Donkey Punch
Closed CaptioningOliver Blackburn
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Plot Summary
After meeting at a nightclub in a Mediterranean resort, seven young adults decide to continue partying aboard a luxury yacht in the middle of the ocean. But when one of them dies in a freak accident, the others argue about what to do, which leads to a ruthless fight for survival.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
49%- Reviews Counted: 51
- Fresh: 25
- Rotten: 26
- Average Rating: 5.5/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Rotten: Will anyone finally escape this floating slaughterhouse? Do you even care?
Rotten: The claustrophobic open-water setting might have worked but for the uncomfortably explicit sex scene and flashy gore. In fact, this predictable film wouldn't be effective anywhere outside a DARE program.
Fresh: It's got enough formulaic flair to make it a guilty-pleasure cousin of seaborne nailbiters Knife in the Water and Dead Calm.
Fresh: The movie becomes a Knife in the Water for the era of Ugly Briton, package tour imperialism.
Customer Reviews
best movie title ever
this movie was so great i can't wait for the sequel, Cleveland steamer
Donkey Punch
This movie had potential but it doesn't get very far. I don't know how the female died in the first place. And during the rest of the movie the characters avoid using common sense and do a lot of stupid things that take away from the movie. Not a classic. Watch but don't expect much
Donkey punch
Great movie well played and written good soundtrack too...for a independent movie it get two toes's a must see thriller....
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Also Available
- Donkey Punch (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)
- Various Artists