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Ben Hackworth

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Plot Summary

A director has organized for a young man to visit him in a meditation retreat to perform scenes from a story of his life. The young man has been given a tape of instructions: he must visit different rooms over the weekend, encountering five actresses who portray the key women in the director's life. Over the following days, the young man becomes familiar with the women and through the content of the performances - he becomes familiar with the history of the director. This allows Conor to have compassion to "play" the director and as the final scenes unfold, he must make a decision about whether the performance has gone too far. This indie drama is an IFC Films release.

Customer Reviews

lost corrobberee

either way beyond my artistic appreciation capabilities or the worst piece of vain pursuits by a bunch of losers. i feel like ITUNES should have paid me to watch it! Graphic nudity???? R KIDDING ME?!?!?!? i have been more aroused accidentally watching " UGLY AMERICANS" ! Please for the good of all man/woman kind do not waste you time and money……., unless u r really artsey fartsey !

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  • $14.99
  • Genre: Drama
  • Released: 2009

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