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Group Sex

  R Closed Captioning

Lawrence Trilling

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Plot Summary

Herman has a weakness for strip clubs. Donny has a thing for condiments and Tiffany is a newly celibate martial artist. These are Andy’s new friends after he unsuspectingly follows his dream girl into a sexual addiction recovery group. At first this seems like the best possible news! However, Andy’s professional and personal life begins to unravel as he deepens his ties to this lovable, but damaged group. Andy’s search for love leads him on a journey of self-discovery that is hilarious, painful and “touching”!

Customer Reviews

Group Sex is Hilarious!

This movie is one of the funniest I've seen in a while. If you like American Pie, My Best Friend's Girl and similar movies, you won't be disappointed! Greg Grunberg, Tom Arnold & Rob Benedict steal every scene they are in. Hilarious!

This movie is..

Def. Not as pervy as it sounds, its really funny & smart. Greg Grunberg from Heroes is in it so its gotta be good! :{)

Group Sex
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  • $5.99
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Released: 2010

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