Plot Summary
Directed by David Fincher and based on Gillian Flynn’s bestseller, this engaging thriller reveals secrets of a modern marriage. On his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports his beautiful wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) missing. Amidst a media frenzy and pressure from the law, Nick's portrait of a blissful union fades. Soon, his behavior prompts the question: Did he kill his wife?
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
87%- Reviews Counted: 198
- Fresh: 171
- Rotten: 27
- Average Rating: 8.0/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: In the film's final stages [Fincher] seems to be relying entirely on craft - but, boy, is it effective craft.
Fresh: Director David Fincher lands a tone for Gone Girl that's broad and precise enough to encourage a series of witty performances within the thriller framework.
Fresh: Gillian Flynn's playful novel is now David Fincher's chilling movie. Still packed with twists and turns, but the overall effect is unsettling.
Fresh: 145 minutes of riveting drama and surprises.
Customer Reviews
An Amazing film !!
Wow when I just watched the movie from beginning till end i began to feel the suspense of it and every segments of the film makes you conflicted in wether who did who ? This movie is of course going to the oscars
One of the best thriller/suspense movie ever from director Fincher's precision from the book makes it a masterpiece !!