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Dark Circle

  NR Closed Captioning

Judy Irving & Chris Beaver

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Plot Summary

Winner of the Grand Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and recipient of a national Emmy Award, Dark Circle follows the trail of plutonium from the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons facility in Colorado to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in California to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Customer Reviews

Full of inaccuracies; a film obviously made for political purposes

Where to begin?

First of all, the only nuclear reactors in the world that use any real degree of plutonium are the liquid-sodium-cooled reactors in military ships; there are few applications outside of nuclear weapons that use plutonium, a by-product of “stacking” a commercial nuclear power plant that utilizes U235 as its fuel with U238, which is relatively stable and absorbs neutrons to become Pu239.

Putting plutonium in a commercial nuclear plant’s fuel rod would result in too-unstable power and heat production, considerable problems with fast flux neutrons, and would be as unstable as nitroglycerin being warmed outside in the sun on a hot day.

The Hiroshima weapon was made almost exclusively with U235 (though using U238 as a jacket and neutron reflector) in the weapon. Sorry, no plutonium except in the instant after the weapon’s explosion (where U238 absorbed some neutrons from the fissioning U235). Source: “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” by Richard Rhodes; “The Curve of Binding Energy” by John McPhee, just two of the texts you

These are but a few of the inaccuracies in this documentary.

If you’re going to make a movie for world disarmament, do your research and get the “facts” right. inaccuracy results in the film losing credibility, veracity, and integrity. This documentary is little better than a high school book report, and is obviously intended for the purposes of some hidden agenda. Hint: there is no such thing as “safe” nuclear power — for any purposes.

Dark Circle
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  • $4.99
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Released: 2007

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