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K.C. Bascombe

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Plot Summary

Sexy, dangerous, and madly in loveā€¦"Hide" is a modern day "Bonnie and Clyde"-with a twist. Follow Billy and Betty, the South's most notorious couple, down a path of destruction, mayhem, and murder as they live and die in a world where it's acceptable to take whatever you want...though consequences are deadly.

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews


  • Reviews Counted: 12
  • Fresh: 10
  • Rotten: 2
  • Average Rating: 6.4/10

Top Critics' Reviews

Fresh: It's a good deal too stagey to work as a thriller, but the location shooting on desolate mud-flats is resonant and the twist has a sick verve. Addictive stuff. – Tim Robey, Daily Telegraph, Jul 7, 2010

Fresh: It's all given a much-needed shot of credibility by the strength of the writing and the subtlety of the directing. Losey is a talent to watch, and 'The Hide' makes for one hell of a Hollywood calling card. – David Jenkins, Time Out, Jun 24, 2010

Fresh: Every time you think you've got The Hide pegged, and marked it down as one of those small British films, it twists out of reach. A play adaptation that exceeds boundaries and defies expectations. – Holly Grigg-Spall, Film4, Jun 24, 2010

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Customer Reviews

I didn't know I was watching a horror movie

The acting was spectacular. And the movie itself was very interesting, if a little confusing. However, I didn't enjoy the horror/thriller ending, it's just not my favorite genre, maybe others will appreciate it though. It's nice to watch once but it's not a movie I could watch over and over again, so I'd reccommend renting it first.


Okay, so I rented this movie to see CK, not ashamed of it. And despite some reviews; it wasn't a bad movie. The ending is a little confusing thinking...and it's a spoiler...that he ended up in, REAL hell? Not sure....but it was an interesting twist...Yeah, the accent's a little cheesy...the girl overacted...i think CK was good in it, and still managed to be attractive with the bearded-and-crazy-eyes look. I mean, for $'s worth a peep.

Dark & good

Christian Kane is great. Strong performances by both leads,