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Gettysburg: Extended Edition

  PG HD Closed Captioning

Ronald F. Maxwell

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Plot Summary

Summer 1863. The Confederacy pushes north into Pennsylvania. Union divisions converge to face them. Two great armies will clash at Gettysburg, site of a theology school. For three days, through such legendary actions as Little Round Top and Pickett's Charge, the fate of "one nation, indivisible" hangs in the balance.

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews


  • Reviews Counted: 16
  • Fresh: 14
  • Rotten: 2
  • Average Rating: 7.2/10

Top Critics' Reviews

Fresh: Gettysburg succeeds as a motion picture event, and as a re-creation of a pivotal chapter of American history. – Daniel M. Kimmel, Variety, Jul 7, 2010

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Customer Reviews


I remember the first time I watched this movie. We had the VHS version (yes it was that long ago) laying around, so one day my brother and I popped it in, and stayed up until 3 o'clock in the morning that night watching this incredible movie. After that day I developed a passion for all things Civil War related. The un-biased character of the movie is one particular thing I enjoyed with this movie. It really helped bring out the honor and bravery of both sides. Chamberlain has become one of my favorite historical figures. Any man should enjoy this movie, even if they are not military history buffs.

Killer Angels Done Great

This movie is based on the epic novel the Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, grand in scale and great actors. My only negative is the expansive use of reanactors who gathered to assist in making the movies, if you follow the fighting closely you can notice the amateurism. However, this movie was made before CG was so widespread, the vast battle scenes in panorama make up for the technical flaws. One of my favorite movies and is a classic. Gods and Generals did not fare as well as this movie however so the Last Full Measure was not made, very unfortunate.


It has always been one of my favorite movies. After having recently visited the Gettysburg National Military Park, I am going to watch it again. I actually stood on and walked around the Devil's Den, the Wheatfield, Peach Orchard and, especially, Little Round Top. It was a very emotional experience and during my 2 days there, scenes from this movie kept playing in my mind.

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