Plot Summary
Rudy Ray Moore stars as Dolemite, sent to prison on a frame-up by some crooked cops and his arch rival, the notorious Willy Green. Dolemite is offered an early release if he can bring down Green, who is terrorizing the city. Dolemite and his beautiful female army of kung fu killers take on the mob in one of the greatest martial arts rumbles ever filmed.
Customer Reviews
Rudy Ray Moore rolls in like a freight train to avenge the death of his nephew and clean up LA. This action packed Blaxsplotation film has all the 1970's foolishness and swagger any cult film follower would ever want. It far exceeds the intoxicating affects of films like 'Eraser Head' or 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you like low budget ridiculousness at it's finest, this is the movie to watch.