and symbol of power, to the rise of genocidal anti-Semitism, to modern-day wars and conflicts sparked by religious extremism. At its heart, "Constantine's Sword" is a detective story, as Carroll journeys both into his own past - where he comes to terms with his father's role as a three-star General in the U.S. Air Force preparing for nuclear war - and into the wider world, where he uncovers evidence of church-sanctioned violence against Jews, Muslims, and others. Visiting the U.S. Air Force Academy, he and Jacoby expose how some evangelical Christians are proselytizing inside our country's armed forces and reveal the dangerous consequences of religious influence on American foreign policy. Warning of what happens when military power and religious fervor are joined, "Constantine's Sword" asks the timely question: Is the fanaticism that threatens the world today fueled by our own deeply held beliefs?

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews


  • Reviews Counted: 31
  • Fresh: 26
  • Rotten: 5
  • Average Rating: 6.8/10

Top Critics' Reviews

Fresh: At once enthralling and troubling...does about as good a job as you could hope of distilling a 750-page historical examination of religious zealotry and power into 95 swift minutes. – Stephen Holden, New York Times, Jun 24, 2010

Fresh: Whatever your persuasion, you'll walk out enriched. – Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly, Jun 24, 2010

Fresh: Oren Jacoby's magnificent, thought-provoking essay film Constantine's Sword examines the unholy alliance between organized religion and military power. – Ronnie Scheib, Variety, Jun 24, 2010

Rotten: The movie raises important issues, but it provides few answers as it moves along in uninspired, talking-heads fashion. – V.A. Musetto, New York Post, Jun 24, 2010

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Customer Reviews

Bashing Christians, ducks in a barrel

Blood thirsty savages beheading Daniel Pearl, secular death fascist camps, Communist gulags that killed and starved millions. What do all these things have in common? They are all responsible for actual atrocities. Why do all the nancy boys that went to film or art school go around stomping on Christianity then? Because they are too cowardly to draw a cartoon of mohammed. Now that would be trully courageous! What has Christianity done that is soooo evil besides given Western civilization a moral framework for the last 2000 years? Imagine if say Islam or perhaps Paganism or even Atheism would have been the predominant belief system that dismiss such concepts as grace, love, peace and yes , tolerance? Try those precepts on a commited Fascist, Taliban. Let me know if they would "love their enemy"

Fascinating Film

This film looks at the connection between Christianity in the US and war. James Carroll contrasts his becoming a minister with his father who was active in the military. Carroll does a good job of trying to contrast the good of Christianity that Carroll represents with the blood thirsty side. It's a fascinating film.

...and somewhere in the middle lies the truth...

For those claiming invented history or Catholic bashing, you shouldn't make knee-jerk and emotional comments in defense of your beliefs.

He isn't catholic bashing...but merely unveiling some of the instituional religious corruption you ignore. Blind faith is bliss isn't it? And "inventing history"...C'mon man! He simply chose to select those information sources which supported his cause...just like the very instituions he was attacking....and somewhere inbetween...lies the truth.

This is a great film exposing religious preference in instituions. Watch it for be the judge...

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