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Crude Impact

  NR Closed Captioning

James Jandak Wood

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Plot Summary

It took hundreds of millions of years for petroleum to form on Earth. It took just 150 years for human beings to bleed the planet of roughly half of this oil. Arresting in its honesty and erudition, "Crude Impact" examines the catastrophic prospect of 'world peak oil' or the point in time when the quantity of petroleum extracted from the earth begins to irreversibly decline. The film illuminates a vicious cycle of escalating dependency and need, as well as the behaviors and patterns fueling this cycle, such as consumer fetishism and the myth of endless supply, the tremendous rise in population, and the demands of many more quickly-industrializing nations. It also surveys the devastating and far-reaching effects of the rampant pursuit of oil, including increasingly aggressive political turmoil, irreparable ecological damage, economic turbulence, and gross human rights violations. Elegantly weaving together an alarmingly accelerating pattern of consumption and depletion, the award-winning "Crude Impact" reveals a frighteningly dark future that can only be averted by becoming informed, spreading awareness, and revolutionizing the way we think and live.

Customer Reviews

Very Impactful!!

This is a very well done documentary that will get your attention like a head on accident. This film hits all important areas; the environment, sustainability and social justice. My life changed in a very positive way after seeing this hard hitting movie. A must see for our times!

A Must-See Documentary

This is an amazing, eye-opening film about Peak Oil. It's extremely informative and sounds the alarm about the importance of using alternative forms of energy. Buy this film and share it with your friends. That's how I first viewed it -- at a friend's home...and afterward we talked for hours about its content.

The price of gas will not change the IMPACT

It seems that people's concern over the oil crisis and the environment are somehow directly proportional to the current price of gas at the pump. This movie helps you understand that the impact of CRUDE and it's role in our life needs to be managed right now. It is precious and it is being wasted in absurd ways and those absurdities are having a terrible IMPACT. Yes, the premise is simple, but this is a highly intelligent documentary where you are given a a real education, a crash course, in what is going on, how all these economic and environmental ecosystems are interconnected and what can be done about it. Watch it.

Crude Impact
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  • $9.99
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Released: 2009

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