Plot Summary
Hilarious rock n roll comedy from 1996 in the spirit of "This Is Spinal Tap," "Ater Hours" and "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains. "A down and out rock n' roll band, Hindenburg, kidnap their favorite British rock star, Spazz-O, and hold him hostage so he will listen to their music and make them famous. the problem is, Spazz-O's ex porn star wife Holly Everest and his back-stabbing manager, Dave Donovan, can't wait to get their hands on his fortune, and have hired a hitman to do him in. Thanks to a media feeding frenzy, Spazz-O's career is hotter than ever. Enter media mogul Thor Sturmundrang with a big advance check. Now Sazz-O is worth more alive than dead. Dave must outwit the bumbling band, clumsy cops, ruthless record execs and terrifying terrorists to get his just reward. "Drop Dead Rock" explodes in a comic free for all.
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